Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Racing Through History: A Daring Chariot Adventure in Rome Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2024-12-23-08-38-19-sl Story Transcript:Sl: V mrzlem zimskem jutru, ko se snežinke nežno vrtinčijo nad starodavnim rimskim mestom, sta se Matej in Tanja pripravila na vznemirljiv dan.En: On a cold winter morning, as snowflakes gently swirled over the ancient Roman city, Matej and Tanja prepared for an exciting day.Sl: Arena je bila okrašena z zelenimi venci in svetlikajočimi zvezdami, ki so dajale rimskemu mestu praznični pridih.En: The arena was decorated with green wreaths and shimmering stars, giving the Roman city a festive touch.Sl: Na vsakem vogalu je dišalo po pečenem kostanju in začinjenem vinu.En: At every corner, the scent of roasted chestnuts and spiced wine filled the air.Sl: Matej, vedno radoveden zgodovinar, je navdušeno preučeval detajle okoli sebe.En: Matej, always a curious historian, enthusiastically studied the details around him.Sl: "Poglej, Tanja, prav takšen je bil Rim v svojih najboljših časih!En: "Look, Tanja, this is exactly how Rome was in its prime!"Sl: " je rekel, oči mu žarele od navdušenja.En: he said, his eyes glowing with excitement.Sl: Tanja je zavzdihnila.En: Tanja sighed.Sl: "Ja, matej, čudovito je.En: "Yes, Matej, it's beautiful.Sl: Ampak pazi, da ne zaideva v težave danes!En: But be careful not to get us into trouble today!"Sl: "Na vogalu arene je plakat ponujal vstop v rimsko dirko s konjskimi vpregami.En: At the corner of the arena, a poster offered entry into a Roman chariot race.Sl: "Samo rekonstrukcija je," je rekel Matej samozavestno in se odpravil proti prijavni stojnici.En: "It's just a reenactment," Matej said confidently and headed toward the registration booth.Sl: Tanja, čeprav skeptična, je vdano sledila.En: Tanja, though skeptical, dutifully followed.Sl: Ko sta bila enkrat na vozu, je Tanja začutila, kako konji netopirajo pot pod njenimi nogami.En: Once on the chariot, Tanja felt the horses pounding the ground beneath her feet.Sl: "Matej, nekaj ni prav," je rekla skrbno.En: "Matej, something's not right," she said worriedly.Sl: A on se je le smejal, prepričan, da je vse del predstave.En: But he just laughed, convinced it was all part of the show.Sl: Nenadoma je zazvenel rog, in konji so se pognali naprej z izjemno hitrostjo.En: Suddenly, a horn sounded, and the horses surged forward with incredible speed.Sl: "Matej, to je resnično!En: "Matej, this is real!"Sl: " je zaklicala Tanja z začudenjem in rahlim strahom.En: Tanja shouted in amazement and slight fear.Sl: Matej je, sprva presenečen, nato pa vse bolj navdušen nad izzivom, usmerjal konje skozi ostrih ovinkov.En: Matej, initially surprised, then increasingly thrilled by the challenge, steered the horses through sharp bends.Sl: Tanja se je obrnila in videla, kako se jim bliža druga vprega.En: Tanja turned and saw another chariot approaching.Sl: "Morava biti hitrejša!En: "We have to be faster!"Sl: " je zaklicala.En: she shouted.Sl: Z njeno ostroumnostjo se je hitro domislila načina.En: With her sharp wit, she quickly thought of a way.Sl: Zgrabila je pozlačeni zvonek z okovja vozovega sedeža in začela z njim mozoljico zvoniti v ušesa konjem za njima.En: She grabbed a gilded bell from the fittings of the chariot's seat and began ringing it loudly in the ears of the horses behind them.Sl: To jih je zmedlo, njihov priključek je bil upočasnjen.En: This confused them, and their pace slowed.Sl: Preden sta vedela, sta prečkala ciljno črto, in množica se je razveselila.En: Before they knew it, they crossed the finish line, and the crowd cheered.Sl: "Bravo, Matej!En: "Bravo, Matej!Sl: Bravo, Tanja!En: Bravo, Tanja!"Sl: " so klicali ljudje, navdušeni nad njunim pogumnim nastopom.En: people shouted, thrilled by their brave performance.Sl: Ko sta končno zapustila vprego, so ju domačini, očarani nad njunim uspehom, povabili na slavnostno večerjo.En: As they finally left the chariot, the locals, enchanted by their success, invited them to a celebratory dinner.Sl: Tanja je s hvaležnostjo sprejela, Matej pa je bil poln vtisov tega posebnega dne.En: Tanja gratefully accepted, while Matej was full of impressions from this special day.Sl: Med praznovanjem, kot sta se smehljala in obujala dogodke dneva, je Matej povedal: "Obljubim, da bom odslej bolj poslušal tvoje nasvete.En: During the celebration, as they smiled and reminisced about the day's events, Matej said, "I promise to listen to your advice more from now on."Sl: " Tanja pa se je nasmehnila.En: Tanja smiled.Sl: "In jaz sem ugotovila, da so takšne avanture lahko prav zabavne.En: "And I’ve realized these adventures can be quite fun."Sl: "Njuna vez je postala trdnejša, obogatena z novo avanturo, ki jo bosta hranila dolgo v srcih.En: Their bond grew stronger, enriched with a new adventure they would cherish in their hearts for a long time.Sl: ...
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