• From Snowflakes to Success: Žiga's Holiday Office Triumph
    Dec 26 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: From Snowflakes to Success: Žiga's Holiday Office Triumph Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2024-12-26-23-34-02-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Zvok tipkovnic je bil skorajda pomirjajoč v pisarni.En: The sound of keyboards was almost soothing in the office.Sl: December je bil v polnem zamahu, zunaj so snežinke nežno padale na tla.En: December was in full swing, and outside, snowflakes gently fell to the ground.Sl: V notranjosti je bil prostor okrašen s svetlečimi lučkami, kotiček pa je krasilo majhno božično drevesce.En: Inside, the space was decorated with sparkling lights, and a small Christmas tree adorned the corner.Sl: Vonj po kuhanem vinu in cimetu je prežemal zrak, medtem ko so sodelavci hiteli dokončati zadnje projekte pred božičem.En: The scent of mulled wine and cinnamon permeated the air as colleagues hurriedly worked to finish their final projects before Christmas.Sl: Med njimi je bil Žiga, zavzet pisarniški delavec, ki je želel pokazati svojo predanost in si priboriti napredovanje.En: Among them was Žiga, a dedicated office worker who wanted to demonstrate his commitment and earn a promotion.Sl: Njegov šef, gospod Novak, ni bil zlahka prepričan, a Žiga je verjel, da mu bo dodatni trud pomagal.En: His boss, Mr. Novak, was not easily convinced, but Žiga believed that extra effort would help him.Sl: Pri mizi nasproti njega je sedela Nika.En: Seated at the desk opposite him was Nika.Sl: Bila je nova in precej priljubljena med sodelavci, a njena zlomljena roka ji je močno oteževala delo.En: She was new and quite popular among her colleagues, but her broken arm made her work significantly more difficult.Sl: Pogled Žige se je ustavil na Niki, ki se je trudila tapkati po tipkovnici z eno roko in hkrati popraviti dokumente z drugo.En: Žiga's gaze stopped on Nika as she struggled to type with one hand and simultaneously correct documents with the other.Sl: Žiga si je globoko oddahnil.En: Žiga took a deep breath.Sl: Vedel je, da je sedaj pravi trenutek, da pokaže sodelovanje in pomoč.En: He knew this was the right moment to show collaboration and support.Sl: Odločil se je, da bo pomagal Niki, čeprav je to pomenilo več dela zanj.En: He decided to help Nika, even though it meant more work for him.Sl: S širokim nasmeškom se je obrnil k njej: "Nika, potrebuješ kakšno pomoč pri tekstu ali predstavitvi?En: With a broad smile, he turned to her, "Nika, do you need any help with the text or the presentation?"Sl: "Nika je bila presenečena in hvaležna.En: Nika was surprised and grateful.Sl: "Hvala, Žiga, zelo bi mi pomagalo.En: "Thank you, Žiga, that would really help."Sl: "Združila sta moči in skupaj začela delati na projektu, ki je bil ključnega pomena za njihovo ekipo.En: They joined forces and began working together on the project, which was crucial for their team.Sl: Žiga je hitro prevzel vlogo vodje, koordiniral člane ekipe, delegiral naloge in poskrbel, da se delo ni upočasnilo.En: Žiga quickly took on the role of leader, coordinating the team members, delegating tasks, and ensuring that the work didn't slow down.Sl: Ko je končno napočil zadnji dan pred božičem, ko je bil projekt zaključen in oddan, je napetost v pisarni popustila.En: When the final day before Christmas finally arrived and the project was completed and submitted, the tension in the office eased.Sl: Gospod Novak je opazil trud in vodstvene sposobnosti, ki jih je pokazal Žiga.En: Mr. Novak noticed the effort and leadership skills that Žiga demonstrated.Sl: Čeprav ni takoj prejel napredovanja, ga je Novak poklical in pohvalil za izjemno delo ter obljubil, da bo pri naslednji priložnosti v prvi vrsti za napredovanje.En: Although he did not immediately receive a promotion, Novak called him over and praised him for his exceptional work, promising that at the next opportunity, he would be first in line for advancement.Sl: Nika se je z nasmehom obrnila k Žigi: "Brez tvoje pomoči ne bi uspela.En: Nika turned to Žiga with a smile: "Without your help, I wouldn't have succeeded.Sl: Resnično hvala.En: Thank you so much."Sl: " Njuna prijateljstva je postala močna vez, rojeno iz težkih časov.En: Their friendship became a strong bond, born out of difficult times.Sl: Žiga se je naučil pomembne lekcije.En: Žiga learned an important lesson.Sl: Pomembno je pomagati drugim in graditi skupnost, saj osebni uspeh ni nič brez sodelovanja.En: It's important to help others and build a community because personal success is nothing without collaboration.Sl: S tem spoznanjem je bilo okrašeno letošnje praznično obdobje, s snežinkami, ki so še vedno plesale zunaj oken, v ozadju pa zvoke božičnih pesmi.En: This realization embellished this year's festive season, with snowflakes still dancing outside the windows and the sounds of Christmas songs playing in the background. Vocabulary Words:soothing: pomirjajočfull swing:...
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    15 mins
  • Finding Balance: Anže's Holiday Journey to Family First
    Dec 26 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Finding Balance: Anže's Holiday Journey to Family First Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2024-12-26-08-38-19-sl Story Transcript:Sl: V mestnem središču, med hrupom mestnega prometa, se je nahajal eleganten poslovni nebotičnik.En: In the city center, amidst the noise of city traffic, stood an elegant business skyscraper.Sl: Stavba je bila okrašena z božičnimi lučkami, pričarala je občutek bližajočih se praznikov.En: The building was decorated with Christmas lights, evoking the feeling of the upcoming holidays.Sl: V notranjosti, med pisarniškimi mizami in računalniki, je bil Anže.En: Inside, among the office desks and computers, was Anže.Sl: Bil je zavzet in poseben sodelavec, ki si je prizadeval doseči letne cilje.En: He was a dedicated and exceptional colleague striving to achieve the annual goals.Sl: Anže je strmel v zaslon, poln številk in grafov.En: Anže stared at the screen full of numbers and graphs.Sl: V sobi so odmevale tipkovnice in telefoni.En: The room echoed with the sounds of keyboards and phones.Sl: Matej se je pojavil ob njem.En: Matej appeared next to him.Sl: »Kako gre, prijatelj? Boš končal vse do roka?« je vprašal Matej, njegov kolega in prijatelj, ki se mu je nasmihal.En: "How's it going, my friend? Will you finish everything by the deadline?" asked Matej, his colleague and friend, smiling at him.Sl: Anže je zavzdihnil.En: Anže sighed.Sl: »Se trudim. Ampak...doma so tudi pomembne stvari.«En: "I'm trying. But... there are important things at home too."Sl: Matej se je usedel.En: Matej sat down.Sl: »Zagotovo si najboljši kandidat za partnerstvo. Samo, ne pozabi oditi domov. Družina je pomembna.«En: "You are definitely the best candidate for the partnership. Just, don't forget to go home. Family is important."Sl: Ta beseda je odtujeno zvenela v ušesih Anžeta.En: That word sounded distant in Anže's ears.Sl: Njegov cilj je bil doseči promocijo, a srce ga je vleklo domov, kjer ga je čakala Katja z njunim toplim božičnim zavetjem.En: His goal was to achieve the promotion, but his heart was drawn home, where Katja was waiting with their warm Christmas haven.Sl: Katja je bila doma prava vila.En: Katja was a real fairy at home.Sl: Vsak kotiček stanovanja je dišal po piškotih, povsod so bile vejice smrečja in drobne lučke so osvetljevale vsak prostor.En: Every corner of the apartment smelled of cookies, sprigs of fir were everywhere, and small lights illuminated every space.Sl: »Anže, prihajaš pozno. Pogrešamo te,« mu je rekla po telefonu, medtem ko je tlačila darila v vrečke.En: "Anže, you're arriving late. We miss you," she said over the phone while packing gifts into bags.Sl: »Se zavedam, bom kmalu videl, kar moram in bom prišel.« Bil je obljuba, ki jo je želel izpolniti.En: "I realize, I'll see what I need to soon and come." It was a promise he wanted to fulfill.Sl: Prišla je božična noč.En: Christmas Eve arrived.Sl: Doma je vladala spokojnost.En: A calmness reigned at home.Sl: Otroci so hihitali pred smrečico.En: The children giggled in front of the Christmas tree.Sl: Anže je sedel ob Katji.En: Anže sat next to Katja.Sl: »Vsekakor si zaslužimo ta trenutek,« je pomislil.En: "We definitely deserve this moment," he thought.Sl: Nato je zazvonil telefon. Bila je služba.En: Then the phone rang. It was work.Sl: »Anže, težave na projektu. Moramo to rešiti zdaj.« Srce mu je razbijalo.En: "Anže, issues with the project. We need to resolve this now." His heart was pounding.Sl: Pogledal je Katjo, njen mehki nasmeh ga je pomiril.En: He looked at Katja, her soft smile calmed him.Sl: Odločil se je.En: He made a decision.Sl: Poklical je Mateja: »Matej, nujno potrebujem tvojo pomoč. Reši to, prosim. Zaupam ti.«En: He called Matej: "Matej, I urgently need your help. Please handle this. I trust you."Sl: Matej je bil presenečen, a tudi ganjen. »Seveda, stavim na to.«En: Matej was surprised but also touched. "Of course, I'm on it."Sl: Svetloba svečk in drevo je sijalo v sobi, Anže se je smejal in užival trenutke z družino.En: The light from the candles and the tree shone in the room, Anže laughed and enjoyed the moments with his family.Sl: Ko se je vrnil v pisarno po praznikih, so se obrazi sodelavcev nasmehnili.En: When he returned to the office after the holidays, the faces of his colleagues were smiling.Sl: Njegov šef ga je pohvalil. »Anže, tvoje sposobnosti vodenja so res izjemne.«En: His boss praised him. "Anže, your leadership abilities are truly exceptional."Sl: Anže je odšel domov z občutkom izpolnitve.En: Anže went home with a sense of fulfillment.Sl: Naučil se je nekaj pomembnega: življenje je skupek ravnotežij.En: He learned something important: life is a balance of things.Sl: Delegiranje ni pokazatelj šibkosti, ampak moči zaupanja v ljudi okoli sebe.En: Delegating is not a sign of weakness but a strength of trusting ...
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    17 mins
  • A Christmas Lesson: The Gift of Health and Togetherness
    Dec 25 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: A Christmas Lesson: The Gift of Health and Togetherness Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2024-12-25-23-34-02-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Matej je sedel na kavču v svoji toplo okrašeni dnevni sobi.En: Matej was sitting on the couch in his warmly decorated living room.Sl: Zunaj so se na tla počasi spuščale snežinke.En: Outside, snowflakes were slowly falling to the ground.Sl: Na mizi je gorela sveča s prijetnim vonjem po cimetovem jabolku, ob kaminu pa je stala jelka, obdana s pisanimi lučkami.En: On the table, a candle with a pleasant scent of cinnamon apple was burning, and by the fireplace stood a Christmas tree, surrounded by colorful lights.Sl: Bilo je božično jutro.En: It was Christmas morning.Sl: Jasmina je v kuhinji pripravljala večerjo.En: Jasmina was preparing dinner in the kitchen.Sl: Slišala je Matejeve korake, čeprav so bili počasni in težki.En: She could hear Matej's footsteps, even though they were slow and heavy.Sl: Matej se je trudil, da bi bil nasmejan in vesel, vendar ga je nekaj težilo.En: Matej was trying to appear cheerful and happy, but something was bothering him.Sl: Že od jutra je čutil bolečine v prsih, kot bi ga nekaj močno stiskalo.En: Since morning, he had felt pain in his chest, as if something was squeezing him tightly.Sl: "Matej, želiš skodelico čaja?En: "Matej, do you want a cup of tea?"Sl: " je vprašala Jasmina iz kuhinje, medtem ko je rezala korenje.En: asked Jasmina from the kitchen, while she was chopping carrots.Sl: "Seveda, hvala," je odgovoril Matej in poskušal zakriti svojo bolečino.En: "Sure, thank you," replied Matej, trying to hide his pain.Sl: Vedel je, kako zelo se Jasmina trudi, da bi božič bil popoln.En: He knew how much Jasmina was striving to make Christmas perfect.Sl: Ni je želel skrbeti za svoje zdravstvene težave.En: He didn't want her to worry about his health issues.Sl: Ko se je dan prevešal v večer, je Matej čutil vedno hujšo bolečino.En: As the day turned into evening, Matej felt increasingly severe pain.Sl: Vendar je hodil okoli mize, postavljal krožnike in pribor ter se smehljal otrokom, ki so se veselili daril.En: Still, he walked around the table, setting plates and cutlery, and smiling at the children who were excited about the gifts.Sl: V sebi je upal, da bo bolečina izginila.En: Inside, he hoped the pain would fade away.Sl: Med večerjo je Jasmina opazila, da Matej izgleda bled in poten.En: During dinner, Jasmina noticed that Matej looked pale and sweaty.Sl: "Matej, si v redu?En: "Matej, are you alright?"Sl: " ga je skrbno vprašala, a on je samo prikimal.En: she asked with concern, but he just nodded.Sl: A takrat, ko je želel narediti požirek vode, mu je kozarec padel iz rok.En: Yet at that moment, when he tried to take a sip of water, the glass fell from his hands.Sl: Staknil je glavo v roke in se zgrudil na tla.En: He clutched his head in his hands and collapsed to the floor.Sl: Panika je zavladala v hiši.En: Panic ensued in the house.Sl: Jasmina je hitro poklicala rešilca.En: Jasmina quickly called an ambulance.Sl: Držala je Mateja za roko in mu rekla: "Ne skrbi, vse bo v redu.En: She held Matej's hand and said, "Don't worry, everything will be alright."Sl: "Ko je rešilni avto odpeljal Mateja v bolnišnico, sta se oba zamislila.En: As the ambulance took Matej to the hospital, both of them reflected.Sl: Matej je spoznal, da mu nič ne pomeni popoln božič, če ni zdrav in prisoten s svojo družino.En: Matej realized that having a perfect Christmas meant nothing if he wasn't healthy and there with his family.Sl: Jasmina pa je vedela, da njegovo zdravje ne sme nikoli biti zanemarjeno.En: Jasmina knew that his health should never be neglected.Sl: Na koncu tistega božičnega večera, ko sta se oba vrnila domov, se je Matej odločil, da bo več časa posvetil družini in manj skrbel za popolne okoliščine.En: By the end of that Christmas evening, when they both returned home, Matej decided to spend more time with his family and worry less about perfect circumstances.Sl: Objela sta se pod božično jelko in spoznala, da je najpomembnejše to, da sta skupaj in zdrava.En: They hugged under the Christmas tree and realized that the most important thing was to be together and healthy.Sl: Božič se je zaključil s toplim objemom in pogledom, ki je nosil obljubo o bolj iskreni in ljubeči prihodnosti.En: Christmas ended with a warm embrace and a gaze that carried a promise of a more sincere and loving future. Vocabulary Words:couch: kavčdecorated: okrašenisnowflakes: snežinkescent: vonjemcinnamon: cimetovemfireplace: kaminusurrounded: obdanacolorful: pisanimifootsteps: korakeheavy: težkibothering: težilosqueezing: stiskalochopping: rezalaplates: krožnikecutlery: priborexcited: veselilipale: bledsweaty: potenconcern: skrbnoglass: kozareccollapsed: zgrudilpanic: panikaambulance: rešilcaneglected: zanemarjenoembrace: ...
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    14 mins
  • A Security Guard’s Christmas: Love Across Distances
    Dec 25 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: A Security Guard’s Christmas: Love Across Distances Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2024-12-25-08-38-20-sl Story Transcript:Sl: V Ljubljani, v tihem in zasneženem naselju, je Matej, varnostnik, stal na svojem nočnem delovnem mestu.En: In Ljubljana, in a quiet and snow-covered neighborhood, Matej, a security guard, stood at his night post.Sl: Zunaj je bila hladna zima, veje dreves so bile pokrite s tankim slojem snega.En: Outside, it was a cold winter, the branches of the trees were covered with a thin layer of snow.Sl: Hiše so bile okrašene z božičnimi lučkami, katerih svetloba je nežno sijala v noč.En: The houses were adorned with Christmas lights, whose glow gently shone into the night.Sl: Matej je bil predan svojemu delu.En: Matej was dedicated to his work.Sl: Ampak v srcu je čutil pomanjkanje.En: But in his heart, he felt a lack.Sl: Bilo je božično obdobje, čas za družino.En: It was the Christmas season, a time for family.Sl: Matejeva družina pa je živela daleč stran, v drugem mestu.En: However, Matej's family lived far away, in another town.Sl: Globoko v sebi je čutil žalost, ker ni mogel biti z njimi.En: Deep inside, he felt sadness because he couldn't be with them.Sl: Na svojem postajališču je Matej imel majhno skrivnost, ki ga je tolažila.En: At his post, Matej had a small secret that comforted him.Sl: Mizo je okrasil z majhnim foto albumom.En: He had decorated the table with a small photo album.Sl: Slike njegove žene in otrok so ga napolnile s toplino in ljubeznijo.En: Pictures of his wife and children filled him with warmth and love.Sl: Vsakič, ko je pogledal na slike, mu je bilo toplo pri srcu.En: Every time he looked at the pictures, he felt a warmth in his heart.Sl: Noč je bila mirna.En: The night was calm.Sl: Le redko so mimo peljali avtomobili.En: Cars rarely passed by.Sl: Matej je sedel na svojem stolu, srkal topel čaj in si mislil na srečne trenutke z družino.En: Matej sat in his chair, sipping warm tea and thinking about happy moments with his family.Sl: Nato pa, nenadoma, je njegov telefon zazvonil.En: Then, suddenly, his phone rang.Sl: Matej je hitro pogledal zaslon.En: Matej quickly glanced at the screen.Sl: Videlo se je ime njegove žene, Ana.En: The name of his wife, Ana, appeared.Sl: "Srečen božič, Matej!En: "Merry Christmas, Matej!"Sl: " je rekla Ana, ko se je video klic odprl.En: said Ana when the video call opened.Sl: Poleg nje sta stala njuna otroka, Luka in mala sestrična.En: Beside her stood their children, Luka and his little cousin.Sl: Njihovi smehi in veseli obrazi so zapolnili njegovo srce z toplino.En: Their laughter and joyful faces filled his heart with warmth.Sl: Zanje so bili na voljo samo kratki trenutki, ko so lahko skupaj preživeli prek video klica, a ti trenutki so mu pomenili vse.En: They had only brief moments available when they could be together through a video call, but those moments meant everything to him.Sl: Z njimi so izmenjali smešne zgodbe in božične pesmi.En: They exchanged funny stories and Christmas songs.Sl: Luka je igral na kitaro in pel, medtem ko je Ana pripravljala večerjo v kuhinji, vsi pa so se držali s toplino in nasmehi.En: Luka played the guitar and sang while Ana prepared dinner in the kitchen, and they all held onto warmth and smiles.Sl: Matej je čutil, kako se mu ljubezen prepleta v srcu, tudi na razdalji.En: Matej felt how love intertwined in his heart, even at a distance.Sl: Ko je konec njegove izmene prišel, je bil občutek žalosti zamenjan s hvaležnostjo.En: When his shift ended, the feeling of sadness was replaced with gratitude.Sl: Matej je razumel, da moževa ljubezen do družine premaga vsako razdaljo.En: Matej understood that a husband's love for his family overcomes any distance.Sl: Tehnologija mu je omogočila, da je del božiča delil na daljavo.En: Technology had allowed him to share a part of Christmas from afar.Sl: Z novim duhom je Matej zaključil nočno izmeno.En: With a renewed spirit, Matej concluded the night shift.Sl: Njegovo srce je bilo polno, saj je ljubezen njegove družine prekrila puste snežene poti.En: His heart was full, as the love of his family covered the barren snowy paths.Sl: Na poti domov je zaznaval, kako lučke sijajo močneje, občutek sreče pa ga je grel, kot bi bil obkrožen z njimi v resnici.En: On the way home, he sensed how the lights shone brighter, and the feeling of happiness warmed him as if he were truly surrounded by them. Vocabulary Words:dedicated: predanlack: pomanjkanjesadness: žalostcomforted: tolažilaintertwined: prepletagratitude: hvaležnostbarren: pustesecurity guard: varnostnikshift: izmenaadorned: okrašeneneighborhood: naseljealbum: albumrenewed: novspirit: duhpaths: potipassed by: mimo peljalithin: tankimlayer: slojbranches: vejeshone: sijalacalm: mirnabrief: kratkiglow: svetlobasurrounded: obkrožendistance: razdaljaexchange: ...
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    14 mins
  • Chance Encounters at the Christmas Airport: Paths to Peace
    Dec 24 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Chance Encounters at the Christmas Airport: Paths to Peace Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2024-12-24-23-34-02-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Ljubljana Jože Pučnik letališče je bilo polno ljudi.En: Ljubljana Jože Pučnik airport was full of people.Sl: V zraku je bil vonj po sveže kuhani kavi in prijeten zvok božičnih pesmi.En: In the air was the scent of freshly brewed coffee and the pleasant sound of Christmas carols.Sl: Praznične luči so svetile in ustvarjale topel občutek, kljub hladnemu decembrskemu dnevu.En: Holiday lights were shining, creating a warm feeling despite the cold December day.Sl: Tomaž je stal v vrsti pred varnostnim pregledom.En: Tomaž stood in line before the security check.Sl: V rokah je stiskal letalsko karto, njegov obraz pa je bil obremenjen z mešanimi občutki.En: He clutched his plane ticket in his hands, his face burdened with mixed emotions.Sl: Tomaž je bil nervozen.En: Tomaž was nervous.Sl: Božič se je hitro bližal, on pa je želel popraviti odnos s svojo družino.En: Christmas was quickly approaching, and he wanted to mend his relationship with his family.Sl: Leta so minila brez stika.En: Years had passed without contact.Sl: Zdaj je čutil, da je čas za spremembo.En: Now he felt it was time for a change.Sl: Ampak nekaj mu je šlo narobe – njegov let je imel zamudo.En: But something went wrong – his flight was delayed.Sl: Tomaž je mrzlično pogledoval na uro.En: Tomaž glanced anxiously at the clock.Sl: Na drugi strani letališča je stala Maja.En: On the other side of the airport stood Maja.Sl: Objemala je svojo mlajšo sestro, ki je bila tik pred odhodom na enoletni študij v tujino.En: She was hugging her younger sister, who was about to leave for a year-long study abroad.Sl: Maja je bila ponosna, vendar tudi zaskrbljena.En: Maja was proud but also worried.Sl: Njena sestra je bila pogumna, vendar je Maja želela, da ve, da bo vedno tam zanjo.En: Her sister was brave, but Maja wanted her to know that she would always be there for her.Sl: »Vem, da bo vse v redu,« je rekla sestra z nasmehom.En: "I know everything will be fine," her sister said with a smile.Sl: Majo so njene besede presenetile.En: Maja was surprised by her words.Sl: Zaznala je hvaležnost in ljubezen, ki sta ji napolnila srce.En: She sensed the gratitude and love that filled her heart.Sl: Podpornik bi morala biti ona, a tokrat je podporo prejemala nazaj.En: She was supposed to be the supporter, but this time she received support in return.Sl: Ko je čas med čakanjem mineval, sta se Maja in Tomaž srečala pri bližnjem kiosku s kavo.En: As the time waiting passed, Maja and Tomaž met at a nearby coffee kiosk.Sl: Oba sta bila vidno napeta.En: Both were visibly tense.Sl: Nekaj nevsiljivih besed je hitro preraslo v pogovor, poln empatije in razumevanja.En: A few unobtrusive words quickly grew into a conversation full of empathy and understanding.Sl: »Zakaj si tukaj?En: "Why are you here?"Sl: « je vprašala Maja.En: Maja asked.Sl: »Grem k družini.En: "I'm going to see my family.Sl: Po dolgem času,« je priznal Tomaž.En: After a long time," Tomaž admitted.Sl: »Ampak vse je tako zapleteno.En: "But everything is so complicated."Sl: «Maja ga je pogledala s toplim razumevanjem.En: Maja looked at him with warm understanding.Sl: »Včasih moramo le narediti prvi korak.En: "Sometimes we just need to take the first step.Sl: Zaupaj vase.En: Trust yourself."Sl: «Tomaževi dvomi so se rahlo razpršili.En: Tomaž's doubts slightly dissipated.Sl: Vzel si je trenutek in nato poklical družino.En: He took a moment and then called his family.Sl: Povedal jim je o zapletih in bil presenečen nad njihovo toplino.En: He told them about the complications and was surprised by their warmth.Sl: Čeprav je zamudil originalni let, je rezerviral naslednjega.En: Although he missed the original flight, he booked the next one.Sl: Medtem je Maja pozdravila svojo sestro s toplim objemom.En: Meanwhile, Maja bid farewell to her sister with a warm embrace.Sl: Tokrat je bila ob slovesu njeno srce pomirjeno.En: This time, her heart was at peace with the farewell.Sl: Vroča kava je zavrela tam blizu, ko je Tomaž začutil breme, ki se je dvignilo z njegovih ramen.En: Hot coffee steamed nearby as Tomaž felt a burden lift from his shoulders.Sl: Ko so se vrata letališča zaprla za Majo, je val uspeha in zadovoljstva prežemal obe.En: As the airport doors closed behind Maja, a wave of success and satisfaction filled both of them.Sl: Poti so bile različne, vendar so oba vodile do notranjega miru.En: Their paths were different, but they led both of them to inner peace.Sl: Tomaž je vedel, da popolnost ni bila potrebna in Maja je razumela, da mora zaupati poti svoje sestre.En: Tomaž knew that perfection wasn't necessary and Maja understood that she had to trust her sister's journey.Sl: Letališče, polno potnikov, je še naprej živelo ...
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    16 mins
  • Home for the Holidays: A Sibling's Heartfelt Reunion
    Dec 24 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Home for the Holidays: A Sibling's Heartfelt Reunion Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2024-12-24-08-38-19-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Luka je nervozno stopal po terminalu Letališča Jožeta Pučnika v Ljubljani.En: Luka nervously paced through the terminal of Letališče Jožeta Pučnika in Ljubljana.Sl: Na stenah so bile obešene svetle lučke in velika božična smreka se je bleščala v svojem kotičku.En: Bright lights were hung on the walls, and a large Christmas tree sparkled in its corner.Sl: Bil je božični večer, a v njegovem srcu je bilo mraz.En: It was Christmas Eve, but his heart felt cold.Sl: Luka živi v tujini že več let.En: Luka had been living abroad for several years.Sl: Družino je obiskoval le občasno, a medtem so se odnosi ohladili. Posebej z Matejo, njegovo mlajšo sestro, ki je vsa družinska bremena nosila sama.En: He visited his family only occasionally, but in the meantime, relationships had cooled, especially with Mateja, his younger sister, who bore all the family burdens alone.Sl: Kajti Luka ni bil tam, ko ga je najbolj potrebovala.En: For Luka wasn't there when she needed him most.Sl: Zato je bil ta obisk še posebej pomemben.En: That's why this visit was especially important.Sl: Luka si je želel ponovno vzpostaviti vez z Matejo.En: Luka wanted to reconnect with Mateja.Sl: Občutek krivde ga je grizel in zelo si je želel popraviti izgubljeni čas.En: Guilt gnawed at him, and he deeply wished to make up for lost time.Sl: Anže, njegov vedno nasmejan bratranec, je pomagal načrtovati družinsko srečanje.En: Anže, his always smiling cousin, helped plan the family gathering.Sl: Anže je vedel, kako je pomembno, da družinski člani ohranijo povezanost, zlasti v času božičnih praznikov.En: Anže knew how important it was for family members to keep their connection, especially during the Christmas holidays.Sl: V terminalu so ljudje hiteli na vse strani.En: People rushed in all directions in the terminal.Sl: Sneg je naletaval zunaj, letala so zamujala, gostilne so bile polne izčrpanih potnikov.En: Snow was falling outside, flights were delayed, and the cafés were full of exhausted travelers.Sl: Luka je opazil Matejo v kavarnici pri izhodu.En: Luka noticed Mateja in a small café near the exit.Sl: Bila je videti zmatrana, a še vedno lepa z zimskimi rdečimi licami.En: She looked tired, yet still beautiful with her winter-red cheeks.Sl: Zbral je pogum in stopil k njej.En: He gathered courage and approached her.Sl: »Mateja,« je začel tiho.En: "Mateja," he began quietly.Sl: Pogledala ga je in v očeh ni bilo zamere, ampak nekaj bolj čustvenega, morda upanje.En: She looked at him, and in her eyes was no resentment, but something more emotional, perhaps hope.Sl: »Luka,« je odvrnila.En: "Luka," she replied.Sl: Glas ji je bil nežen, a zadržan.En: Her voice was gentle, yet reserved.Sl: »Zakaj si prišel?«En: "Why did you come?"Sl: Luka je globoko vdihnil.En: Luka took a deep breath.Sl: »Tukaj sem, ker te pogrešam.En: "I'm here because I miss you.Sl: Vem, da sem bil odsoten, ko si me potrebovala.En: I know I was absent when you needed me.Sl: Želim to popraviti.En: I want to make it right."Sl: Mateja je dolgo gledala v njegovo usodo, zadržano tišino je prekinilo stiskanje njene šalce.En: Mateja looked into his future for a long time, the silence broken only by the clinking of her cup.Sl: Nato se nasmehnila, čeprav skromno.En: Then she smiled, though modestly.Sl: »Veš, vedno sem si želela, da si tukaj,« je rekla.En: "You know, I've always wanted you to be here," she said.Sl: »Samo upala sem, da ti to ni preveč breme.«En: "I just hoped it wouldn't be too much of a burden for you."Sl: Luka je odložil svojo šalico kave in jo prijel za roke.En: Luka put down his coffee cup and took her hands.Sl: »Nisem imel pravega izgovora, samo želim si biti boljši brat.«En: "I had no real excuse, I just want to be a better brother."Sl: Mateja se je naslonila nazaj na stol in globoko izdihnila.En: Mateja leaned back in her chair and exhaled deeply.Sl: V tistem trenutku sta oba razumela, da se načrtuje nov začetek, ki bo zahteval trud z obeh strani.En: In that moment, they both understood that a new beginning was being planned, one that would require effort from both sides.Sl: Objela sta se, njune pretekle zamere so se topile kot sneg na toplem soncu.En: They hugged, their past grievances melting away like snow in the warm sun.Sl: Po dolgem času sta bila spet brat in sestra, tik pred pričetkom božične večerje, kjer bosta lahko razveselila preostanek družine.En: After a long time, they were brother and sister again, just in time for the Christmas dinner where they could delight the rest of the family.Sl: Ob božičnem drevescu sta jih čakala Anže in ostali sorodniki.En: By the Christmas tree, Anže and other relatives waited for them.Sl: Vzdušje je bilo toplo in dobrodošlo, ...
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    16 mins
  • Journey to Emona: Unraveling Secrets Beneath the Ruins
    Dec 23 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Journey to Emona: Unraveling Secrets Beneath the Ruins Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2024-12-23-23-34-01-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Svetloba zimske solsticijske noči obarva ruševine Emone v mehko svetlobo.En: The light of the winter solstice night casts the ruins of Emona in a soft glow.Sl: Sneg krasi stare kamne, kjer tiho stoje stoletja zgodovine.En: Snow adorns the ancient stones, where centuries of history stand silently.Sl: Matej, Ana in Borut se pomikajo med ruševinami, vsak s svojim razlogom.En: Matej, Ana, and Borut move among the ruins, each with their own reason.Sl: Matej sanja o velikem odkritju, Ana sledi svojim družinskim skrivnostim, Borut pa teži k varovanju legend svojega doma.En: Matej dreams of a great discovery, Ana follows her family secrets, and Borut aims to protect the legends of his homeland.Sl: Veter šepeta zgodbe iz daljnih časov, ko se trio ustavi pred zrušenim stebrom.En: The wind whispers stories from distant times as the trio stops in front of a fallen column.Sl: Na tleh se blešči stara plošča, skrita pod plastjo prahu.En: An old plaque glistens on the ground, hidden under a layer of dust.Sl: Matej opazi ozko odprtino, skrito pod njo.En: Matej notices a narrow opening beneath it.Sl: "Poglejta," vzklikne.En: "Look," he exclaims.Sl: "Morda je to skrivni prehod!En: "This might be a hidden passage!"Sl: "Ana se sklonjena bliža plošči.En: Ana leans closer to the plaque.Sl: Njene oči zasvetijo od zanimanja.En: Her eyes light up with interest.Sl: "Vidiš, Borut?En: "See, Borut?Sl: Tvoja legendarna skrivališča bi lahko bila resnična.En: Your legendary hideouts might be real."Sl: "Borut ostaja previden.En: Borut remains cautious.Sl: "Legende pravijo, da nekateri vhodi vodijo do nevarnosti," opozori.En: "The legends say some entrances lead to danger," he warns.Sl: Matej se ne ustavi.En: Matej does not stop.Sl: "Samo pogledati moramo.En: "We just need to take a look.Sl: To bi lahko bilo pomembno odkritje," trdi, že se nagnjen naprej k odpiranju plošče.En: This could be an important discovery," he insists, already leaning forward to open the plaque.Sl: Ana sledi Mateju, njena tajanstvena navdušitev je skoraj otipljiva.En: Ana follows Matej, her mysterious excitement almost tangible.Sl: V sebi nosi skrivnost, ki jo vodi globlje, dražeča senca družinske zgodbe, zakopane v temnih katakombah.En: She carries a secret within herself, leading her deeper, a tantalizing shadow of a family story, buried in dark catacombs.Sl: Borut vzdihne, razpet med spoštovanjem do tradicije in raziskovalnim duhom svojih prijateljev.En: Borut sighs, torn between respect for tradition and the exploratory spirit of his friends.Sl: "Dobro, vendar previdno," reče.En: "Alright, but carefully," he says.Sl: Vhod odpira zmehčana luč sveč, ki plešejo na hladnih stenah.En: The entrance is lit by softened candlelight, dancing on the cold walls.Sl: Koraki odzvanjajo v praznih dvoranah, ko trojica vstopi v neznano.En: Steps echo in the empty halls as the trio enters the unknown.Sl: Pot se zdi neskončna in brezmejna, spremstvo skrivnostnih senc.En: The path seems endless and boundless, accompanied by mysterious shadows.Sl: V srcu ruševin naletijo na sobano, polno simbolov.En: In the heart of the ruins, they encounter a chamber full of symbols.Sl: Stene krasijo relikvije iz rimskih časov.En: The walls are adorned with relics from Roman times.Sl: Matejov dih zastane.En: Matej's breath catches.Sl: Tukaj je, kar je iskal.En: Here it is, what he has been searching for.Sl: Starodavni artefakt leži pred njim, pokrit s starodavnimi zapiski.En: An ancient artifact lies before him, covered with archaic inscriptions.Sl: Toda Ana izda izdajo, ki jo je nosila.En: But Ana reveals the betrayal she has been carrying.Sl: "To je del zgodovine moje družine.En: "This is part of my family's history.Sl: O tem so mi pripovedovali, da je nevaren," priznava s stisnjenimi ustnicami.En: They told me it's dangerous," she admits with pressed lips.Sl: "Ne vemo, kaj bo prebudilo.En: "We don’t know what it might awaken."Sl: "Matej mora izbrati.En: Matej must choose.Sl: Borut ga opomni na prednike.En: Borut reminds him of their ancestors.Sl: "Nevarnost je morda večja," reče z razumom in starodavno modrostjo.En: "The danger might be greater," he says with reason and ancient wisdom.Sl: Matej premisli, težo preteklosti čuti na ramenih.En: Matej reflects, feeling the weight of the past on his shoulders.Sl: Sčasoma spoštuje pomembnost dediščine.En: Eventually, he respects the significance of heritage.Sl: Skupaj se odločijo, da pustijo artefakt pri miru, da ohranijo skrivnosti Emone.En: Together, they decide to leave the artifact untouched, preserving the secrets of Emona.Sl: Pogumno se obrnejo in zapustijo sobano, s povsem novim spoštovanjem do preteklosti.En: Bravely, they turn and leave the chamber, with a newfound respect for ...
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    18 mins
  • Racing Through History: A Daring Chariot Adventure in Rome
    Dec 23 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Racing Through History: A Daring Chariot Adventure in Rome Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2024-12-23-08-38-19-sl Story Transcript:Sl: V mrzlem zimskem jutru, ko se snežinke nežno vrtinčijo nad starodavnim rimskim mestom, sta se Matej in Tanja pripravila na vznemirljiv dan.En: On a cold winter morning, as snowflakes gently swirled over the ancient Roman city, Matej and Tanja prepared for an exciting day.Sl: Arena je bila okrašena z zelenimi venci in svetlikajočimi zvezdami, ki so dajale rimskemu mestu praznični pridih.En: The arena was decorated with green wreaths and shimmering stars, giving the Roman city a festive touch.Sl: Na vsakem vogalu je dišalo po pečenem kostanju in začinjenem vinu.En: At every corner, the scent of roasted chestnuts and spiced wine filled the air.Sl: Matej, vedno radoveden zgodovinar, je navdušeno preučeval detajle okoli sebe.En: Matej, always a curious historian, enthusiastically studied the details around him.Sl: "Poglej, Tanja, prav takšen je bil Rim v svojih najboljših časih!En: "Look, Tanja, this is exactly how Rome was in its prime!"Sl: " je rekel, oči mu žarele od navdušenja.En: he said, his eyes glowing with excitement.Sl: Tanja je zavzdihnila.En: Tanja sighed.Sl: "Ja, matej, čudovito je.En: "Yes, Matej, it's beautiful.Sl: Ampak pazi, da ne zaideva v težave danes!En: But be careful not to get us into trouble today!"Sl: "Na vogalu arene je plakat ponujal vstop v rimsko dirko s konjskimi vpregami.En: At the corner of the arena, a poster offered entry into a Roman chariot race.Sl: "Samo rekonstrukcija je," je rekel Matej samozavestno in se odpravil proti prijavni stojnici.En: "It's just a reenactment," Matej said confidently and headed toward the registration booth.Sl: Tanja, čeprav skeptična, je vdano sledila.En: Tanja, though skeptical, dutifully followed.Sl: Ko sta bila enkrat na vozu, je Tanja začutila, kako konji netopirajo pot pod njenimi nogami.En: Once on the chariot, Tanja felt the horses pounding the ground beneath her feet.Sl: "Matej, nekaj ni prav," je rekla skrbno.En: "Matej, something's not right," she said worriedly.Sl: A on se je le smejal, prepričan, da je vse del predstave.En: But he just laughed, convinced it was all part of the show.Sl: Nenadoma je zazvenel rog, in konji so se pognali naprej z izjemno hitrostjo.En: Suddenly, a horn sounded, and the horses surged forward with incredible speed.Sl: "Matej, to je resnično!En: "Matej, this is real!"Sl: " je zaklicala Tanja z začudenjem in rahlim strahom.En: Tanja shouted in amazement and slight fear.Sl: Matej je, sprva presenečen, nato pa vse bolj navdušen nad izzivom, usmerjal konje skozi ostrih ovinkov.En: Matej, initially surprised, then increasingly thrilled by the challenge, steered the horses through sharp bends.Sl: Tanja se je obrnila in videla, kako se jim bliža druga vprega.En: Tanja turned and saw another chariot approaching.Sl: "Morava biti hitrejša!En: "We have to be faster!"Sl: " je zaklicala.En: she shouted.Sl: Z njeno ostroumnostjo se je hitro domislila načina.En: With her sharp wit, she quickly thought of a way.Sl: Zgrabila je pozlačeni zvonek z okovja vozovega sedeža in začela z njim mozoljico zvoniti v ušesa konjem za njima.En: She grabbed a gilded bell from the fittings of the chariot's seat and began ringing it loudly in the ears of the horses behind them.Sl: To jih je zmedlo, njihov priključek je bil upočasnjen.En: This confused them, and their pace slowed.Sl: Preden sta vedela, sta prečkala ciljno črto, in množica se je razveselila.En: Before they knew it, they crossed the finish line, and the crowd cheered.Sl: "Bravo, Matej!En: "Bravo, Matej!Sl: Bravo, Tanja!En: Bravo, Tanja!"Sl: " so klicali ljudje, navdušeni nad njunim pogumnim nastopom.En: people shouted, thrilled by their brave performance.Sl: Ko sta končno zapustila vprego, so ju domačini, očarani nad njunim uspehom, povabili na slavnostno večerjo.En: As they finally left the chariot, the locals, enchanted by their success, invited them to a celebratory dinner.Sl: Tanja je s hvaležnostjo sprejela, Matej pa je bil poln vtisov tega posebnega dne.En: Tanja gratefully accepted, while Matej was full of impressions from this special day.Sl: Med praznovanjem, kot sta se smehljala in obujala dogodke dneva, je Matej povedal: "Obljubim, da bom odslej bolj poslušal tvoje nasvete.En: During the celebration, as they smiled and reminisced about the day's events, Matej said, "I promise to listen to your advice more from now on."Sl: " Tanja pa se je nasmehnila.En: Tanja smiled.Sl: "In jaz sem ugotovila, da so takšne avanture lahko prav zabavne.En: "And I’ve realized these adventures can be quite fun."Sl: "Njuna vez je postala trdnejša, obogatena z novo avanturo, ki jo bosta hranila dolgo v srcih.En: Their bond grew stronger, enriched with a new adventure they would cherish in their hearts for a long time.Sl: ...
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    16 mins