FluentFiction - Slovenian

By: FluentFiction.org
  • Summary

  • Are you ready to supercharge your Slovenian listening comprehension?

    Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

    That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Slovenian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Slovenian and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

    Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Lake Bled, Postojna Cave, or Ljubljana Castle? Maybe you want to speak Slovenian with your grandparents from Ljubljana?

    Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background necessary to fully immerse yourself in the atmosphere and life of Slovenia, the primary country where Slovenian is fluently spoken. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
    psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Slovenian listening comprehension.

    Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Izboljšajte svoje razumevanje poslušanja z našimi slovenskimi zgodbami danes!
    Copyright FluentFiction.org
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  • Finding Balance: Anže's Holiday Journey to Family First
    Dec 26 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Finding Balance: Anže's Holiday Journey to Family First Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2024-12-26-08-38-19-sl Story Transcript:Sl: V mestnem središču, med hrupom mestnega prometa, se je nahajal eleganten poslovni nebotičnik.En: In the city center, amidst the noise of city traffic, stood an elegant business skyscraper.Sl: Stavba je bila okrašena z božičnimi lučkami, pričarala je občutek bližajočih se praznikov.En: The building was decorated with Christmas lights, evoking the feeling of the upcoming holidays.Sl: V notranjosti, med pisarniškimi mizami in računalniki, je bil Anže.En: Inside, among the office desks and computers, was Anže.Sl: Bil je zavzet in poseben sodelavec, ki si je prizadeval doseči letne cilje.En: He was a dedicated and exceptional colleague striving to achieve the annual goals.Sl: Anže je strmel v zaslon, poln številk in grafov.En: Anže stared at the screen full of numbers and graphs.Sl: V sobi so odmevale tipkovnice in telefoni.En: The room echoed with the sounds of keyboards and phones.Sl: Matej se je pojavil ob njem.En: Matej appeared next to him.Sl: »Kako gre, prijatelj? Boš končal vse do roka?« je vprašal Matej, njegov kolega in prijatelj, ki se mu je nasmihal.En: "How's it going, my friend? Will you finish everything by the deadline?" asked Matej, his colleague and friend, smiling at him.Sl: Anže je zavzdihnil.En: Anže sighed.Sl: »Se trudim. Ampak...doma so tudi pomembne stvari.«En: "I'm trying. But... there are important things at home too."Sl: Matej se je usedel.En: Matej sat down.Sl: »Zagotovo si najboljši kandidat za partnerstvo. Samo, ne pozabi oditi domov. Družina je pomembna.«En: "You are definitely the best candidate for the partnership. Just, don't forget to go home. Family is important."Sl: Ta beseda je odtujeno zvenela v ušesih Anžeta.En: That word sounded distant in Anže's ears.Sl: Njegov cilj je bil doseči promocijo, a srce ga je vleklo domov, kjer ga je čakala Katja z njunim toplim božičnim zavetjem.En: His goal was to achieve the promotion, but his heart was drawn home, where Katja was waiting with their warm Christmas haven.Sl: Katja je bila doma prava vila.En: Katja was a real fairy at home.Sl: Vsak kotiček stanovanja je dišal po piškotih, povsod so bile vejice smrečja in drobne lučke so osvetljevale vsak prostor.En: Every corner of the apartment smelled of cookies, sprigs of fir were everywhere, and small lights illuminated every space.Sl: »Anže, prihajaš pozno. Pogrešamo te,« mu je rekla po telefonu, medtem ko je tlačila darila v vrečke.En: "Anže, you're arriving late. We miss you," she said over the phone while packing gifts into bags.Sl: »Se zavedam, bom kmalu videl, kar moram in bom prišel.« Bil je obljuba, ki jo je želel izpolniti.En: "I realize, I'll see what I need to soon and come." It was a promise he wanted to fulfill.Sl: Prišla je božična noč.En: Christmas Eve arrived.Sl: Doma je vladala spokojnost.En: A calmness reigned at home.Sl: Otroci so hihitali pred smrečico.En: The children giggled in front of the Christmas tree.Sl: Anže je sedel ob Katji.En: Anže sat next to Katja.Sl: »Vsekakor si zaslužimo ta trenutek,« je pomislil.En: "We definitely deserve this moment," he thought.Sl: Nato je zazvonil telefon. Bila je služba.En: Then the phone rang. It was work.Sl: »Anže, težave na projektu. Moramo to rešiti zdaj.« Srce mu je razbijalo.En: "Anže, issues with the project. We need to resolve this now." His heart was pounding.Sl: Pogledal je Katjo, njen mehki nasmeh ga je pomiril.En: He looked at Katja, her soft smile calmed him.Sl: Odločil se je.En: He made a decision.Sl: Poklical je Mateja: »Matej, nujno potrebujem tvojo pomoč. Reši to, prosim. Zaupam ti.«En: He called Matej: "Matej, I urgently need your help. Please handle this. I trust you."Sl: Matej je bil presenečen, a tudi ganjen. »Seveda, stavim na to.«En: Matej was surprised but also touched. "Of course, I'm on it."Sl: Svetloba svečk in drevo je sijalo v sobi, Anže se je smejal in užival trenutke z družino.En: The light from the candles and the tree shone in the room, Anže laughed and enjoyed the moments with his family.Sl: Ko se je vrnil v pisarno po praznikih, so se obrazi sodelavcev nasmehnili.En: When he returned to the office after the holidays, the faces of his colleagues were smiling.Sl: Njegov šef ga je pohvalil. »Anže, tvoje sposobnosti vodenja so res izjemne.«En: His boss praised him. "Anže, your leadership abilities are truly exceptional."Sl: Anže je odšel domov z občutkom izpolnitve.En: Anže went home with a sense of fulfillment.Sl: Naučil se je nekaj pomembnega: življenje je skupek ravnotežij.En: He learned something important: life is a balance of things.Sl: Delegiranje ni pokazatelj šibkosti, ampak moči zaupanja v ljudi okoli sebe.En: Delegating is not a sign of weakness but a strength of trusting ...
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    17 mins
  • A Christmas Lesson: The Gift of Health and Togetherness
    Dec 25 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: A Christmas Lesson: The Gift of Health and Togetherness Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2024-12-25-23-34-02-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Matej je sedel na kavču v svoji toplo okrašeni dnevni sobi.En: Matej was sitting on the couch in his warmly decorated living room.Sl: Zunaj so se na tla počasi spuščale snežinke.En: Outside, snowflakes were slowly falling to the ground.Sl: Na mizi je gorela sveča s prijetnim vonjem po cimetovem jabolku, ob kaminu pa je stala jelka, obdana s pisanimi lučkami.En: On the table, a candle with a pleasant scent of cinnamon apple was burning, and by the fireplace stood a Christmas tree, surrounded by colorful lights.Sl: Bilo je božično jutro.En: It was Christmas morning.Sl: Jasmina je v kuhinji pripravljala večerjo.En: Jasmina was preparing dinner in the kitchen.Sl: Slišala je Matejeve korake, čeprav so bili počasni in težki.En: She could hear Matej's footsteps, even though they were slow and heavy.Sl: Matej se je trudil, da bi bil nasmejan in vesel, vendar ga je nekaj težilo.En: Matej was trying to appear cheerful and happy, but something was bothering him.Sl: Že od jutra je čutil bolečine v prsih, kot bi ga nekaj močno stiskalo.En: Since morning, he had felt pain in his chest, as if something was squeezing him tightly.Sl: "Matej, želiš skodelico čaja?En: "Matej, do you want a cup of tea?"Sl: " je vprašala Jasmina iz kuhinje, medtem ko je rezala korenje.En: asked Jasmina from the kitchen, while she was chopping carrots.Sl: "Seveda, hvala," je odgovoril Matej in poskušal zakriti svojo bolečino.En: "Sure, thank you," replied Matej, trying to hide his pain.Sl: Vedel je, kako zelo se Jasmina trudi, da bi božič bil popoln.En: He knew how much Jasmina was striving to make Christmas perfect.Sl: Ni je želel skrbeti za svoje zdravstvene težave.En: He didn't want her to worry about his health issues.Sl: Ko se je dan prevešal v večer, je Matej čutil vedno hujšo bolečino.En: As the day turned into evening, Matej felt increasingly severe pain.Sl: Vendar je hodil okoli mize, postavljal krožnike in pribor ter se smehljal otrokom, ki so se veselili daril.En: Still, he walked around the table, setting plates and cutlery, and smiling at the children who were excited about the gifts.Sl: V sebi je upal, da bo bolečina izginila.En: Inside, he hoped the pain would fade away.Sl: Med večerjo je Jasmina opazila, da Matej izgleda bled in poten.En: During dinner, Jasmina noticed that Matej looked pale and sweaty.Sl: "Matej, si v redu?En: "Matej, are you alright?"Sl: " ga je skrbno vprašala, a on je samo prikimal.En: she asked with concern, but he just nodded.Sl: A takrat, ko je želel narediti požirek vode, mu je kozarec padel iz rok.En: Yet at that moment, when he tried to take a sip of water, the glass fell from his hands.Sl: Staknil je glavo v roke in se zgrudil na tla.En: He clutched his head in his hands and collapsed to the floor.Sl: Panika je zavladala v hiši.En: Panic ensued in the house.Sl: Jasmina je hitro poklicala rešilca.En: Jasmina quickly called an ambulance.Sl: Držala je Mateja za roko in mu rekla: "Ne skrbi, vse bo v redu.En: She held Matej's hand and said, "Don't worry, everything will be alright."Sl: "Ko je rešilni avto odpeljal Mateja v bolnišnico, sta se oba zamislila.En: As the ambulance took Matej to the hospital, both of them reflected.Sl: Matej je spoznal, da mu nič ne pomeni popoln božič, če ni zdrav in prisoten s svojo družino.En: Matej realized that having a perfect Christmas meant nothing if he wasn't healthy and there with his family.Sl: Jasmina pa je vedela, da njegovo zdravje ne sme nikoli biti zanemarjeno.En: Jasmina knew that his health should never be neglected.Sl: Na koncu tistega božičnega večera, ko sta se oba vrnila domov, se je Matej odločil, da bo več časa posvetil družini in manj skrbel za popolne okoliščine.En: By the end of that Christmas evening, when they both returned home, Matej decided to spend more time with his family and worry less about perfect circumstances.Sl: Objela sta se pod božično jelko in spoznala, da je najpomembnejše to, da sta skupaj in zdrava.En: They hugged under the Christmas tree and realized that the most important thing was to be together and healthy.Sl: Božič se je zaključil s toplim objemom in pogledom, ki je nosil obljubo o bolj iskreni in ljubeči prihodnosti.En: Christmas ended with a warm embrace and a gaze that carried a promise of a more sincere and loving future. Vocabulary Words:couch: kavčdecorated: okrašenisnowflakes: snežinkescent: vonjemcinnamon: cimetovemfireplace: kaminusurrounded: obdanacolorful: pisanimifootsteps: korakeheavy: težkibothering: težilosqueezing: stiskalochopping: rezalaplates: krožnikecutlery: priborexcited: veselilipale: bledsweaty: potenconcern: skrbnoglass: kozareccollapsed: zgrudilpanic: panikaambulance: rešilcaneglected: zanemarjenoembrace: ...
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    14 mins
  • A Security Guard’s Christmas: Love Across Distances
    Dec 25 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: A Security Guard’s Christmas: Love Across Distances Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2024-12-25-08-38-20-sl Story Transcript:Sl: V Ljubljani, v tihem in zasneženem naselju, je Matej, varnostnik, stal na svojem nočnem delovnem mestu.En: In Ljubljana, in a quiet and snow-covered neighborhood, Matej, a security guard, stood at his night post.Sl: Zunaj je bila hladna zima, veje dreves so bile pokrite s tankim slojem snega.En: Outside, it was a cold winter, the branches of the trees were covered with a thin layer of snow.Sl: Hiše so bile okrašene z božičnimi lučkami, katerih svetloba je nežno sijala v noč.En: The houses were adorned with Christmas lights, whose glow gently shone into the night.Sl: Matej je bil predan svojemu delu.En: Matej was dedicated to his work.Sl: Ampak v srcu je čutil pomanjkanje.En: But in his heart, he felt a lack.Sl: Bilo je božično obdobje, čas za družino.En: It was the Christmas season, a time for family.Sl: Matejeva družina pa je živela daleč stran, v drugem mestu.En: However, Matej's family lived far away, in another town.Sl: Globoko v sebi je čutil žalost, ker ni mogel biti z njimi.En: Deep inside, he felt sadness because he couldn't be with them.Sl: Na svojem postajališču je Matej imel majhno skrivnost, ki ga je tolažila.En: At his post, Matej had a small secret that comforted him.Sl: Mizo je okrasil z majhnim foto albumom.En: He had decorated the table with a small photo album.Sl: Slike njegove žene in otrok so ga napolnile s toplino in ljubeznijo.En: Pictures of his wife and children filled him with warmth and love.Sl: Vsakič, ko je pogledal na slike, mu je bilo toplo pri srcu.En: Every time he looked at the pictures, he felt a warmth in his heart.Sl: Noč je bila mirna.En: The night was calm.Sl: Le redko so mimo peljali avtomobili.En: Cars rarely passed by.Sl: Matej je sedel na svojem stolu, srkal topel čaj in si mislil na srečne trenutke z družino.En: Matej sat in his chair, sipping warm tea and thinking about happy moments with his family.Sl: Nato pa, nenadoma, je njegov telefon zazvonil.En: Then, suddenly, his phone rang.Sl: Matej je hitro pogledal zaslon.En: Matej quickly glanced at the screen.Sl: Videlo se je ime njegove žene, Ana.En: The name of his wife, Ana, appeared.Sl: "Srečen božič, Matej!En: "Merry Christmas, Matej!"Sl: " je rekla Ana, ko se je video klic odprl.En: said Ana when the video call opened.Sl: Poleg nje sta stala njuna otroka, Luka in mala sestrična.En: Beside her stood their children, Luka and his little cousin.Sl: Njihovi smehi in veseli obrazi so zapolnili njegovo srce z toplino.En: Their laughter and joyful faces filled his heart with warmth.Sl: Zanje so bili na voljo samo kratki trenutki, ko so lahko skupaj preživeli prek video klica, a ti trenutki so mu pomenili vse.En: They had only brief moments available when they could be together through a video call, but those moments meant everything to him.Sl: Z njimi so izmenjali smešne zgodbe in božične pesmi.En: They exchanged funny stories and Christmas songs.Sl: Luka je igral na kitaro in pel, medtem ko je Ana pripravljala večerjo v kuhinji, vsi pa so se držali s toplino in nasmehi.En: Luka played the guitar and sang while Ana prepared dinner in the kitchen, and they all held onto warmth and smiles.Sl: Matej je čutil, kako se mu ljubezen prepleta v srcu, tudi na razdalji.En: Matej felt how love intertwined in his heart, even at a distance.Sl: Ko je konec njegove izmene prišel, je bil občutek žalosti zamenjan s hvaležnostjo.En: When his shift ended, the feeling of sadness was replaced with gratitude.Sl: Matej je razumel, da moževa ljubezen do družine premaga vsako razdaljo.En: Matej understood that a husband's love for his family overcomes any distance.Sl: Tehnologija mu je omogočila, da je del božiča delil na daljavo.En: Technology had allowed him to share a part of Christmas from afar.Sl: Z novim duhom je Matej zaključil nočno izmeno.En: With a renewed spirit, Matej concluded the night shift.Sl: Njegovo srce je bilo polno, saj je ljubezen njegove družine prekrila puste snežene poti.En: His heart was full, as the love of his family covered the barren snowy paths.Sl: Na poti domov je zaznaval, kako lučke sijajo močneje, občutek sreče pa ga je grel, kot bi bil obkrožen z njimi v resnici.En: On the way home, he sensed how the lights shone brighter, and the feeling of happiness warmed him as if he were truly surrounded by them. Vocabulary Words:dedicated: predanlack: pomanjkanjesadness: žalostcomforted: tolažilaintertwined: prepletagratitude: hvaležnostbarren: pustesecurity guard: varnostnikshift: izmenaadorned: okrašeneneighborhood: naseljealbum: albumrenewed: novspirit: duhpaths: potipassed by: mimo peljalithin: tankimlayer: slojbranches: vejeshone: sijalacalm: mirnabrief: kratkiglow: svetlobasurrounded: obkrožendistance: razdaljaexchange: ...
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    14 mins

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