Showing results by narrator "Arcady Bukhmin" in All Categories
The Twelve Chairs [Russian Edition]
- By: Ilya Ilf, Eugene Petrov
- Narrated by: Arcady Bukhmin
- Length: 13 hrs and 55 mins
- Unabridged
Невероятные похождениях великого комбинатора Остапа Бендера и "Кисы" Воробьянинова в Советской России в поисках бриллиантов, спрятанных в одном из двенадцати стульев мадам Петуховой. Блистательная, остроумная, едкая сатира с гениально построенным, захватывающим сюжетом.
The Twelve Chairs [Russian Edition]
- Narrated by: Arcady Bukhmin
- Length: 13 hrs and 55 mins
- Release date: 24-07-17
- Language: Russian
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Regular price: £3.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £3.99 or 1 Credit
A Study in Scarlet [Russian Edition]
- By: Arthur Conan Doyle
- Narrated by: Arcady Bukhmin
- Length: 6 hrs and 11 mins
- Unabridged
"Krasnoe po belomu" (v drugom rasprostranennom perevode "Jetjud v bagrovyh tonah") - detektivnaja povest' Artura Konana Dojla, opublikovannaja v 1887 godu. Imenno v jetom proizvedenii vpervye pojavljaetsja Sherlok Holms. Serija tainstvennyh samoubijstv, proizoshedshih v Londone postavila v tupik syshhikov Skotland-Jarda. I tol'ko genial'nyj Sherlok Holms smog rasputat' jeto slozhnejshee delo....
A Study in Scarlet [Russian Edition]
- Narrated by: Arcady Bukhmin
- Length: 6 hrs and 11 mins
- Release date: 10-11-15
- Language: Russian
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Regular price: £6.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £6.99 or 1 Credit
The Mystery of Cloomber [Russian Edition]
- By: Arthur Conan Doyle
- Narrated by: Arcady Bukhmin
- Length: 5 hrs and 11 mins
- Abridged
Tajna Klumbera - roman britanskogo pisatelja Artura Konan Dojlja, vpervye opublikovan v 1889. Rasskaz vedetsja ot imeni shotlandca Dzhona Fozergila Ujesta, kotoryj pereehal s otcom i sestroj iz Jedinburga v grafstvo Uigtaunshir na juge Shotlandii. Nepodaleku ot ih doma nahoditsja starinnoe pomest'e Klumber-Holl, pustovavshee mnogo let. Odnazhdy v Klumber-Holle pojavljajutsja novye zhil'cy - sem'ja generala Hjezerstona, voevavshego v Indii.
The Mystery of Cloomber [Russian Edition]
- Narrated by: Arcady Bukhmin
- Length: 5 hrs and 11 mins
- Release date: 08-04-14
- Language: Russian
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Regular price: £6.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £6.99 or 1 Credit
Cleopatra [Russian Edition]
- By: Sir Henry Rider Haggard
- Narrated by: Arcady Bukhmin
- Length: 11 hrs and 37 mins
- Unabridged
Znamenityj istoricheskij roman vydajushhegosja anglijskogo pisatelja, klassika mirovoj prikljuchencheskoj literatury, narjadu s L'juisom Kjerrollom i Jedgarom Po osnovopolozhnikom zhanra fjentezi Genri Rajdera Haggarda. Dejstvie romana proishodit v drevnem Egipte, vo vremena pravlenija Ptolemeev. Roman rasskazyvaet o zagovore verhovnyh zhrecov, reshivshih sbrosit' s trona nenavistnuju caricu Kleopatru, otdavshuju Egipet vo vlast' Rima.
Cleopatra [Russian Edition]
- Narrated by: Arcady Bukhmin
- Length: 11 hrs and 37 mins
- Release date: 28-08-13
- Language: Russian
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Regular price: £6.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £6.99 or 1 Credit
The Return of Sherlock Holmes [Russian Edition]
- By: Arthur Conan Doyle
- Narrated by: Arcady Bukhmin
- Length: 6 hrs and 35 mins
- Unabridged
Izdanie soderzhit 6 detektivnyh rasskazov iz znamenitogo sbornika «Vozvrashhenie Sherloka Holmsa» vydajushhegosja anglijskogo pisatelja Artura Konan Dojlja (1859-1930): Prikljuchenie s pljashushhimi figurkami. Zolotoe pensne. Krasnyj shnurok. Krovavoe pjatno. Prikljuchenie Charl'sa Ogustusa Mil'vertona. Shest' Napoleonov.
The Return of Sherlock Holmes [Russian Edition]
- Narrated by: Arcady Bukhmin
- Length: 6 hrs and 35 mins
- Release date: 28-08-13
- Language: Russian
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Regular price: £6.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £6.99 or 1 Credit
Griffin's Lapse [Russian Edition]
- By: Dmitry Yemetz
- Narrated by: Arcady Bukhmin
- Length: 12 hrs and 55 mins
- Unabridged
В Эдеме произошло непоправимое. По вине Мефодия Буслаева один из двух последних грифонов сбежал в человеческий мир. Об этом сразу стало известно мраку, и теперь древнее магическое животное преследуют охотники за глазами драконов. Если они поймают грифона - охрана Эдемских врат рухнет навсегда.... Мефодий и Дафна должны во что бы то ни стало найти беглеца.
Griffin's Lapse [Russian Edition]
- Narrated by: Arcady Bukhmin
- Length: 12 hrs and 55 mins
- Release date: 05-10-17
- Language: Russian
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Regular price: £6.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £6.99 or 1 Credit
Oecumene: Escape on Shoot 3 [Russian Edition]
- By: H. L. Oldi
- Narrated by: Arcady Bukhmin
- Length: 11 hrs and 24 mins
- Unabridged
"Pobeg na ryvok. Angely Ojkumeny" - fantasticheskij roman Genri Lajon Oldi, tret'ja kniga iz znamenitogo cikla "Ojkumena". Dolg i ljubov' rvut na chasti Diego Peralja, uchitelja fehtovanija. Jeskalona ohvachena vojnoj. Chest' dvorjanina, pravda soldata zovut majestro domoj, pod znamena rodiny. No vo t'me kosmosa eshhe zhiva dusha Jenkarny de Kastel'bro. Predlozhenie, kotoroe delajut Peralju gematr Jaffe i professor Shtil'ner, pohozhe na d'javol'skij iskus.
Oecumene: Escape on Shoot 3 [Russian Edition]
- Narrated by: Arcady Bukhmin
- Series: Oecumene: Escape on Shoot, Book 3
- Length: 11 hrs and 24 mins
- Release date: 25-04-16
- Language: Russian
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Regular price: £6.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £6.99 or 1 Credit
Oecumene: Escape on shoot [Russian Edition]
- By: H. L. Oldi
- Narrated by: Arcady Bukhmin
- Length: 11 hrs and 16 mins
- Unabridged
"Pobeg na ryvok. Prizraki Ojkumeny" - fantasticheskij roman Genri Lajon Oldi, vtoraja kniga iz znamenitogo cikla "Ojkumena". Svet klinom soshelsja na Diego Perale, skromnom uchitele fehtovanija. Velikaja Pompilija, imperija ljudej-volkov, stavit ul'timatum: sotrudnichestvo ili rabstvo? Hladnokrovnye gematry, ljudi-komp'jutery, terjajut samoobladanie, edva rech' zahodit o majestro: spasat' ili likvidirovat'? Genij-professor gotov na vse, lish' by Diego pozvolil sebja izuchit'. Mertvaja devushka krichit v kosmose.
Oecumene: Escape on shoot [Russian Edition]
- Narrated by: Arcady Bukhmin
- Series: Oecumene: Escape on Shoot, Book 1
- Length: 11 hrs and 16 mins
- Release date: 01-03-16
- Language: Russian
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Regular price: £6.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £6.99 or 1 Credit
Oecumene: Escape on Shoot 2 [Russian Edition]
- By: H. L. Oldi
- Narrated by: Arcady Bukhmin
- Length: 11 hrs and 16 mins
- Unabridged
"Pobeg na ryvok. Prizraki Ojkumeny" - fantasticheskij roman Genri Lajon Oldi, vtoraja kniga iz znamenitogo cikla "Ojkumena". Svet klinom soshelsja na Diego Perale, skromnom uchitele fehtovanija. Velikaja Pompilija, imperija ljudej-volkov, stavit ul'timatum: sotrudnichestvo ili rabstvo? Hladnokrovnye gematry, ljudi-komp'jutery, terjajut samoobladanie, edva rech' zahodit o majestro: spasat' ili likvidirovat'? Genij-professor gotov na vse, lish' by Diego pozvolil sebja izuchit'. Mertvaja devushka krichit v kosmose.
Oecumene: Escape on Shoot 2 [Russian Edition]
- Narrated by: Arcady Bukhmin
- Series: Oecumene: Escape on Shoot, Book 2
- Length: 11 hrs and 16 mins
- Release date: 01-03-16
- Language: Russian
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Regular price: £6.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £6.99 or 1 Credit
Ways of Orient [Russian Edition]
- By: Andrey Vasilyev
- Narrated by: Arcady Bukhmin
- Length: 10 hrs and 56 mins
- Unabridged
"Puti Vostoka" - fantasticheskij roman cikla "Fajroll" Andreja Vasil'eva, zhanr boevoe fjentezi, LitRPG. Novye druz'ja i novye vragi, novye kvesty i novye problemy - vse jeto ozhidaet zhurnalista Nikiforova v real'noj zhizni i ego personazha v komp'juternoj igre "Fajroll". I esli v igre pered personazhem po imeni Hejgen stoit zadacha vypolnit' neverojatno slozhnyj kvest, to pered zhurnalistom stoit zadacha ne poterjat' svoju golovu v real'nosti. Dannoe izdanie soderzhit special'nuju avtorskuju versiju romana, ranee ne izdavavshujusja!
Ways of Orient [Russian Edition]
- Narrated by: Arcady Bukhmin
- Series: Fayroll [Russian Edition], Book 2
- Length: 10 hrs and 56 mins
- Release date: 04-01-16
- Language: Russian
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Regular price: £6.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £6.99 or 1 Credit
Game Is Not for the Sake of the Game [Russian Edition]
- By: Andrey Vasilyev
- Narrated by: Arcady Bukhmin
- Length: 11 hrs and 26 mins
- Unabridged
"Igra ne radi igry" - fantasticheskij roman cikla "Fajroll" Andreja Vasil'eva, zhanr boevoe fjentezi, LitRPG. Byt' zhurnalistom - jeto oznachaet to, chto ty vsegda gotov k tomu, chto tvoja sud'ba mozhet zanesti tebja nevest' kuda. Tak i vyshlo s reporterom po imeni Hariton Nikiforov - ego otpravili v onlajn-igru pod nazvaniem "Fajroll", chtoby na meste posmotret', chto tam k chemu i napisat' pro jeto cikl statej dlja ezhenedel'nika. Vot tol'ko igry - jeto takaja shtuka….
Game Is Not for the Sake of the Game [Russian Edition]
- Narrated by: Arcady Bukhmin
- Series: Fayroll [Russian Edition], Book 1
- Length: 11 hrs and 26 mins
- Release date: 10-11-15
- Language: Russian
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Regular price: £6.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £6.99 or 1 Credit
Life of Animals. Reptiles [Russian Edition]
- By: Alfred Brehm
- Narrated by: Arcady Bukhmin
- Length: 4 hrs and 55 mins
- Unabridged
"Zhizn' zhivotnyh" - nauchno-populjarnaja kniga, vpervye izdannaja nemeckim zoologom i puteshestvennikom Al'fredom Bremom (1829-1884). Otlichaetsja osnovatel'nost'ju soderzhanija i zhivym, uvlekatel'nym izlozheniem. Dannoe izdanie special'no adaptirovano dlja detej i posvjashheno interesnejshemu vidu - presmykajushhimsja. Slushatel', kak shkol'nik, tak i vzroslyj uznaet mnogo novogo i interesnogo o jashhericah, zmejah, krokodilah i cherepahah.
Life of Animals. Reptiles [Russian Edition]
- Narrated by: Arcady Bukhmin
- Length: 4 hrs and 55 mins
- Release date: 10-11-15
- Language: Russian
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Regular price: £6.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £6.99 or 1 Credit
ShNyr the Gulp of Fire [Russian Edition]
- By: Dmitry Yemetz
- Narrated by: Arcady Bukhmin
- Length: 10 hrs and 31 mins
- Unabridged
"Shkola Nyrjal'shhikov" - novaja serija fjentezijnyh romanov Dmitrija Emca. V nej avtor sozdajot mir, pozvoljajushhij po-novomu vzgljanut' na samye privychnye veshhi. Glavnaja zadacha shnyrov - spasat' zhizni ljudej, riskuja svoej, i meshat' vocareniju zla v mire. Predvoditel' ved'marej Gaj vygljadit kak obychnyj, nichem ne primechatel'nyj chelovek, no jeto lish' na pervyj vzgljad.
ShNyr the Gulp of Fire [Russian Edition]
- Narrated by: Arcady Bukhmin
- Series: ShNyr [Russian Edition]
- Length: 10 hrs and 31 mins
- Release date: 10-11-15
- Language: Russian
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Regular price: £6.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £6.99 or 1 Credit
Life of Animals. Monkey [Russian Edition]
- By: Alfred Brehm
- Narrated by: Arcady Bukhmin
- Length: 5 hrs and 31 mins
- Unabridged
"Zhizn' zhivotnyh" - nauchno-populjarnaja kniga, vpervye izdannaja nemeckim zoologom i puteshestvennikom Al'fredom Bremom (1829-1884). Otlichaetsja osnovatel'nost'ju soderzhanija i zhivym, uvlekatel'nym izlozheniem. Dannoe izdanie special'no adaptirovano dlja detej i posvjashheno interesnejshemu otrjadu mlekopitajushhih - obez'janam.
Life of Animals. Monkey [Russian Edition]
- Narrated by: Arcady Bukhmin
- Length: 5 hrs and 31 mins
- Release date: 10-11-15
- Language: Russian
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Regular price: £6.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £6.99 or 1 Credit
The Prince and the Pauper [Russian Edition]
- By: Mark Twain
- Narrated by: Arcady Bukhmin
- Length: 9 hrs and 10 mins
- Unabridged
Znamenityj istoricheskij roman velikogo amerikanskogo pisatelja Marka Tvena (nastojashhee imja Sjemjujel Ljenghorn Klemens (1835 - 1910). «Princ i nishhij» – odno iz samyh umnyh proizvedenij mirovoj literatury. Roman rasskazyvaet o tom, kak princ, vposledstvii stavshij korolem Jeduardom VI, v silu obstojatel'stv okazyvaetsja v narode pod vidom mal'chika-bednjaka Toma Kenti, a sam Tom Kenti, neobyknovenno vneshne pohozhij na princa, stanovitsja naslednym princem i zatem korolem Anglii.
The Prince and the Pauper [Russian Edition]
- Narrated by: Arcady Bukhmin
- Length: 9 hrs and 10 mins
- Release date: 29-07-14
- Language: Russian
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Regular price: £6.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £6.99 or 1 Credit
The Adventure of the Missing Three-Quarter
- By: Arthur Conan Doyle
- Narrated by: Arcady Bukhmin
- Length: 1 hr and 3 mins
- Unabridged
Iz mnozhestva zagadochnyh telegramm, prihodivshih na Bejker-strit, mne osobenno zapomnilas' odna, kotoruju prinesli hmurym fevral'skim utrom let sem' ili vosem' nazad. Telegramma byla adresovana Sherloku Holmsu, i v nej govorilos': «Podozhdite menja. Uzhasnoe neschast'e. Ischez pravyj trehchetvertnoj. Krajne neobhodim zavtra. Overton». Celyj chas prosidel Holms, razmyshljaja nad nej v nedoumenii.»
The Adventure of the Missing Three-Quarter
- Narrated by: Arcady Bukhmin
- Length: 1 hr and 3 mins
- Release date: 15-07-14
- Language: Russian
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Regular price: £1.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £1.99 or 1 Credit
The Adventure of the Empty House [Russian Edition]
- By: Arthur Conan Doyle
- Narrated by: Arcady Bukhmin
- Length: 1 hr and 5 mins
- Unabridged
V tot rokovoj vecher Ronal'd Ader vernulsja iz kluba v desjat' chasov. Ni odnogo zvuka ne donosilos' iz komnaty do dvadcati minut dvenadcatogo, poka mat' Adera, ledi Mjejnus, i ee doch' ne vernulis' domoj. Oni podnjali trevogu, i dver' v komnatu syna vzlomali. Neschastnyj junosha lezhal na polu, golova ego byla izurodovana revol'vernoj pulej. Jeto zagadochnoe proisshestvie i dolzhen rasputat' Sherlok Holms.
The Adventure of the Empty House [Russian Edition]
- Narrated by: Arcady Bukhmin
- Length: 1 hr and 5 mins
- Release date: 15-07-14
- Language: Russian
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Regular price: £1.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £1.99 or 1 Credit
The Adventure of the Norwood Builder [Russian Edition]
- By: Arthur Conan Doyle
- Narrated by: Arcady Bukhmin
- Length: 1 hr and 6 mins
- Unabridged
S teh por, kak pogib professor Moriarti, - skazal kak-to za zavtrakom Sherlok Holms, - London dlja kriminalistov poterjal vsjakij interes. - Bojus', malo kto iz dobroporjadochnyh londoncev soglasitsja s vami, - zasmejalsja ja. - Da, konechno, nel'zja dumat' tol'ko o sebe, - ulybnulsja moj drug, vstavaja iz-za stola. Obshhestvo dovol'no, vsem horosho, stradaet lish' odin Sherlok Holms, kotoryj ostalsja ne u del.
The Adventure of the Norwood Builder [Russian Edition]
- Narrated by: Arcady Bukhmin
- Length: 1 hr and 6 mins
- Release date: 15-07-14
- Language: Russian
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Regular price: £1.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £1.99 or 1 Credit
The Adventure of the Three Students [Russian Edition]
- By: Arthur Conan Doyle
- Narrated by: Arcady Bukhmin
- Length: 54 mins
- Unabridged
V 1895 godu rjad obstojatel'stv - ja ne budu zdes' na nih ostanavlivat'sja - privel mistera Sherloka Holmsa i menja v odin iz nashih znamenityh universitetskih gorodov; my probyli tam neskol'ko nedel' i za jeto vremja stolknulis' s odnim proisshestviem, o kotorom ja sobirajus' rasskazat', ne slishkom zaputannym, no ves'ma pouchitel'nym. Razumeetsja, ljubye podrobnosti, pozvoljajushhie chitatelju opredelit', v kakom kolledzhe proishodilo delo ili kto byl prestupnik, neumestny i dazhe oskorbitel'ny.
The Adventure of the Three Students [Russian Edition]
- Narrated by: Arcady Bukhmin
- Length: 54 mins
- Release date: 15-07-14
- Language: Russian
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Regular price: £1.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £1.99 or 1 Credit
The Adventure of Black Peter [Russian Edition]
- By: Arthur Conan Doyle
- Narrated by: Arcady Bukhmin
- Length: 1 hr and 3 mins
- Unabridged
V jetom pamjatnom 1895 godu Holms proizvel celyj rjad ljubopytnyh i raznoobraznyh issledovanij, nachinaja s vyjasnenija prichin vnezapnoj smerti kardinala Toski (po nastojatel'nomu zhelaniju Vatikana) i konchaja arestom prestupnika Uilsona; jetot znamenityj trener kanareek byl vmeste s tem istinnoj jazvoj londonskogo Ist-Jenda. Vsled za jetimi gromkimi delami voznikla tragedija v Vudmens-Li: kapitan Piter Kern pogib pri samyh strashnyh i tainstvennyh obstojatel'stvah.
The Adventure of Black Peter [Russian Edition]
- Narrated by: Arcady Bukhmin
- Length: 1 hr and 3 mins
- Release date: 15-07-14
- Language: Russian
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Regular price: £1.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £1.99 or 1 Credit