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Rocky Mountain Kiss (German edition)
- Rocky Mountain 15
- By: Virginia Fox
- Narrated by: Karoline Mask von Oppen
- Length: 10 hrs and 32 mins
- Unabridged
Ungeplant schwanger, kehrt Vi Stone, die jüngste der drei Stone-Schwestern nach Hause zurück. Zu ihrer Überraschung weckt sogar ein Mann ihr Interesse. Nur schade, dass ausgerechnet der, auf den sie ein Auge geworfen hat, aus seiner Abneigung gegen ihr geplantes Tattoo-Studio keinen Hehl macht. Durch eine Reihe unglücklicher Umstände verlor der Starkoch Gregory Dumont nicht nur seinen Stern, sondern anschließend auch seine Anstellung als Hilfskoch. Seine letzte Hoffnung ist die Eröffnung eines eigenen Lokals mitten in den Rocky Mountains.
Rocky Mountain Kiss (German edition)
- Rocky Mountain 15
- Narrated by: Karoline Mask von Oppen
- Series: Rocky Mountain, Book 15
- Length: 10 hrs and 32 mins
- Release date: 26-03-21
- Language: German
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Regular price: £11.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £11.99 or 1 Credit
Rocky Mountain Horses (German edition)
- Rocky Mountain 14
- By: Virginia Fox
- Narrated by: Karoline Mask von Oppen
- Length: 10 hrs and 47 mins
- Unabridged
Nach einer enttäuschenden Beziehung und vier trostlosen Jahren an der Universität in Boulder, kehrt Annabelle Stone mit einem einzigen Ziel nach Independence zurück: Männer können ihr ab sofort gestohlen bleiben. Lieber konzentriert sie sich auf den Aufbau ihrer eigenen Pferdezucht. Wenn da nur nicht ihr Nachbar wäre. Der gutaussehende Cowboy stellt ihre Entschlossenheit auf eine harte Probe. Wenn er doch nur nicht so charmant wäre! Jerome Lassiter ist fest entschlossen, Anabelle für sich zu gewinnen.
Rocky Mountain Horses (German edition)
- Rocky Mountain 14
- Narrated by: Karoline Mask von Oppen
- Series: Rocky Mountain, Book 14
- Length: 10 hrs and 47 mins
- Release date: 12-02-21
- Language: German
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Regular price: £11.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £11.99 or 1 Credit
Rocky Mountain Heat (German edition)
- Rocky Mountain 12
- By: Virginia Fox
- Narrated by: Karoline Mask von Oppen
- Length: 11 hrs and 12 mins
- Unabridged
Seit fünf Jahren auf der Flucht, reist Charlie Triton mit ihrem Sohn Ethan wie eine Nomadin quer durch die Staaten, die Angst als ständigen Begleiter. Auf einer Wanderung quer durch die raue Schönheit der Rocky Mountains landen sie in Independence. Verzaubert von der Freundlichkeit der Leute und der abgeschiedenen Lage, glaubt sie, endlich einen Ort gefunden zu haben, an dem sie auf Dauer sicher sind. Der ehemalige Soldat Blackbird kämpft immer noch mit den schrecklichen Erinnerungen aus seiner Zeit bei der Army.
Rocky Mountain Heat (German edition)
- Rocky Mountain 12
- Narrated by: Karoline Mask von Oppen
- Series: Rocky Mountain, Book 12
- Length: 11 hrs and 12 mins
- Release date: 25-11-20
- Language: German
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Regular price: £11.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £11.99 or 1 Credit
Rocky Mountain Crime (German edition)
- Rocky Mountain 11
- By: Virginia Fox
- Narrated by: Karoline Mask von Oppen
- Length: 10 hrs and 14 mins
- Unabridged
Beste Freunde mit gewissen Vorzügen. Eigentlich eine hervorragende Idee, dachte sich die ehemalige FBI-Agentin Valentina, würde sich Big A nicht auf einmal seltsam verhalten. Wohin verschwindet er abends immer öfters auf seinem Motorrad? Trifft er sich etwa mit einer anderen? Entschlossen, die Wahrheit heraus zu finden, macht sich Valentina daran, der Sache auf den Grund zu gehen. Ali Khouri, von allen nur Big A genannt, genießt sein neues Leben in den Rocky Mountains.
Rocky Mountain Crime (German edition)
- Rocky Mountain 11
- Narrated by: Karoline Mask von Oppen
- Series: Rocky Mountain, Book 11
- Length: 10 hrs and 14 mins
- Release date: 22-10-20
- Language: German
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Regular price: £11.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £11.99 or 1 Credit
Rocky Mountain Gold
- Rocky Mountain 10
- By: Virginia Fox
- Narrated by: Karoline Mask von Oppen
- Length: 11 hrs and 41 mins
- Unabridged
Nach einer schrecklichen Tragödie verließ Zelda vor 14 Jahren fluchtartig ihr Zuhause in den Rocky Mountains. Erst das unwiderstehliche Angebot, in Independence ihre eigene Apotheke zu führen, bewegt sie zur Rückkehr. Kaum angekommen, holen die Geister der Vergangenheit sie wieder ein: ihre totgeglaubte Jugendliebe Cruz ist entgegen ihren Erwartungen sehr lebendig... Cruz hat keine Ahnung, wie sehr die Ereignisse von damals Zeldas Leben auf den Kopf gestellt haben. Weshalb begegnet ihm die temperamentvolle Schönheit mit so viel Feindseligkeit?
Rocky Mountain Gold
- Rocky Mountain 10
- Narrated by: Karoline Mask von Oppen
- Series: Rocky Mountain, Book 10
- Length: 11 hrs and 41 mins
- Release date: 22-09-20
- Language: German
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Regular price: £11.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £11.99 or 1 Credit
Rocky Mountain Lion (German edition)
- Rocky Mountain 9
- By: Virginia Fox
- Narrated by: Karoline Mask von Oppen
- Length: 11 hrs and 15 mins
- Unabridged
Das Leben könnte so schön sein. Die Ethologin Quinn Davies hat auf der Wildtierstation der Lone Wolf Ranch ihren Traumjob gefunden. Doch die Idylle trügt. Wilderer bedrohen das Wildreservat. Hat etwa der neue Mitarbeiter seine Finger im Spiel? Obwohl sie sich von ihm angezogen fühlt, beschließt sie, kein Risiko einzugehen und ermittelt auf eigene Faust. Als Undercover-Agent kann sich Archer Miller keinen Fehler erlauben.
Rocky Mountain Lion (German edition)
- Rocky Mountain 9
- Narrated by: Karoline Mask von Oppen
- Series: Rocky Mountain, Book 9
- Length: 11 hrs and 15 mins
- Release date: 04-09-20
- Language: German
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Regular price: £11.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £11.99 or 1 Credit
Rocky Mountain Race (German edition)
- Rocky Mountain 8
- By: Virginia Fox
- Narrated by: Karoline Mask von Oppen
- Length: 12 hrs and 21 mins
- Unabridged
Becca Mirren. Cowgirl. Rotschopf mit entsprechendem Temperament. Weltmeisterin im Barrel-Racing und auf der Suche nach einem neuen Lebensinhalt. Adrian Lopez. Spezialist für Spürhunde. Vater. Augen, so blau wie ein Gletschersee. Und der Mann, der Becca vor sechs Jahren das Herz gebrochen hat. Auf keinen Fall würde sie dem Mistkerl eine zweite Chance geben. Oder doch? Während sie versucht, genau das heraus zu finden, droht plötzlich Gefahr von unerwarteter Seite. Ist es etwa schon zu spät für ein Happy End?
Rocky Mountain Race (German edition)
- Rocky Mountain 8
- Narrated by: Karoline Mask von Oppen
- Series: Rocky Mountain, Book 8
- Length: 12 hrs and 21 mins
- Release date: 24-06-20
- Language: German
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Regular price: £11.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £11.99 or 1 Credit
Rocky Mountain Life
- Rocky Mountain 7
- By: Virginia Fox
- Narrated by: Karoline Mask von Oppen
- Length: 11 hrs and 33 mins
- Unabridged
Nach dem Tod ihres Vaters erbt die Biologin Lara unerwartet die Hälfte einer Ranch in den Rocky Mountains. Neugierig macht sie sich auf nach Colorado. Dort findet sie nicht nur eine atemberaubende Landschaft, sondern auch einen grüblerischen Cowboy, der sie unerwartet in ihren Bann zieht. Kann sie ihm vertrauen? Hank, der Besitzer der Lone Wolf Ranch, kämpft seit Jahren um den Erhalt seines Lebenstraums. Knietief in Arbeit steckend, hat er überhaupt keine Zeit für überraschenden Besuch.
Rocky Mountain Life
- Rocky Mountain 7
- Narrated by: Karoline Mask von Oppen
- Series: Rocky Mountain, Book 7
- Length: 11 hrs and 33 mins
- Release date: 24-06-20
- Language: German
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Regular price: £11.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £11.99 or 1 Credit
Rocky Mountain Fire (German version)
- Rocky Mountain 6
- By: Virginia Fox
- Narrated by: Karoline Mask von Oppen
- Length: 12 hrs and 22 mins
- Unabridged
Die Journalistin Paige wohnt erst seit kurzem in Independence, einer kleinen Bergstadt in den malerischen Rocky Mountains. Nach einem unglücklichen Start gelingt es ihr, nach und nach das Vertrauen der Bevölkerung zurück zu gewinnen. Mit ihrem Engagement für das Tierheim und die Schüler von Independence gewinnt sie neue Freunde und auch ihr unverhoffter Status als Hundebesitzerin hält sie auf Trab. So fällt es ihr leicht, den immer noch misstrauischen und arroganten, aber leider auch sehr attraktiven Feuerwehrchef Ace zu ignorieren.
Rocky Mountain Fire (German version)
- Rocky Mountain 6
- Narrated by: Karoline Mask von Oppen
- Series: Rocky Mountain, Book 6
- Length: 12 hrs and 22 mins
- Release date: 24-06-20
- Language: German
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Regular price: £11.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £11.99 or 1 Credit
Cos'è per te l'Europa?
- By: Virginia Volpi
- Narrated by: Marta Lucini
- Length: 4 hrs
- Unabridged
Che cos'è l'Europa? La definizione più azzeccata ce l'ha data Jacques Delors: l'Europa è un "oggetto politico non identificato". Un Ufo. Perché l'Europa non è né uno stato né una vera e propria organizzazione internazionale. Partendo dai suoi padri fondatori e madri fondatrici, Virginia Volpi traccia una breve, felice storia della nascita della Ue. Ci spiega quali sono le sue istituzioni più importanti e come funzionano, i cambiamenti che ha portato a livello politico ed economico negli stati aderenti. Ci racconta i valori su cui si fonda ma anche i problemi.
Cos'è per te l'Europa?
- Narrated by: Marta Lucini
- Length: 4 hrs
- Release date: 21-04-21
- Language: Italian
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Regular price: £7.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £7.99 or 1 Credit
Voglio un mondo rosa shokking
- By: Rossella Canevari, Virginia Fiume
- Narrated by: Elena Fiorenza, Margherita Mei
- Length: 6 hrs and 39 mins
- Unabridged
Sofia e Camilla sono due sorelle brillanti, carine e di buona famiglia, alla disperata ricerca di un lavoro gratificante e di una relazione duratura. Sofia ha trent'anni e lavora in televisione senza "santi in paradiso" né raccomandazioni. Non si rassegna a dover scegliere tra carriera e famiglia. Camilla di anni ne ha ventitré, sta per laurearsi e ha una valigia piena di sogni. Ma come si fa a trovare un lavoro con una laurea triennale? E come si fa a trovare il ragazzo giusto nella Milano delle apparenze?
Voglio un mondo rosa shokking
- Narrated by: Elena Fiorenza, Margherita Mei
- Length: 6 hrs and 39 mins
- Release date: 10-07-21
- Language: Italian
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Regular price: £8.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £8.99 or 1 Credit
What the Heart Wants
- Amish New World, Book 3
- By: Virginia Wise
- Narrated by: Tanya Eby
- Length: 8 hrs and 9 mins
- Unabridged
Outgoing and irrepressible, young Christina has her choice of suitors. But she and her practical-minded older sister, Hilda, have built a thriving life in the rugged Pennsylvania backcountry. Hilda has given up her marriage dreams as foolish - and Christina vows she'll never marry until she finds her sister a husband. So when two handsome newcomers arrive, Christina engages in a bit of secret matchmaking - with disastrous results....
What the Heart Wants
- Amish New World, Book 3
- Narrated by: Tanya Eby
- Series: Amish New World Series, Book 3
- Length: 8 hrs and 9 mins
- Release date: 05-01-21
- Language: English
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Regular price: £15.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £15.99 or 1 Credit
Mrs Dalloway
- By: Virginia Woolf
- Narrated by: Magda Allani
- Length: 7 hrs and 55 mins
- Unabridged
Within our minds, time flows eternal in parallel streams, carrying a host of memories and conflicting emotions and we are connected by webs of intermittent visibility to the lives of many whom we have never even met. This is what we come to realise as we join Clarissa Dalloway on a fine June day in 1923, as she prepares a party she is giving that night for London's social and political elite. Virginia Woolf's often teasing portrait of British characters at every level of society remains remarkably accurate to this day.
Mrs Dalloway
- Narrated by: Magda Allani
- Length: 7 hrs and 55 mins
- Release date: 16-04-21
- Language: English
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Regular price: £19.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £19.99 or 1 Credit
Win at Life
- Get the Life You Want Through Meditation
- By: Virginia Harton
- Narrated by: Virginia Harton
- Length: 1 hr and 41 mins
- Original Recording
This audio recording is designed to teach you how to get the life you want through meditation. Wouldn't it be nice to just relax completely and use meditation to improve your life? Well, that's exactly what you are going to do as you listen to this recording.
Win at Life
- Get the Life You Want Through Meditation
- Narrated by: Virginia Harton
- Length: 1 hr and 41 mins
- Release date: 26-01-21
- Language: English
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Regular price: £5.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £5.99 or 1 Credit
Self Empowerment
- By: Virginia Harton
- Narrated by: Virginia Harton
- Length: 29 mins
- Original Recording
As a meditation technique, yoga nidra offers a gentle approach, starting with body awareness, then working compassionately with thoughts and emotions as they arise, and gradually leading the meditator to access a greater field of awareness. In this audiobook we seek self-empowerment through developing self-confidence and self-esteem. Virginia Harton leads you through two full yoga nidra meditations.
Self Empowerment
- Narrated by: Virginia Harton
- Length: 29 mins
- Release date: 30-10-20
- Language: English
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Regular price: £2.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £2.99 or 1 Credit
The Woman Who Married an Owl
- By: Anne Virginia Culbertson
- Narrated by: Claire Breen
- Length: 13 mins
- Unabridged
Anne Virginia Culbertson who was born in Ohio in 1864, traveled around Virginia and North Carolina in the post-war years interviewing black Southerners to collect and publish their folk tales. The Woman Who Married an Owl is such a folk tale, written in dialect, about a woman’s encounter with an owl. It is told as a bedtime story by Aunt ‘Phrony to three children, and contains references to Cherokee words.
The Woman Who Married an Owl
- Narrated by: Claire Breen
- Length: 13 mins
- Release date: 09-03-20
- Language: English
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Regular price: £2.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £2.99 or 1 Credit
Dangerous Impostor
- Falsely Accused, Book 1
- By: Virginia Smith
- Narrated by: Leigh Linley
- Length: 5 hrs and 51 mins
- Unabridged
While on a business trip to Las Vegas, Lauren Bradley’s coworker is murdered - and she’s identified as the police’s number one suspect. With a shaky alibi and the evidence mounting against her, she places a desperate call to her boss. She and Brent set out to find the real killer, but nothing is as it seems in this city. Their only lead is a chance encounter with a troop of entertainers. Together, Lauren and Brent uncover an illegal operation that stretches all the way back home to Atlanta. Can they expose the desperate killer before one of them becomes the next victim?
Dangerous Impostor
- Falsely Accused, Book 1
- Narrated by: Leigh Linley
- Series: Falsely Accused, Book 1
- Length: 5 hrs and 51 mins
- Release date: 03-03-20
- Language: English
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Regular price: £14.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £14.99 or 1 Credit
Helen's Ant Story
- The Happy Ant Family Avoided the Kitchen, Until One Didn't!
- By: Virginia Paulsen
- Narrated by: Joanna Teljeur
- Length: 14 mins
- Unabridged
This is the story my mom, Helen Kaczor, told her six children. We then went on to tell her 17 grandchildren. We each had fun embellishing the details, but the moral stays the same.
Helen's Ant Story
- The Happy Ant Family Avoided the Kitchen, Until One Didn't!
- Narrated by: Joanna Teljeur
- Length: 14 mins
- Release date: 21-02-20
- Language: English
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Regular price: £2.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £2.99 or 1 Credit
- A Kid's Journey Through a Diseased and Adapted World
- By: Virginia Nielsen
- Narrated by: Sarah Bloom
- Length: 3 hrs and 56 mins
- Unabridged
Sam is an ordinary teenage girl. She is going to high school and hanging out with her loving family, when World War Three breaks out. This war is not a conventional war, where two nations are fighting one another for land or superiority. It is a war made and planned out by all world leaders. Not to take control, but to save the planet.
- A Kid's Journey Through a Diseased and Adapted World
- Narrated by: Sarah Bloom
- Length: 3 hrs and 56 mins
- Release date: 08-02-20
- Language: English
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Regular price: £11.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £11.99 or 1 Credit
Au phare
- By: Virginia Woolf
- Narrated by: Fanny Ardant
- Length: 9 hrs and 38 mins
- Unabridged
Au phare, c'est cette destination vers laquelle se tend et se déploie tout le roman, un serment en suspens, à flux tendu au-dessus des profondeurs abyssales de la conscience des personnages. La promesse d'une promenade scelle l'alliance de Mrs Ramsey avec ses enfants, contre le père, contre vents et marées, le temps qui passe et la Guerre - c'est autour de cette parole donnée que se nouent les désirs enfouis et les pensées tues, que se cristallisent tragiquement les souvenirs d'enfance.
Au phare
- Narrated by: Fanny Ardant
- Length: 9 hrs and 38 mins
- Release date: 20-11-19
- Language: French
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Regular price: £18.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £18.99 or 1 Credit