Showing results by narrator "Tatyana" in All Categories
Fate from Another World (Russian Edition)
- By: Marina Komarova
- Narrated by: Tatyana Bazhanova
- Length: 8 hrs and 6 mins
- Unabridged
Судьба из другого мира - фантастический роман Марины Комаровой, жанр любовное фэнтези, приключенческая фантастика, юмористическая фантастика. Он нашел меня на сайте знакомств, сделал предложение, очаровал семью и увез в северную страну
Fate from Another World (Russian Edition)
- Narrated by: Tatyana Bazhanova
- Length: 8 hrs and 6 mins
- Release date: 10-07-19
- Language: Russian
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Regular price: £6.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £6.99 or 1 Credit
Dream of Light Darkness (Russian Edition)
- By: Valentina Savenko
- Narrated by: Tatyana Shishova
- Length: 12 hrs and 53 mins
- Unabridged
"Мечта светлой тьмы" - фантастический роман Валентины Совенко, жанр любовное фэнтези. Если вас предали самые близкие люди, не стоит отчаиваться - выход есть всегда. И пусть он не совсем законный, зато действенный. Главное не попадаться на глаза полиции.
Dream of Light Darkness (Russian Edition)
- Narrated by: Tatyana Shishova
- Length: 12 hrs and 53 mins
- Release date: 14-08-19
- Language: Russian
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Regular price: £6.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £6.99 or 1 Credit
Unsent Letters [Russian Edition]
- By: Adel Kutuj
- Narrated by: Tatyana Lennikova, Vyacheslav Dugin, Alexey Zadachin, and others
- Length: 54 mins
- Abridged
Радиоспектакль "Неотосланные письма" по мотивам одноименной лирической повести Аделя Кутуя, татарского писателя, поэта и драматурга. Познакомившись в студенческом Доме культуры, Галия и Искэндер полюбили друг друга и поженились. Но вскоре Искэндеру наскучила семейная жизнь, и он ушел от жены. Молодая женщина нашла в себе силы справиться с бедой, закончила медицинский институт, растит дочь. Встреча с бывшим однокурсником, который любил Галию, помогла ей совсем забыть Искэндера....
Unsent Letters [Russian Edition]
- Narrated by: Tatyana Lennikova, Vyacheslav Dugin, Alexey Zadachin, Evgeny Vesnik
- Length: 54 mins
- Release date: 05-10-17
- Language: Russian
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Regular price: £5.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £5.99 or 1 Credit
How to Quit Smoking Easily [Russian Edition]
- By: Tatyana Sirzhant
- Narrated by: Tatyana Sirzhant
- Length: 35 mins
- Unabridged
Dannyj audiokurs prizvan pomoch' tem, kto hochet izbavit'sja ot privychki kurit'. V njom soderzhitsja informacija, rasskazyvajushhaja o vrede kurenija, privoditsja podrobnyj analiz psihologicheskoj zavisimosti cheloveka, a takzhe cennye sovety, kak nado rabotat' s jetoj problemoj. Special'no podobrannaja muzyka pomozhet snjat' naprjazhenie i podnjat' nastroenie. A glavnoe, vy poluchite pomoshh' i podderzhku v vashem stremlenii stat' zdorovym i izmenit' svoju zhizn' k luchshemu.
How to Quit Smoking Easily [Russian Edition]
- Narrated by: Tatyana Sirzhant
- Length: 35 mins
- Release date: 06-06-16
- Language: Russian
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Regular price: £3.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £3.99 or 1 Credit
The Island of Peace [Russian Edition]
- By: Evgeny Petrov
- Narrated by: Pavel Pol, Tatyana Peltzer, Vera Zhukovskaya, and others
- Length: 1 hr and 8 mins
- Original Recording
Radiospektakl' "Ostrov mira" po odnoimennoj komedii Evgenija Petrova, russkogo sovetskij pisatelja i zhurnalista, soavtora Il'i Il'fa. Bogatyj anglijskij kommersant Dzhozef Dzhekobs vmeste s sem'ej uehal na malen'kij ostrov v Tihom okeane, reshiv, chto tol'ko zdes' mozhno prozhit' spokojno, bez vojn, nasilija i katastrof. No cherez god na “ostrove mira” vdrug zabil fontan nefti i vse peremenilos'.
The Island of Peace [Russian Edition]
- Narrated by: Pavel Pol, Tatyana Peltzer, Vera Zhukovskaya, Dmitry Reutov, Vitaly Doronin, Filipp Giryavy, Andrey Petrovsky
- Length: 1 hr and 8 mins
- Release date: 05-06-15
- Language: Russian
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Regular price: £6.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £6.99 or 1 Credit
George Washington [Russian Edition]
- By: Vladimir Chepinsky
- Narrated by: Tatyana Sirzhant
- Length: 3 hrs and 58 mins
- Unabridged
"Zhizn' zamechatel'nyh ljudej" - serija biograficheskih i hudozhestvenno-biograficheskih knig, vypuskavshihsja v 1890 - 1924 godah izdatel'stvom F.F.Pavlenkova. "Zhizn' zamechatel'nyh ljudej" - pervoe v Rossii universal'noe sobranie biografij vydajushhihsja: artistov, muzykantov, hudozhnikov, pisatelej, polkovodcev i politicheskih dejatelej, uchenyh i filosofov raznyh jepoh i stran, napisannyh po istoricheskim i literaturnym istochnikam.
George Washington [Russian Edition]
- Narrated by: Tatyana Sirzhant
- Length: 3 hrs and 58 mins
- Release date: 03-04-15
- Language: Russian
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Regular price: £6.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £6.99 or 1 Credit
Yakov Bogomolov
- By: Maxim Gorky
- Narrated by: Andrey Popov, Ekaterina Kudryavtseva, Boris Sitko, and others
- Length: 1 hr and 44 mins
- Abridged
Spektakl' "Jakov Bogomolov" po motivam odnoimennoj p'esy russkogo pisatelja Maksima Gor'kogo. Delo proishodit na hutore, gde bezzabotnye obitateli tomjatsja ot skuki, bezdel'ja i rassuzhdajut o vysokih materijah i prednaznachenii cheloveka. Glavnyj geroj Jakov Bogomolov, mechtatel' ne ot mira sego, iskrenne ozabochennyj vselenskimi problemami. Pri jetom vse muzhchiny, kto javno, a kto tajno, vljubleny v zhenu Bogomolova Ol'gu Borisovnu.
Yakov Bogomolov
- Narrated by: Andrey Popov, Ekaterina Kudryavtseva, Boris Sitko, Tatyana Alexeyeva, Vladimir Blagoobrazov
- Length: 1 hr and 44 mins
- Release date: 10-12-14
- Language: Russian
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Regular price: £6.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £6.99 or 1 Credit
The Taming of the Shrew [Russian Edition]
- By: William Shakespeare
- Narrated by: Vladimir Blagoobrazov, Tatyana Alexeyeva, Lyubov Dobrzhanskaya, and others
- Length: 1 hr and 9 mins
- Abridged
Radiospektakl' "Ukroshhenie stroptivoj" - po odnoimennoj p'ese v pjati dejstvijah Uil'jama Shekspira, napisannaja v 1593 ili 1594 godu. Central'nyj sjuzhet "Ukroshhenija stroptivoj" svjazan s istoriej uhazhivanija dvorjanina Petruchcho iz Verony za Katarinoj - uprjamoj i nepokornoj damoj, toj samoj stroptivoj.
The Taming of the Shrew [Russian Edition]
- Narrated by: Vladimir Blagoobrazov, Tatyana Alexeyeva, Lyubov Dobrzhanskaya, Antony Khodursky
- Length: 1 hr and 9 mins
- Release date: 10-12-14
- Language: Russian
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Regular price: £6.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £6.99 or 1 Credit
The Dancing Master [Russian Edition]
- By: Lope de Vega
- Narrated by: Vladimir Zeldin, Mikhail Pertsovsky, Georgy Sorokin, and others
- Length: 1 hr and 5 mins
- Abridged
Radiospektakl' "Uchitel' tancev" - po odnoimennoj p'ese Lope de Vega(1594 g.). Romanticheskaja istorija, ispanskie strasti, pylkie chuvstva - vse jeto v znamenitoj komedii velikogo ispanskogo dramaturga, kotoraja vot uzhe bolee chetyrehsot let ne shodit so sceny! Al'demaro, bednyj dvorjanin, vljubilsja v devushku iz bogatoj i znatnoj sem'i. Chtoby imet' vozmozhnost' videt'sja i obshhat'sja s prekrasnoj Floreloj, on nanimaetsja k nej v dom uchitelem tancev…
The Dancing Master [Russian Edition]
- Narrated by: Vladimir Zeldin, Mikhail Pertsovsky, Georgy Sorokin, Nikolay Konovalov, Tatyana Alexeyeva, Vladimir Blagoobrazov
- Length: 1 hr and 5 mins
- Release date: 15-10-14
- Language: Russian
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Regular price: £6.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £6.99 or 1 Credit
The Wedding [Russian Edition]
- By: Anton Chekhov
- Narrated by: Boris Shukhmin, Tatyana Shukhmina, Larisa Pashkova, and others
- Length: 37 mins
- Original Recording
Vodevil' "Svad'ba" - sozdannyj po odnoimjonnoj p'ese Antona Pavlovicha Chehova, javljaetsja jazvitel'noj satiroj na obyvatel'skie nravy meshhan dorevoljucionnoj Rossii. Meshhane Zhigalovy, u kotoryh na vydan'e doch' Dasha, k uzhasu svoemu uznajut, chto chinovnik Aplombov, ezhednevno obedavshij u nih i zarekomendovavshij sebja zhenihom, zhenit'sja vovse ne sobiraetsja. S bol'shim trudom udalos' otcu Dashen'ki ugovorit' ambicioznogo zheniha sdelat' predlozhenie.
The Wedding [Russian Edition]
- Narrated by: Boris Shukhmin, Tatyana Shukhmina, Larisa Pashkova, Nikolay Plotnikov, Ruben Simonov, Iosif Tolchanov, Elizaveta Alekseyeva
- Length: 37 mins
- Release date: 07-05-14
- Language: Russian
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Regular price: £5.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £5.99 or 1 Credit
Le Théâtre de Clara Gazul: Woman Is the Devil [Russian Edition]
- By: Prosper Mérimée
- Narrated by: Tatyana Doronina, Vitaly Politsejmako
- Length: 33 mins
- Original Recording
Prosper Merime (1803 - 1870) - francuzskij pisatel' i perevodchik, odin iz pervyh vo Francii masterov novelly. P'esa "Zhenshhina-d'javol, ili Iskushenie Svjatogo Antonija" vhodit v sbornik "Teatr Klary Gazul'", prinesshego pervuju izvestnost' Prosperu Merime. Jeto proizvedenie molodogo pisatelja bylo svjazano s mistifikaciej, vyzvavshej nemalo tolkov. Merime vydal svoj sbornik za sochinenie nekoej - pridumannoj im - ispanskoj aktrisy i obshhestvennoj dejatel'nicy Klary Gazul'.
Le Théâtre de Clara Gazul: Woman Is the Devil [Russian Edition]
- Narrated by: Tatyana Doronina, Vitaly Politsejmako
- Length: 33 mins
- Release date: 06-05-14
- Language: Russian
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Regular price: £3.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £3.99 or 1 Credit
Le Théâtre de Clara Gazul: Heaven and Hell [Russian Edition]
- By: Prosper Mérimée
- Narrated by: Tatyana Doronina, Yury Tolubeev
- Length: 38 mins
- Original Recording
Prosper Merime (1803 - 1870) - francuzskij pisatel' i perevodchik, odin iz pervyh vo Francii masterov novelly. P'esa "Nebo i ad" vhodit v sbornik "Teatr Klary Gazul'", prinesshego pervuju izvestnost' Prosperu Merime. Jeto proizvedenie molodogo pisatelja bylo svjazano s mistifikaciej, vyzvavshej nemalo tolkov. Merime vydal svoj sbornik za sochinenie nekoej - pridumannoj im - ispanskoj aktrisy i obshhestvennoj dejatel'nicy Klary Gazul'.
Le Théâtre de Clara Gazul: Heaven and Hell [Russian Edition]
- Narrated by: Tatyana Doronina, Yury Tolubeev
- Length: 38 mins
- Release date: 05-05-14
- Language: Russian
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Regular price: £3.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £3.99 or 1 Credit
On the Bottom of the Gold [Russian Edition]
- By: Dmitry Mamin-Sibiryak
- Narrated by: Vyacheslav Dugin, Nikolay Gritsenko, Maria Nekrasova, and others
- Length: 1 hr and 54 mins
- Original Recording
Spektakl' iz zhizni sibirskih zolotoiskatelej po proizvedenijam vydajushhegosja russkogo pisatelja Dmitrija Narkisovicha Mamina-Sibirjaka (nastojashhaja familija Mamin; 1852-1912). V centre p'esy obraz docheri razorivshegosja zolotopromyshlennika, kotoraja, stolknuvshis' s zhestokimi nravami, sama stanovitsja hishhnicej...
On the Bottom of the Gold [Russian Edition]
- Narrated by: Vyacheslav Dugin, Nikolay Gritsenko, Maria Nekrasova, Yulia Borisova, Nikolay Bubnov, Tatyana Kopteva, Igor Lipsky
- Length: 1 hr and 54 mins
- Release date: 08-04-14
- Language: Russian
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Regular price: £6.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £6.99 or 1 Credit
Cossaks [Russian Edition]
- By: Leo Tolstoy
- Narrated by: Vladimir Chesnokov, Nina Urgant, Yuri Tolubeyev, and others
- Length: 2 hrs and 29 mins
- Original Recording
Iz sosednej svetloj komnatki slyshatsja golosa treh uzhinajushhih molodyh ljudej. Oni sidjat v komnate okolo stola, na kotorom stojat ostatki uzhina i vina. Odin, malen'kij, chisten'kij, hudoj i durnoj, sidit i smotrit na ot#ezzhajushhego dobrymi, ustalymi glazami. Drugoj, vysokij, lezhit podle ustavlennogo pustymi butylkami stola i igraet kljuchikom chasov. Tretij, v noven'kom polushubke, hodit po komnate i, izredka ostanavlivajas', shhelkaet mindal' v dovol'no tolstyh i sil'nyh, no s otchishhennymi nogtjami pal'cah, i vse chemu-to ulybaetsja; glaza i lico ego gorjat.
Cossaks [Russian Edition]
- Narrated by: Vladimir Chesnokov, Nina Urgant, Yuri Tolubeyev, Alexander Khlopotov, Gleb Selyanin, Ivan Selyanin, Tatyana Doronina
- Length: 2 hrs and 29 mins
- Release date: 05-02-14
- Language: Russian
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Regular price: £6.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £6.99 or 1 Credit
The Village of Stepanchikovo [Russian Edition]
- By: Fyodor Dostoevsky
- Narrated by: Mikhail Tsarev, Tatyana Pankova, Klavdiya Blokhina, and others
- Length: 2 hrs and 2 mins
- Unabridged
Nachalo raboty Fjodora Mihajlovicha nad «Selom Stepanchikovo» otnositsja ko vremeni prebyvanija ego v Sibiri; odnako on pisal ejo s bol'shim pereryvom, vo vremja kotorogo rabotal nad drugoj povest'ju - «Djadjushkin son». Na sovremennikov «Selo Stepanchikovo» ne proizvelo bol'shogo vpechatlenija. Odnako posle smerti Dostoevskogo povest' stala ochen' populjarnoj, a imja Fomy Fomicha Opiskina sdelalos' naricatel'nym.
The Village of Stepanchikovo [Russian Edition]
- Narrated by: Mikhail Tsarev, Tatyana Pankova, Klavdiya Blokhina, Galina Mironova, Nikita Podgorny, Igor Ilyinsky, Galina Kiryushina
- Length: 2 hrs and 2 mins
- Release date: 21-11-13
- Language: Russian
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Regular price: £6.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £6.99 or 1 Credit
Stolen Life [Russian Edition]
- By: Kaoru Morimoto
- Narrated by: Maria Babanova, Nina Osipyan, Piotr Arzhanov, and others
- Length: 1 hr and 48 mins
- Unabridged
Devochka-sirota Kej popadaet v dom Sindzu, hozjajki preuspevajushhej firmy. Smyshlenaja devochka stanovitsja dlja nee nezamenimoj pomoshhnicej. Vskore Kej vyhodit zamuzh za starshego syna hozjajki. Rukovodstvo firmoj posle smerti Sindzu perehodit k Kej. Vlast' i den'gi postepenno issushajut ee dushu i razrushajut sem'ju.
Stolen Life [Russian Edition]
- Narrated by: Maria Babanova, Nina Osipyan, Piotr Arzhanov, Boris Tolmazov, Tatyana Babanina, Alexandra Terekhina, Mikhail Orlov
- Length: 1 hr and 48 mins
- Release date: 06-11-13
- Language: Russian
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Regular price: £6.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £6.99 or 1 Credit
The Counterfeit Coin
- By: Maxim Gorky
- Narrated by: Mikhail Yakunin, Era Suslova, Liliya Drozdova, and others
- Length: 1 hr and 31 mins
- Abridged
«Fal'shivaja moneta» - p'esa, kotoraja v gor'kovskom nasledii stoit kak by osobnjakom i vydeljaetsja svoej suguboj nervnost'ju, vzvinchennost'ju. Vneshne sravnitel'no neslozhnyj sjuzhet «Fal'shivoj monety» skryvaet glubokuju i dlja Gor'kogo v vysshej stepeni pritjagatel'nuju mysl' o tom, kak iskazhaet, unizhaet i oposhljaet cheloveka denezhnyj interes, o tom, kak vlast' deneg pronikaet v samuju, kazalos' by, potaennuju sferu vnutrisemejnyh otnoshenij.
The Counterfeit Coin
- Narrated by: Mikhail Yakunin, Era Suslova, Liliya Drozdova, Raisa Vyshurina, Galina Kuznetsova, Tatyana Rozhdestvenskaya, Gerogy Pisarev
- Length: 1 hr and 31 mins
- Release date: 21-10-13
- Language: Russian
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Regular price: £6.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £6.99 or 1 Credit
Dombey and Son [Russian Edition]
- By: Charles Dickens
- Narrated by: Vsevolod Yakut, Maria Babanova, Margarita Korabelnikova, and others
- Length: 59 mins
- Unabridged
Spektakl' po romanu Dombi i synom velikogo anglijskogo pisatelja Charl'za Dikkensa, odin iz luchshih romanov mirovoj literatury, blistatel'nyj, ostroumnyj, veselyj i grustnyj odnovremenno. Beskonechnaja verenica figur i zhiznennyh polozhenij v jetom proizvedenii izumljaet. Ne mnogo romanov v mirovoj literature, kotorye po bogatstvu krasok i raznoobraziju tona mogut byt' postavleny v odin rjad s Dombi i Synom, ne schitaja nekotoryh pozdnejshih proizvedenij samogo Dikkensa.
Dombey and Son [Russian Edition]
- Narrated by: Vsevolod Yakut, Maria Babanova, Margarita Korabelnikova, Tatyana Pelttser
- Length: 59 mins
- Release date: 17-04-13
- Language: Russian
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Regular price: £5.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £5.99 or 1 Credit
Collection of Works: Portraits, Vol. 4 [Russian Edition]
- By: Mark Aldanov
- Narrated by: Tatyana Levitskaya
- Length: 4 hrs and 33 mins
- Abridged
The fourth volume of the collected works of famous Russian writer Mark Aldanov (1886-1957) includes historical portraits, depicting the mysteries of European history.
Collection of Works: Portraits, Vol. 4 [Russian Edition]
- Narrated by: Tatyana Levitskaya
- Length: 4 hrs and 33 mins
- Release date: 21-08-12
- Language: Russian
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Regular price: £11.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £11.99 or 1 Credit
The Meeting 300 Years Later [Russian Edition]
- By: Aleksey Tolstoy
- Narrated by: Tatyana Levitskaya
- Length: 1 hr and 3 mins
- Abridged
"The Meeting 300 Years Later" was written by the great Aleksey Tolstory (1817 - 1875) in 1839 but the story was not published until after his death. It is an example of Tolstoy's interest in mysticism and spiritualism.
The Meeting 300 Years Later [Russian Edition]
- Narrated by: Tatyana Levitskaya
- Length: 1 hr and 3 mins
- Release date: 17-07-12
- Language: Russian
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Regular price: £6.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £6.99 or 1 Credit