Showing results by narrator "Stanislav Stanislav" in All Categories
Think! Bodybuilding Without Steroids (Russian Edition)
- By: Stuart McRobert
- Narrated by: Stanislav Ivanov
- Length: 10 hrs and 21 mins
- Unabridged
Think! Bodybuilding Without steroids - Stuart McRobert's best seller now in Russian! The book became a cult favorite among all who lead a healthy lifestyle, who want to feel great and look good! Most books about bodybuilding are similar. As a rule, they are colorful collections of photos of bodybuilders with impressive muscles, and looking at that, you think, "Well, I'm sure this will never be...." And yes, maybe you're right! After all, most of these books do not work, because they cannot give the same result through training for different people. Think! offers a completely different approach, refuting years on stereotypes that have hindered your success.
Think! Bodybuilding Without Steroids (Russian Edition)
- Narrated by: Stanislav Ivanov
- Length: 10 hrs and 21 mins
- Release date: 26-01-16
- Language: Russian
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Regular price: £10.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £10.99 or 1 Credit
Ves Bredberi za polchasa [All Bradbury for Half an Hour]
- By: Jeremy Evans
- Narrated by: Stanislav Ivanov
- Length: 1 hr and 14 mins
- Unabridged
Esli vyi esche ne znaete, chto edyat na Marse, kak zakuporit leto v butyilkah i zachem nuzhno chitat knigi, to vyi ne imeete predstavleniya o Ree Bredberi. I eto neobhodimo ispravit. Samyiy nefantasticheskiy iz vseh pisateley-fantastov i samyiy tainstvennyiy iz realistov, Rey Bredberi otkryivaet novyie miryi na zadnem dvore i nahodit staryie vospominaniya na chuzhih planetah. V etoy knige - kratkiy obzor tvorchestva velikogo rasskazchika.
Ves Bredberi za polchasa [All Bradbury for Half an Hour]
- Narrated by: Stanislav Ivanov
- Length: 1 hr and 14 mins
- Release date: 26-01-16
- Language: Russian
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Regular price: £8.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £8.99 or 1 Credit
- By: James Fenimore Cooper
- Narrated by: Stanislav Sytnik
- Length: 24 hrs and 26 mins
- Unabridged
Priklyuchencheskiy roman Dzheymsa Fenimora Kupera "Zveroboy " vhodit v ego znamenityy cikl iz pyati romanov, posvyashchennyh istorii kolonizacii Severnoy Ameriki. Tragicheskie sobytiya gibeli indeyskoy civilizacii sluzhat fonom, na kotorom razvorachivayutsya zahvatyvayushchie priklyucheniya ohotnika i sledopyta Natti Bampo, po prozvishchu Zveroboy. Chestnyy i skromnyy ohotnik, vyrosshiy sredi indeycev plemeni delavarov, zhivet odnoy zhizn'yu s prirodoy. Roman povestvuet o yunosti geroya, postepenno prevrashchayushchegosya iz ohotnika v hrabrogo i mudrogo voina. V osnove syuzheta lezhit istoriya Tomasa Hattera i ego docherey, zhivushchih v plavuchem domike na ozere.
- Narrated by: Stanislav Sytnik
- Length: 24 hrs and 26 mins
- Release date: 17-12-15
- Language: Russian
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Regular price: £5.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £5.99 or 1 Credit
Ne tormozi! Kak vyizhat maksimum iz svoey zhizni [Don't Stop! How to Get the Most Out of Your Life]
- By: Amanda Koul
- Narrated by: Stanislav Ivanov
- Length: 1 hr and 3 mins
- Unabridged
Vam nadoelo deystvovat pod diktovku, sledovat obscheprinyatyim standartam i zhit ne svoey zhiznyu? Otkroytes, nakonets, dlya polnotsennoy zhizni, vdohnite svobodu i poprobuyte chto-to novoe. Ne boytes sdelat shag navstrechu sebe, a myi pomozhem vam v etom! Eta kniga rasskazhet vam, s chego nachat novuyu yarkuyu zhizn, v glavnoe - nauchit vas lyubit sebya i tsenit kazhdoe mgnovenie, kotoroe podareno vam sudboy.
Ne tormozi! Kak vyizhat maksimum iz svoey zhizni [Don't Stop! How to Get the Most Out of Your Life]
- Narrated by: Stanislav Ivanov
- Length: 1 hr and 3 mins
- Release date: 16-12-15
- Language: Russian
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Regular price: £8.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £8.99 or 1 Credit
Pobediteley ne sudyat. Kak razreshat konfliktyi v biznese i lichnoy zhizni [Winners Are Not Judged: How to Resolve Conflict in Business and Personal Life]
- By: Dzhon Mitchell
- Narrated by: Stanislav Ivanov
- Length: 1 hr and 17 mins
- Unabridged
Konfliktyi presleduyut nas v samyih raznyih zhiznennyih situatsiyah. No vsegda naibolee problemnyimi i trudno razreshaemyimi schitalis konfliktnyie situatsii, kotoryie voznikayut na rabote i v seme. Rabochie konfliktyi vliyayut na obschuyu atmosferu v kollektive, chto privodit k rasstroystvu trudovogo protsessa, i, sledovatelno, otritsatelno skazyivayutsya na konechnom rezultate. Konfliktyi zhe v seme chrevatyi ne tolko razvodami, no i psihologicheskimi problemami detey v buduschem.
Pobediteley ne sudyat. Kak razreshat konfliktyi v biznese i lichnoy zhizni [Winners Are Not Judged: How to Resolve Conflict in Business and Personal Life]
- Narrated by: Stanislav Ivanov
- Length: 1 hr and 17 mins
- Release date: 16-12-15
- Language: Russian
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Regular price: £8.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £8.99 or 1 Credit
To chego ne bylo
- By: Boris Savinkov
- Narrated by: Stanislav Sytnik
- Length: 14 hrs and 50 mins
- Unabridged
Eto v vysshey stepeni interesnaya kniga, opisyvayushchaya iznutri russkiy revolyucionnyy terror. V centre romana brat'ya Bolotovy, synov'ya zasluzhennogo generala. Starshiy, Andrey, oficer flota, v to vremya kak sredniy, Aleksandr, yavlyaetsya odnim iz rukovoditeley partii ehserov. Uvlechennyy ponachalu partiynym stroitel'stvom on vskore soznaet, chto revolyucionnyy process, v sushchnosti, stihien, i ego lyubimaya partiya nikak ne vliyaet na proiskhodyashchie sobytiya.
To chego ne bylo
- Narrated by: Stanislav Sytnik
- Length: 14 hrs and 50 mins
- Release date: 11-12-15
- Language: Russian
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Regular price: £4.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £4.99 or 1 Credit
Kon' blednyy
- By: Boris Savinkov
- Narrated by: Stanislav Sytnik
- Length: 3 hrs and 31 mins
- Unabridged
Kon' blednyy. Rukovoditel' boevoy gruppy ZHorzh komandirovan v H(ar'kov) dlya likvidacii gubernatora. Posle podavleniya vosstaniya 1905 goda Rossiya v ocepenenii, i tol'ko terror, kak schitayut ehsery, mozhet vyvesti stranu iz apatii. A chto dumaet po ehtomu povodu ZHorzh, ehtot utonchennyy i ehstetstvuyushchiy cinik? Dlya nego revolyuciya - prezhde vsego real'noe, tragicheskoe deystvo, v kotorom on odin iz glavnyh personazhey.
Kon' blednyy
- Narrated by: Stanislav Sytnik
- Length: 3 hrs and 31 mins
- Release date: 04-12-15
- Language: Russian
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Regular price: £4.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £4.99 or 1 Credit
Labirint: Memuary gitlerovskogo razvedchika
- By: Walter Schellenberg
- Narrated by: Stanislav Sytnik
- Length: 19 hrs and 26 mins
- Unabridged
V svoih memuarah znamenityy shef VI otdeleniya RSKHA rasskazyvaet o tom, chto pobudilo stat' ego chlennom SS i SD, blagodarya chemu on sdelal stol' porazitel'nuyu kar'eru. On podrobno opisyvaet ryad operaciy, kotorye on ne tol'ko splaniroval, no v kakih on i sam prinimal neposredstvennoe uchastie. Im detal'no issleduetsya svetskiy shpionazh, okazavshiysya ves'ma plodotvornym. On raskryvaet taynu osoboy operacii nemeckoy razvedki, sprovocirovavshuyu bol'shuyu chistku vysshego komandnogo sostava v SSSR (delo Tuhachevskogo i t. p.).
Labirint: Memuary gitlerovskogo razvedchika
- Narrated by: Stanislav Sytnik
- Length: 19 hrs and 26 mins
- Release date: 27-11-15
- Language: Russian
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Regular price: £5.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £5.99 or 1 Credit
Dombi i syn
- By: Charles Dickens
- Narrated by: Stanislav Sytnik
- Length: 46 hrs and 30 mins
- Unabridged
Etot znamenityy roman napisan vo vremya polnogo rascveta tvorcheskih sil Dikkensa i soedinyaet v sebe cherty svoystvennye kak rannemu periodu tvorchestva, proniknutogo neistoshchimym yumorom, dohodyashchim do bezuderzhnogo groteska, tak i pozdney pore ego raboty, v kotoroy usilivaetsya patetika i ozabochennost' obshchestvennymi problemami. V centre povestvovaniya glava znamenitoy torgovoy firmy mister Dombi, chelovek isklyuchitel'no nadmennyy, s cherstvym serdcem i holodnoy dushoy. Ispolnennyy soznaniem svoego prevoskhodstva, on so vsem ne zamechaet svoey docheri Florens, ibo ona ne predstavlyaet interesa dlya ego dela.
Dombi i syn
- Narrated by: Stanislav Sytnik
- Length: 46 hrs and 30 mins
- Release date: 26-11-15
- Language: Russian
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Regular price: £9.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £9.99 or 1 Credit
Earn What You're Really Worth: Maximize Your Income at Any Time in Any Market [Russian Edition]
- By: Brian Tracy
- Narrated by: Stanislav Ivanov
- Length: 6 hrs and 34 mins
- Unabridged
One of the most important assets you have is your earning ability: your ability to do something that other people will pay you for. This asset can be valuable and increase each year, or it can be stagnant and flat. Your greatest financial responsibility is to organize your time and your work so that you earn the very most possible throughout your lifetime. Earn What You're Really Worth will show you how. This book will be the bible of career advancement for your indefinite future.
Earn What You're Really Worth: Maximize Your Income at Any Time in Any Market [Russian Edition]
- Narrated by: Stanislav Ivanov
- Length: 6 hrs and 34 mins
- Release date: 24-11-15
- Language: Russian
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Regular price: £10.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £10.99 or 1 Credit
How to Succeed in Business By Breaking All the Rules: A Plan for Entrepreneurs [Russian Edition]
- By: Dan Kennedy
- Narrated by: Stanislav Ivanov
- Length: 6 hrs and 29 mins
- Unabridged
A successful entrepreneur shares his views on how the standard business maxims are not always true and offers practical advice and anecdotes to help readers make going into business for themselves work. 35,000 first printing. Tour.
How to Succeed in Business By Breaking All the Rules: A Plan for Entrepreneurs [Russian Edition]
- Narrated by: Stanislav Ivanov
- Length: 6 hrs and 29 mins
- Release date: 06-11-15
- Language: Russian
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Regular price: £10.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £10.99 or 1 Credit
God Is My Broker: A Monk-Tycoon Reveals the 7 1/2 Laws of Spiritual and Financial Growth [Russian Edition]
- By: Christopher Taylor Buckley, John Tierney
- Narrated by: Stanislav Ivanov
- Length: 5 hrs and 57 mins
- Unabridged
This is an incredible story. The author, a failed, alcoholic Wall Street trader, had retreated to a monastery. It, too, was failing. Then, one fateful day, Brother Ty decided to let God be his broker--and not only saved the monastery but discovered the 7 1/2 Laws of Spiritual and Financial Growth. Brother Ty's remarkable success has been studied at the nation's leading business schools and scrutinized by Wall Street's greatest minds, but until now the secret to his 7 1/2 Laws of Spiritual and Financial Growth have been available only to a select few.
God Is My Broker: A Monk-Tycoon Reveals the 7 1/2 Laws of Spiritual and Financial Growth [Russian Edition]
- Narrated by: Stanislav Ivanov
- Length: 5 hrs and 57 mins
- Release date: 06-11-15
- Language: Russian
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Regular price: £10.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £10.99 or 1 Credit
The 5-Day Course in Thinking [Russian Edition]
- By: Edward de Bono
- Narrated by: Stanislav Ivanov
- Length: 1 hr and 44 mins
- Unabridged
This book offers a series of problems in thinking that require no special knowledge and no mathematics. The problems are designed to let readers find out about their personal style of thinking, its weaknesses and strengths, and the potential methods that they never use. Being right is not always important – an error can lead to the right decision. A copy of the L-game is inserted in each book for use in the section on strategy.
The 5-Day Course in Thinking [Russian Edition]
- Narrated by: Stanislav Ivanov
- Length: 1 hr and 44 mins
- Release date: 06-11-15
- Language: Russian
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Regular price: £8.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £8.99 or 1 Credit
How to Stop Drink (Kak brosit' pit') [ Russian Edition]
- By: Alexei Tikhonov
- Narrated by: Stanislav Ivanov
- Length: 1 hr and 41 mins
- Unabridged
Bolezn', o kotoroj pojdjot rech' v jetoj knige izdatel'stva AB Publishing, mnogie nazyvajut sovremennoj chumoj. I neudivitel'no: diagnoz «alkogolizm» eshhjo v nachale dvuhtysjachnyh postavili sta pjatidesjati tysjacham chelovek! Jeta kniga stanet dlja svoego slushatelja nastojashhej panaceej i horoshim posobiem po bor'be s zavisimostjami. Poleznogo proslushivanija!
How to Stop Drink (Kak brosit' pit') [ Russian Edition]
- Narrated by: Stanislav Ivanov
- Length: 1 hr and 41 mins
- Release date: 28-04-15
- Language: Russian
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Regular price: £8.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £8.99 or 1 Credit
Book of Eastern Wisdom (Russian Edition)
- By: Digest
- Narrated by: Stanislav Ivanov
- Length: 3 hrs and 17 mins
- Unabridged
Ancient oriental civilization became the cradle of world philosophy and wisdom. This is evident in the writings of such men as Confucius, Lao Tzu, Sun Tzu, and others. Despite the fact that these aphorisms are hundreds of years old, they still remain relevant and appropriate to our reality. Human relationships, fortitude, honor, love, knowledge - all these topics are discussed by the philosophers in their writings.
Book of Eastern Wisdom (Russian Edition)
- Narrated by: Stanislav Ivanov
- Length: 3 hrs and 17 mins
- Release date: 28-04-15
- Language: Russian
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Regular price: £8.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £8.99 or 1 Credit
Remember All! How to Develop Supermemory (Pomnit' vse! Kak razvit' superpamjat') [Russian Edition]
- By: Margaret Fox
- Narrated by: Stanislav Ivanov
- Length: 1 hr
- Unabridged
Kak uluchshit' svoju pamjat', nauchit'sja upravljat' eju i zapominat' fakty i sobytija po sobstvennomu zhelaniju? Kak razvit' svoj mozg i ispol'zovat' ego vozmozhnosti naibolee jeffektivno? Kak legko i prochno zauchit' slova inostrannogo jazyka? Otvety na jeti i drugie vazhnye voprosy, svjazannye s mozgovoj dejatel'nost'ju i pamjat'ju, vy najdete v knige.
Remember All! How to Develop Supermemory (Pomnit' vse! Kak razvit' superpamjat') [Russian Edition]
- Narrated by: Stanislav Ivanov
- Length: 1 hr
- Release date: 22-04-15
- Language: Russian
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Regular price: £8.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £8.99 or 1 Credit
Art of War: A Guide for Business (Russian Edition)
- By: David Chase
- Narrated by: Stanislav Ivanov
- Length: 58 mins
- Unabridged
War and trade were accomplished by our ancestors in ancient times. Between these human activities there was no significant difference. The warrior engaged in trade, and the merchant was often a warrior. In war, there are unchecked and reckless practices. Ancient scholars have written entire treatises on the subject of war. They were taught how to achieve victory on the battlefield with minimal losses.
Art of War: A Guide for Business (Russian Edition)
- Narrated by: Stanislav Ivanov
- Length: 58 mins
- Release date: 21-04-15
- Language: Russian
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Regular price: £8.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £8.99 or 1 Credit
Brain 2.0. Personal Development in the XXI Century (Russian Edition)
- By: Rob Sherwood
- Narrated by: Stanislav Ivanov
- Length: 1 hr and 10 mins
- Unabridged
The older we get, the less we are able to think. The brain starts to degrade. This process is inevitable if we are not regularly engaged in the development of the brain. This book presents a set of methods for the development of mental abilities of the brain. They not only help to preserve the clarity of your mind for years to come but also will allow you to open new facets of your ability.
Brain 2.0. Personal Development in the XXI Century (Russian Edition)
- Narrated by: Stanislav Ivanov
- Length: 1 hr and 10 mins
- Release date: 21-04-15
- Language: Russian
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Regular price: £8.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £8.99 or 1 Credit
Good Year: How to Change Their Lives for 365 Days (Russian Edition)
- By: Robert Johnson
- Narrated by: Stanislav Ivanov
- Length: 1 hr and 21 mins
- Unabridged
This theory can change your life, giving form to your most cherished dreams. This is a recipe for success that works for everyone, and in any situation. Just 30 minutes, a little patience - and the world is at your feet! Do not believe me? Just try it!
Good Year: How to Change Their Lives for 365 Days (Russian Edition)
- Narrated by: Stanislav Ivanov
- Length: 1 hr and 21 mins
- Release date: 21-04-15
- Language: Russian
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Regular price: £8.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £8.99 or 1 Credit
NLP. Secret Techniques of Special Services [Russian Edition]
- By: Andrew Robinson
- Narrated by: Stanislav Ivanov
- Length: 1 hr and 12 mins
- Unabridged
Who are the special agents? In our understanding - these are people with amazing abilities. They have overturned the will power, good physical shape and unique abilities. People are open books for them, they are easy to recognize a lie and the truth, know how to find out information and how to get others to perform tasks assigned by them. They manage to be his in any company and at the same time can easily become invisible. They are able to achieve their goals and never turn away from the intended path.
NLP. Secret Techniques of Special Services [Russian Edition]
- Narrated by: Stanislav Ivanov
- Length: 1 hr and 12 mins
- Release date: 21-04-15
- Language: Russian
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Regular price: £8.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £8.99 or 1 Credit