• 2025 Feb: Special Parents Episode- Children's Health and Nutrition with the Experts at Chattanooga's Nutrition World
    Feb 19 2025

    This episode is sponsored by Mountain Lights & Safety of Lookout Mountain.
    (423) 463-7704
    Outdoor Lighting - Home Security - Smoke & Fire Detection

    This episode has been months in the planning and tME hopes that the knowledge and expertise presented will be a welcome resource for parents with children ages infant through high school - and even for parents too!

    Join in and give a fun listen to Chattanooga Treasure Mr Ed Jones and his amazingly talented daughter Mrs. Cady Kuhlman as they bring just a pinch of their deep knowledge to the listeners of tME. These are two very PASSIONATE health professionals and you will learn this for yourself as you hear some of their stories about how we can help our children.

    This episode has been talked about for a year or more with listeners and tME is thrilled to finally have it a reality and in the library as a resource for local parents.

    Coming in at a hair over an hour, this episode is well worth hearing - truly - even if you need to finish it in two listens!

    You will hear about a lot of topics and terms such as: traditional medicine, acute care, chronic illness, knowledge deficits, ADHD, autism, sick children, immune systems, skin issues, food systems, toxicity, medicine 3.0, protein for children, carb dangers, olive leaf, The CORE FOUR for children, Vital Health Radio, The Holistic Navigator just to name some we remembered!

    This episode is a MUST for any parents with young children! Hear some great support info for raising young children and what teenagers with demanding schedules need in their health toolbox every day.

    This is already one of our favorite episodes and as soon as you hear it you will understand why - it's exciting and empowering to know that we can be helping ourselves and our children be our BEST selves every day.

    Thank you Sir Ed and Dear Cady - you are both Chattanooga Treasures.


    Home - Nutrition World

    The Holistic Navigator

    Vital Health Radio – All About Living a Healthy Life

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    Please "Like" and 'subscribe' for notification of new episodes on your media player's podcast menu.

    Also, on regular, full length, non-bonus episodes, many thanks for closing music featuring the Dismembered Tennesseans and vocals by the amazing Laura Walker singing Tennessee Waltz. Opening fiddle music played by the late Mr. Fletcher Bright.

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    1 hr and 14 mins
  • 2025 Jan - After a decade on Lookout, Atlantan Strib Stribling shares his passions: Family, Relationships and Helping People Discover Their Dream Destinations in the Great Outdoors
    Jan 25 2025

    This episode is sponsored by Mountain Lights & Safety of Lookout Mountain.
    (423) 463-7704
    Outdoor Lighting - Home Security - Smoke & Fire Detection

    Have you ever dreamed of going to a special place?
    Do you ever want or need to get away from the hustle and bustle?
    Do you want to go somewhere but you're just not sure where? Or how to do it.

    Warning: the following podcast episode may unlock your dreams, high adventure and possibly even some danger - use caution if you proceed!

    Do yourself a huge favor and join us for another great episode on The Mountain Echo as Strib Stribling opens up about himself, family, relationships and of course, fishing; you will be so glad you did.

    Do you have a travel wish? A long-held destination wish? This fun and inspiring episode may just be the 'sign' you've been waiting for.

    Growing up in Atlanta and falling in love with a girl form Lookout, Strib is at his best just relaxing and sharing great stories. Atlanta to Lookout, and parenting along the way, he weaves a great listening experience for listeners as he shares a very powerful message to folks.

    Strib founded and operates Stribling and Company and he helps people have great experiences via travel and trips in the great outdoors. He does a really good job of explaining what this cool, Lookout-based company does for people, families and groups, Strib has more stories than he does fishing lures - and that's saying a lot!
    Sit back for a real treat for your ears, and your heart as this wonderful, talented, skillful and gracious man encourages you to dream big and to have the courage to act on your desires to travel. Spoiler alert: His real goal is even bigger - helping people discover new feelings about themselves and those around them - and the power of relationships.

    Stribling and Company is the real deal for serious travel - whether personal discovery or group relations and dynamics - friends or corporate.

    Give Strib a call and talk to him - he's great to talk with and incredibly knowledgeable about many places and about different types of trips.

    People who have used him already know - ' Strib IS THE Guy'

    Strib - 'thank you', you did a great job - tME


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    Please "Like" and 'subscribe' for notification of new episodes on your media player's podcast menu.

    Also, on regular, full length, non-bonus episodes, many thanks for closing music featuring the Dismembered Tennesseans and vocals by the amazing Laura Walker singing Tennessee Waltz. Opening fiddle music played by the late Mr. Fletcher Bright.

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    59 mins
  • 2025 Jan: Ole Miss Student Carter Bennett shares about his new service for mountain residents - The Lookout Shuttle
    Jan 3 2025

    Join us for another episode of our Young Leaders of Tomorrow series with a brief sit-down featuring Mr Carter Bennett as he shares about himself, his college, his friends and family as well as a new business service he has launched here on Lookout.
    Carter covers a lot of ground in this fun and casual episode where he mentions a lot of people and places, such as: Chattanooga Christian School, McCallie School, The Incline, Covenant College, McLemore, Camp Alpine, Canyon Grill, and others.

    Please join in and give a good listen to this impressive young man who is acting on an idea he had and, with the help of his brother Hunt, working to establish it as a needed service for our community.

    If the The Lookout Shuttle can't help you out- please remember Mr. Ben Wharton who also drives and serves the community with local rides and even rides to Atlanta and Nashville and Knoxville. Ben is online and on the mountain neighborhood page.

    Spread the word! Find us at ...

    Please "Like" and 'subscribe' for notification of new episodes on your media player's podcast menu.

    Also, on regular, full length, non-bonus episodes, many thanks for closing music featuring the Dismembered Tennesseans and vocals by the amazing Laura Walker singing Tennessee Waltz. Opening fiddle music played by the late Mr. Fletcher Bright.

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    31 mins
  • 2025 Jan: Lookout Mtn, Georgia Police Chief Dewayne Steele shares about his career, this great community and the challenges of modern police work
    Jan 1 2025

    This episode is sponsored by Mountain Lights & Safety of Lookout Mountain.
    (423) 463-7704
    *Note - this episode was recorded earlier last year.

    Happy New Years Day! Happy 1 Year Anniversary Chief!
    What better way to celebrate than with a great podcast episode featuring a true, life-long public servant who has reached the top of the organization structure.

    What an impressive law enforcement officer Lkt Mtn GA has in Chief Dewayne Steele. His professionalism and grace combine to give a rare total package in law enforcement today - a gentleman.

    Chalk up a huge 'W' for the Georgia side of the mountain with the promotion to Chief of Dewayne. This is clearly a big win for the community and huge congratulations are in order for all those involved with installing Chief Steele.
    Job well done!

    Happy 1-year anniversary (PLUS), Dewayne - keep up the great work!
    We are lucky to people of your caliber, expertise and character.
    Lookout Mountain Georgia - well done. You are fortunate to have Chief Steele.

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    Please "Like" and 'subscribe' for notification of new episodes on your media player's podcast menu.

    Also, on regular, full length, non-bonus episodes, many thanks for closing music featuring the Dismembered Tennesseans and vocals by the amazing Laura Walker singing Tennessee Waltz. Opening fiddle music played by the late Mr. Fletcher Bright.

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    1 hr and 15 mins
  • 2024 Christmas Special: 'Inherit the Truth", Chattanooga Legend Mr. Jerry Summers shares about the 100th Anniversary of the true Trial of the Century
    Dec 24 2024

    **NOTE** This episode is dedicated to Mr. George (Butch) Harless a true man and true friend to many, including to his dear friend, Mr. Jerry Summers.
    And, to Orange Grove Center of Chattanooga for all the care and support they give and where Jerry Summers and others offer help and support.

    This episode is sponsored by Mountain Lights & Safety of Lookout Mountain.

    Please join us for our End of Year Grand Finale episode and you will be glad you did.

    Who would you have if you rolled the following people into one person - Lewis Grizzard, Will Rogers, Bobby Lee Cook and maybe some Perry Mason and Andrew Jackson on the side?
    You might have a guy named Jerry.
    Listen in and hear a lot of names and a lot of Tennessee history including aspects that will amaze you about this event in American history.
    Traditionalism vs Modernism is what some have called this famed event.

    The Mountain Echo is honored to host a true legend in Chattanooga history - a true 'oak' from White Oak, the famed attorney Mr. Jerry Summers as he shares about a special event coming up about a historic event in US and world history - The Scopes Trial from 1925.

    This story begins which a wild cast of characters such as: a tennis coach, a pharmacist, the 'father' of TVA, a coal company executive and newspaper folks and of course a football coach.

    In the summer of 2025, a huge event will take place in the town of Dayton, Tennessee to commemorate the 'Scopes Trial' which s considered my many historians to be one of the most significant trials in US history. The trial captured the attention of our nation and some parts of the world as the trial played out and arguments unfolded and finally as the world waited for the outcome.

    Jerry does a truly masterful job of walking us through the setting and the significance of it all - a truly mesmerizing tale of American law, politics and social temperature in 1925 - 100 years ago.

    Join in and enjoy hearing from an authoritative voice as Mr. Summers weaves an excellent layup and story, concluding with many unknown facts about the entire event that just add more and more intrigue as the story unfolds. Many of you may think you may know the story, but you probably have not ever heard anything like this well-researched reedition. You will need to sit down, get comfortable and buckle your seatbelt.

    Misc. points of discussion include: Sewanee University, UTC, Bryan College, Tennesse history, Chattanooga history, WGN, Dr Harry Lawrence, Lookout Mountain, Central High School, U.S. Supreme Court, Ku Klux Klan, ACLU, Clarence Darrow, Wm Jennings Bryan, Chattanooga Times Free Press, book - Tennessee trivia and more...

    Many thanks to you Dear Jerry - you are a true gift and blessing to our town and community and we hope to enjoy you for many more years to come.
    You did a great job here!

    Your friends at 'the Mountain echo'.

    * Special thanks to Mr. Chuck Clowdis for his advice, help and support. Thank you Chuck!

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    Please "Like" and 'subscribe' for notification of new episodes on your media player's podcast menu.

    Also, on regular, full length, non-bonus episodes, many thanks for closing music featuring the Dismembered Tennesseans and vocals by the amazing Laura Walker singing Tennessee Waltz. Opening fiddle music played by the late Mr. Fletcher Bright.

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    56 mins
  • 2024 Dec - The Lookout Mountain Grand Prix 2025 is getting close - Plan Now
    Dec 15 2024

    tME sits down with longtime mountain resident Mr Chandler Rennick to hear all about the upcoming car race on Lookout Mountain which will 100%, directly benefit the LMS and Fairyland, elementary schools.
    Many thanks for his time and a job very well done to Chandler. This is a fantastic episode for parents with children who may welcome a fun, challenging activity for these colder winter months - and the great news as Chandler explains is the ease and structure of how it all works.
    Thanks in large part to his team/ board and community members, this event is planned as a win-win for all involved - see if you know any of these mountain folks - bet you do.

    Listen in and hear how to learn more, how to participate and when and where the fun will occur.

    Sounding like a seasoned radio personality, Chandler effortlessly eases the listener through the entire event from all aspects - alpha to omega.

    There are some steps you will want to click on and easily complete and the cost is very doable - this event is about supporting our community schools and this simply offers a smart and fun way to do that support. Kudos to Chandler and his talented and supportive wife, Jamie Ann who was instrumental in the event ever happening in the first place. Thank you, Jamie Ann.

    Helpful info:
    Chandler Rennick - CRennick1@gmail

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    Please "Like" and 'subscribe' for notification of new episodes on your media player's podcast menu.

    Also, on regular, full length, non-bonus episodes, many thanks for closing music featuring the Dismembered Tennesseans and vocals by the amazing Laura Walker singing Tennessee Waltz. Opening fiddle music played by the late Mr. Fletcher Bright.

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    36 mins
  • 2024 Nov: Veterans Day Salute - Giving, Serving, Leading and Loving - Lookout's Lt. Col./ DA Clayton Fuller shares what his life is all about
    Nov 11 2024

    Sounds of Service Series - Part 2 of 2

    This episode is DEDICATED to Mr. Gene Fuller of Hall County, GA, born 1923, passed 2017 - a true hero to our nation, ... and to his family. What a fine grandson you have, Sir.

    Where to even begin?
    You may have to just sit and listen to this one, folks...there is a lot to unpack and digest in this featured episode for Veterans Day 2024.
    How lucky we are to have the caliber of individual we have in Clay Fuller.
    From the banks of the Chattahoochee to Timbuktu - this little fella and he ain't so little, towers in to any space he wants. Making Granddad proud, he is living life to the fulle(r)st from the Pentagon to the Red Sea and from Summerville to Trenton, he is glad to be home and ready to get back to work - a huge thank you to Chief Assistant District Attorney Kevin Baugh and team!

    He deployed for six months as a legal advisor to military operations in the Middle East in support of the United States Central Command.
    From the shops in Helen to the fields in Colorado Springs, he has served in the White House and at the Pentagon where he earned the Office of the Secretary of Defense’s Award for Outstanding Achievement for work performed in counterterrorism.

    Listen in and hear how family, faith and a commitment to serve have given Clay a life he could not have better designed himself. Hear the struggles and the stoic observations that we can all relate to and draw strength from as he weaves his story form north Georgia to the high seas of danger with masterful ease.
    There are sudden surprises in this tale of adventure and with his amazing 'British Bulldog' at his side, they get through it all together.
    Family, friends, faith, fear, fortitude, strength, perseverance - it's all here.
    Spoiler alert, you may need a tissue box nearby - this is 'real world' folks - not a drill.

    And as the newly elected District Attorney for the northwest potion of the State of Georgia - the Lookout Mountain Judicial Circuit - the bad guys in North Georgia had better watch out - there's a tall new Sheriff back in town and he's from a place called Sautee Nacoochee - yeah, he's tough. The law has another warrior back on the field for sure.

    Please join in and let's give newly commissioned Lt. Col. Clayton Fuller a standing ovation for a job well done and a service completed.

    Welcome home safe Dear Clay - your sacrifice and that of your family, your wife Kate and your children is noted - we are grateful. Welcome home.

    May your Veterans Day be a good one Clay, your Grandfather is smiling.

    Annuit Coeptis Clay,

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    Please "Like" and 'subscribe' for notification of new episodes on your media player's podcast menu.

    Also, on regular, full length, non-bonus episodes, many thanks for closing music featuring the Dismembered Tennesseans and vocals by the amazing Laura Walker singing Tennessee Waltz. Opening fiddle music played by the late Mr. Fletcher Bright.

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    1 hr and 16 mins
  • 2024 Nov Veterans Day Salute: Chattanooga Airman from Lookout, USAF Captain Wil Powell Makes World News Serving Our Country
    Nov 10 2024

    Our Sounds of Service Series continues for Veterans Day 2024 with two inspiring individuals who have and continue to serve our country.
    Note* Audio quality was affected due to our interview being over the phone.
    Thank you for making this interview happen Wil!

    "Catastrophic aircraft failures", "Averting Catastrophe", Exceptional Airmanship"
    "Heroic recovery at 1,200 ft and dropping", "worst possible case emergency"

    Air Force Global Strike Command gave the bomber crew the famed General Curtis E. LeMay Award - a rare, high honor.

    In the first episode, little Wil Powell from LMS isn't little anymore - he's all grown up and soaring high above the clouds and seeing the world with the US Air Force. A master B-52H Stratofortress pilot, Captain Wil Powell is living at one of our nation's two main Air Force bases for this beast of a plane - he is down in Louisiana with the 11th Bomb Squadron. Hear about him almost freezing to death and now how he is practically melting in the summers. Now with a family, Wil shares about growing up on Lookout, his friends, Baylor, McCallie, Auburn, and how he made it to the controls of such an important aircraft. Also, hear about a recent incident that made both national and world news and how Wil was directly involved.

    Join in and hear from the man himself, making Lookout proud!
    Thank you, Wilson Powell - thank you for your service!
    Come home and visit Lookout!

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    Please "Like" and 'subscribe' for notification of new episodes on your media player's podcast menu.

    Also, on regular, full length, non-bonus episodes, many thanks for closing music featuring the Dismembered Tennesseans and vocals by the amazing Laura Walker singing Tennessee Waltz. Opening fiddle music played by the late Mr. Fletcher Bright.

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    44 mins