• Explorations and Discussions of the Book 'Sacred Insignia: The Spiritual Significance of Brit Milah, Circumcision, and the Sacred Sexual Relationship Between Men and Women': A Talk with Rabbi Jessica Minnen and Rabbi Elihu Moshe Gevirtz
    Feb 17 2025

    In this initial conversation of Rabbi Jessica hosting, Rabbi Jess and Rabbi Elihu Moshe Gevirtz explore the mystical and practical reasons, and implications of circumcision from his book 'Sacred Insignia' and the seven years of research that went into the writing, research, thought, and reflection of the book.

    Aspects of the discussions include:

    • why circumcision?
    • addressing argument against circumcision
    • the practical implications and the spiritual implication of circumcision
    • circumcision as a tribal marker of Israel and Jewish community
    • how to create a sacred environment for a Brit and why it is important

    From a narrative about the book:

    • 'What is the spiritual reason that we perform a bris / brit milah? Why do we circumcise our sons? Why on the eighth day? Isn’t this boy perfect the way he is? What do the babies want? How can we make the ceremony beautiful and sacred? How do I initiate my son into a life of the sacred?'
    • 'Brit Milah (or “bris”) leads to a life of generosity and kindness to others. It is an experience of unity of one’s soul with one’s body. It is an expression of oneness with God and an open heart.'
    • 'It is a counterbalance to arrogance and an embodiment of humility. In the words of the Zohar, Brit Milah is a “sacred insignia,” an embodiment of a life-long commitment to a life of holiness. It is an embodiment of spirituality within sacred sexuality shared by husband and wife.'


    Rabbi Elihu Moshe Gevirtz was ordained by a Beit Din (Rabbinic Court) consisting of his teachers Rabbi Mel Gottlieb, Rabbi Stan Levy, Rabbi Mordecai Finley, and Rabbi Stephen Robbins at the Academy for Jewish Religion – California in 2012.

    His teachers include Rabbi Ronnie Serr, Rabbi Haim Ovadia, Rabbi Elijah Shochet, Reb Mimi Feigelson, Rav Dror Cassouto, Rabbi Eliyahu Weisman, Rabbi Motti Wilhelm, Dr. Joel Gereboff, Rabbi Daniel Bouskila, Rabbi J.B. Sacks, Rabbi Miriam Glazer, Rabbi Toba August, and others.

    He is a botanist and wildlife biologist who studies native plants, animals, and ecosystems and works on habitat restoration and conservation in southern California. His major published scientific works include botanical and wildlife studies of several ecological reserves, state parks, and other natural areas, and several habitat restoration plans. Over the years, he has worked to establish several nature preserves in Santa Barbara County, California. He is currently studying the songs of western meadowlarks. Finally, he has recently published a collection of playful short stories for children titled “Superfluous the Dragon and Other Tall Tales.”

    He lives with his family in the United States.

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    1 hr and 5 mins
  • Introducing Rabbi Jessica Minnen, New Host of Unraveling Religion, Judaic Edition
    Feb 1 2025

    Rabbi Jessica Minnen is the new Host of Unraveling Religion, Judaic Edition and sat down to talk with Joel as a way of introduction.

    Rabbi Jessica and Joel explore Judaism and the origin and reason for the name Unraveling Religion, Rabbi Jessica's experiences growing into Judaism and becoming a Rabbi, the influence of Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies, explore Hevruta, what it is and why it is effective, as well as some upcoming topics and conversations for the coming year.


    Rabbi Jessica Minnen is a writer, ritualist, and liturgist committed to the discipline of delight. Inspired by user-centered design, she consults with organizations across the country to create, deliver, and scale transformative Jewish learning. Jessica is a sought-after educator who has taught for Hillel International, Jewish Federations of North America, JCC Association of North America, Foundation for Jewish Camp, and Birthright Israel, among others. She was a part of the founding team of OneTable where she served as Rabbi in Residence from 2014-2021, and now works as a Senior Education Specialist with Momentum where she focuses on introducing women around the world to Jewish values through an immersive Israel experience, regional retreats, cohort-based learning, and a daily companion app. Originally from Paducah, Kentucky, Jessica is an alumna of Washington University in St. Louis, the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies, Paideia: The European Institute for Jewish Studies in Sweden, and Baltimore Hebrew University. She is a past Fellow of the Shalom Hartman Institute’s Women’s Leadership Mission and the Ruskay Institute for Professional Leadership and received rabbinic ordination from the Jewish Theological Seminary in 2013. Jessica lives in Denver, Colorado and is mom to one amazing dog and one amazing human.

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    21 mins
  • Questions of Authenticity and Meaning in Work: Examination Through A Jewish Lens with Rabbi Jessica Minnen
    Jan 1 2025

    Rabbi Jessica Minnen and Joel sit for a deep examination of work and the different forms work takes for us as human beings.

    Rabbi Jessica and Joel start with discussing Torah and the teaching of G-d's Work (i.e., Six (6) Days of Creation) and G-d's Rest, and how that relates to Shabbas:

    • The conversations about the Shabbas Hebrew shoresh (i.e., root of the word) 'shin, bet, and taf' (i.e., Shabbas)
    • From the teaching of Shabbas, the thirty-nine (39) forms of Melachot (i.e., work) are discussed, and Melachot is outlined as work forbidden on Shabbas.
    • The definition of the thirty-nine (39) Melachot comes from the work required to create the Mishkan (i.e., Tabernacle) and that specific work defines what work is not allowed on Shabbas.

    Also discussed is the relationship between work and destiny, and the spirituality of work.

    An excerpt from Pema Chodron 'nothing leaves us before it teaches us what we need to know' suggests the work required in human relationships and the teaching of Reb Soloveitchik are also discussed: two stories of creation in Torah point to two ways to relate to the world and two kinds of work: physical and spiritual.

    Work and its relation to authencity and authenic expression versus Quid Pro Quo are contrasted, as well as women in work from a Judaism perspective, evolution of women and work and practical consideration.

    The organization 'One Table' is mentioned, helping young people access Shabbas Dinner experineces.

    Plato's teaching of the Soul with Two Faces and its relation to the Jewish teaching of Bashert and Kabbalah.

    Lanie Gardner as an example of authencity in work.

    Tzelem Elokim (i.e., humans are created in the image of G-d) posits that because God creates, we too are meant to create.

    Are we called to create in work through destiny or do we work to pay bills and solve practical problems.

    Work is revealed in it own time.

    Marcus Aurelius 'the obstacle is the door.'

    Chappell Roan and their NPR Tiny Desk.

    How to make work meaningful for all.

    Seattle Grunge scene in the early 1990s an an authentic expression of music and work.

    The shoresh 'aleph, lamed, and chaf' (i.e., from Melachot) ties to 'dispatching for a purpose' and the root ties to the Hebrew work for 'Messenger' and/or 'Angel'- that work offers purpose, and can give one a sense of mission that ties into intention and service.

    About Rabbi Jessica Minnen

    Rabbi Jessica Minnen is a writer, ritualist, and liturgist committed to the discipline of delight.

    Inspired by user-...

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    49 mins
  • Unraveling Religion, Judaic Edition Trailer
    Oct 26 2024

    In this brief description of Unraveling Religion, Judaic Edition, Joel expresses a little of what these conversations might offer.

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    1 min
  • Mobilizing Jewish Outreach, Bringing A Person Closer To Wisdom: A Roundtable Discussion Of Rabbis Exploring Strengthening Jewish Commitment
    Oct 25 2024

    In this panel discussion with four Rabbis from America's West Coast to Israel, Joel guides an exploration of mobilizing Jewish outreach (i.e., or 'inreach' or 'in reach') how to, why, and what Jewish tradition teaches and offers from a wide range of teachings including Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson and the Baal Shem Tov.

    This collection of dedicated and diverse Jewish voices guide the contemporary question 'how do we strengthen the spiritual health of our Jewish community?'

    Discussion includes Passover and meditation, The Tanya, and Pirkei Avot (i.e., Ethics of Our Fathers).

    By the very question of mobilization outreach, the necessity of examining one's own intentions and purity of action in humility and approaching others in friendship as vital to sharing love of Judaism.

    The talk arrives at the place of true friendship as the means of transmitting the teaching of Judaism and Torah to others in the Jewish community and the vital realization that all people have significance and a role in the restoration of the World.

    Biography of Panelists:

    Rabbi Heschel Greenberg is a preeminent Jewish thinker, scholar, and teacher. Rabbi Greenberg has brought the highest ideas to broad audiences. Across half a century, Rabbi Greenberg has elevated the way people live and feel by elevating the way they think. In a world of new media, where digital waves move oceans of information across continents, Rabbi Greenberg stands out as a voice of clarity. In the fathomless sea of information, often overwhelming and confusing, Rabbi Greenberg serves as a calming conveyer of eternal ideas—an expert lighthouse directing the ships of humanity through the possibilities of life by the light of the divine.

    Rabbi Gedaliah Gurfein has been a teacher of Jewish wisdom for over 45 years. His experiences have included a range from traditional yeshivot to Pueblo Indians, Igbo Tribes, China, Netherlands, Mexico and, of course, Israel. Gedaliah has also been involved in the Israeli High-Tech industry since 1995. His classic work - free to the public - is www.thepeoplestalmud.com.

    Rabbi Brian Yosef Schachter-Brooks is a Jewish spiritual teacher and musician. He has been teaching the practice of Presence (i.e., meditation, mindfulness) and Judaism since 2006, and founded Torah of Awakening in 2016. He is the author of Kabbalah for Beginners, published by Rockridge Press, and Integral Jewish Meditation – Three Portals of Presence for Spiritual Awakening. Rabbi Brian Yosef received s’miha (ordination) as Minister of Sacred Music (Reb Yosef Briah Zohar, Menatzeiakh, Ba’al Tefilah) from Reb Zalman z”l (2012), Spiritual Teacher and Awakener of Souls (Morei Rukhani uM’oreir N’shamot) from Shaykh Ibrahim Baba Farajaje (may his secret be sanctified) and Rabbi SaraLeya Schley (2012), certification as Teacher of Jewish Meditation (Moreh L’hitbodedut) from Dr. Rabbi Avram Davis (2004), and holds a Bachelor in Music from the Eastman School of Music (1991).

    Rabbi Micha Odenheimer: 'Born in 1958 in Berkeley California, Micha Odenheimer has been a writer, journalist, Jewish teacher and social activist in Israel since making aliyah 31 years ago. Micha’s life and interests include fields rarely seen in combination. As a rabbi he has written dozens of essays on Judaism the Torah, and social justice, and has reported on trends in Judaism and the Jewish world. Micha has a special interest in Jewish mysticism and Hasidism.'

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    47 mins
  • A Jewish Means To Vanquish Darkness, Lighting Shabbas Candles: A Conversation With Torah Scholar Rabbi Heschel Greenberg
    Oct 25 2024

    From The Lubavitcher Rebbe, Menachem Mendel Schneerson, to the Ba'al Shem Tov, to Maimonides and Moses this discussion includes topics of the security of the Jewish people and the Land of Israel and how the Jewish people can fortify their existence and safety. Rabbi Greenberg and Joel examine the best Jewish responses to the terror attack October 7th, 2023. The journey of this conversation addresses Jewish Unity, and the exiles and returns to Israel of the Jewish people, Family Purity (i.e., Niddah), Shabbas, and Kashrut (law of keeping Kosher), Gematria, examining the teaching of G-d's name and the Tetragrammatron, reducing the ego as a step in giving Tzdekah (i.e., Charity), the mind of the Teacher toward their students, the Kabbalistic teaching of the masculine and feminine energies as refined through discipline, the influence of Torah on marriage, the 613 mitvot and the Talmudic teaching of 248 postive mitzvot correlating to the 248 bones of the human body, and the 365 'negative' (i.e., 'don't do') correlating to the 365 days of the year. Also examined are the Zohar, Mishnah, Talmud, and Kabbalah and lighting Shabbas candles as a weapon to dispel darkness (i.e., Neshek). Please join us to engage in this fascinating dialogue exploring aspects of our humanity and Judaism's role in illuminating the triumph of 'Good' and creating the World as it was meant to be from the beginning.


    Rabbi Heschel Greenberg is one of the world’s preeminent Jewish thinkers, scholars, teachers, inspirations, and inspirers. With a sublime blend of incredible intellectual prowess, vast encyclopedic knowledge, beautifully articulated language, and resounding resonant relatability, Rabbi Greenberg has brought the highest ideas to the broadest audiences. Across half a century, Rabbi Greenberg has elevated the way people live and feel by elevating the way they think. In a world of new media, where digital waves move oceans of information across continents, Rabbi Greenberg stands out as a voice of clarity. In the fathomless sea of information, often overwhelming and confusing...

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    42 mins
  • Part 2 Rabbis and Prophecy, Meditation, Judaism, and Mental Health: A Conversation With Reb Brian Yosef from Torah of Awakening
    Oct 25 2024

    In Part 2 of this talk, Rabbi Brian Yosef and Joel talk about the second and third Portals of Awareness, as taught by Reb Brian. Feeling the breath, the relation of the many meanings of the Hebrew word 'Ruach:' spirit, wind, breath, and soul. The practical instructions of mystical teachings, awareness, and consciousness, meditation. 'I am this awareness, the open field.' Encouraging the realization of Self. Aryeh Kaplan writings, the spiritual and mystical teachings from 'Jacob's Ladder.' Creation of postive and negative angels, Jacob's awakening stating 'the Divine is in this place and I did not know it.'

    Bio: Rabbi Brian Yosef Schachter-Brooks is a Jewish spiritual teacher and musician. He has been teaching the practice of Presence (meditation, mindfulness) and Judaism since 2006, and founded Torah of Awakening in 2016. He is the author of Kabbalah for Beginners, published by Rockridge Press, and Integral Jewish Meditation – Three Portals of Presence for Spiritual Awakening.

    Rabbi Brian Yosef received s’miha (ordination) as Minister of Sacred Music (Reb Yosef Briah Zohar, Menatzeiakh, Ba’al Tefilah) from Reb Zalman z”l (2012), Spiritual Teacher and Awakener of Souls (Morei Rukhani uM’oreir N’shamot) from Shaykh Ibrahim Baba Farajaje (may his secret be sanctified) and Rabbi SaraLeya Schley (2012), certification as Teacher of Jewish Meditation (Moreh L’hitbodedut) from Dr. Rabbi Avram Davis (2004), and holds a Bachelor in Music from the Eastman School of Music (1991).

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    27 mins
  • Part 1 Rabbis and Prophecy, Meditation, Judaism, and Mental Health: A Conversation With Reb Brian Yosef from Torah of Awakening
    Oct 25 2024

    Part 1 of this talk, Rabbi Brian Yosef and Joel share thoughts and perspectives on Divine Providence, dreams, spiritual awakening, meditation, and the importance of how to integrate awakening experiences into our daily lives, in an enduring way. Also, seeing beyond our human conditioning into our deeper self, our Soul, and the intellect as a tool for spirituality. Buddhism and Judaism are compared and contrasted, things like 'Mu-shin,' or 'no-mind,' the mystical aspect of life seeing into emptiness or Reality. What is Kabbalah: what does it mean? who is it for? what does it offer? Kabbalah, Chasidism, The Ba'al Shem Tov and the historical developments of Judaism's spirituality. What and why does spirituality benefit people?

    Bio: Rabbi Brian Yosef Schachter-Brooks is a Jewish spiritual teacher and musician. He has been teaching the practice of Presence (meditation, mindfulness) and Judaism since 2006, and founded Torah of Awakening in 2016. He is the author of Kabbalah for Beginners, published by Rockridge Press, and Integral Jewish Meditation – Three Portals of Presence for Spiritual Awakening.

    Reb Brian Yosef received s’miha (ordination) as Minister of Sacred Music (Reb Yosef Briah Zohar, Menatzeiakh, Ba’al Tefilah) from Reb Zalman z”l (2012), Spiritual Teacher and Awakener of Souls (Morei Rukhani uM’oreir N’shamot) from Shaykh Ibrahim Baba Farajaje (may his secret be sanctified) and Rabbi SaraLeya Schley (2012), certification as Teacher of Jewish Meditation (Moreh L’hitbodedut) from Dr. Rabbi Avram Davis (2004), and holds a Bachelor in Music from the Eastman School of Music (1991).

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    30 mins