• Solstice Secrets: Uniting Forces at Stonehenge

  • Dec 23 2024
  • Length: 16 mins
  • Podcast

Solstice Secrets: Uniting Forces at Stonehenge

  • Summary

  • Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Solstice Secrets: Uniting Forces at Stonehenge Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/cy/episode/2024-12-23-23-34-02-cy Story Transcript:Cy: Yn nyfnderau'r nos, o dan ffurfafen llwyd a llawn cyfrinach, cerddai Aeron tua'r cerrig mawr ar gylch enwog Stonehenge.En: In the depth of the night, under a gray and mysterious sky, Aeron walked towards the great stones of the famous circle Stonehenge.Cy: Roedd yr awyr yn oer, a phob anadl yn ffurfio cwmwl bach o niwl.En: The air was cold, and each breath formed a small cloud of mist.Cy: Ymysg y cerrig dros amser, roeddion ddaeth led lawr ers oesau, teimlodd ei galon gwysio gyda phob cam y cymerodd.En: Among the stones weathered over time, worn down by ages, he felt his heart calling with every step he took.Cy: Roedd hwn yn ddiwrnod pwysig—'r ystwyll a'r hiwmon domos.En: This was an important day—the solstice and the hiwmon domos.Cy: Roedd y cwmpas rhwng dydd a nos nawddal ac Aeron eisiau cwblhau'r defod hynafol.En: The boundary between day and night was fragile, and Aeron wanted to complete the ancient ritual.Cy: Llywiodd ffrwd o sêr disglair uwchben, ond roedd o ar fin newid.En: A stream of bright stars guided above, but it was about to change.Cy: Yn araf, ymddangosodd Eira, o'r neilltu, yn gwpeidio arall y niwl tu hwnt.En: Slowly, Eira appeared, from the side, weaving through the mist beyond.Cy: Roedd gan Eira bleser gwybodaeth y tu allan.En: Eira had the pleasure of knowledge from the outside.Cy: Dim hwyrach, eisteddodd cysylltiad â'r cerrig ar gyfer a chynnyrch nad oedd yn perthyn iddi hi.En: Soon enough, she sat with a connection to stones for something that did not belong to her.Cy: "Be' sy'n digwydd yma?En: "What's happening here?"Cy: " gofynnodd Eira, ei llais yn chwalu'r distawrwydd mawreddog.En: asked Eira, her voice breaking the grand silence.Cy: Gyda'r peth mwydro'r canol, cymerodd Aeron, teimlai rhywfaint o drallod.En: With the center swirling, Aeron took a breath, feeling somewhat troubled.Cy: "Eira, dw i'n druid.En: "Eira, I'm a druid.Cy: Mae'r defod yn cychwyn nawddawel y flwyddyn newydd.En: The ritual marks the quiet emergence of the new year.Cy: Ein dyluniad cardarn i'r gymuned," eglurodd Aeron, ond teimlodd presenoldeb Eira yn tarfu ei gariad.En: Our steadfast design for the community," Aeron explained, but felt Eira's presence disturbing his devotion.Cy: Ddechreuodd gwyntoedd codi, gan herio nawddid yn ôl.En: Winds began to rise, challenging the calmness.Cy: Gwaedodd cerddin yr tiroedd, mae'r glaw yn pwmpwlhau eu cyfrifoldeb.En: The lands cried out as the rain hammered their duty.Cy: "Meddwl amheus, celciwch!En: "Questionable thoughts, hold yourselves!Cy: Cynail trafod!En: Focus on the discussion!"Cy: " hanodd Aeron gan weiddi mewn braidd.En: shouted Aeron with some urgency.Cy: Ond cymerodd Eira gam ymlaen, ysbryd fyddlondeb menyn.En: But Eira took a step forward, with a spirit of steadfastness.Cy: "Ry'ch eisiau fy helpu i chi?En: "Do you want my help?Cy: Iawn.En: Okay...Cy: gallwn wneud hynny?En: I can do that?"Cy: " Cynigol ei sborion, gylchodd ddigartref tir Aeron.En: With cynical eyes, she circled the sacred ground of Aeron.Cy: Yn sadrwydd dringeth y gwynt a'r cymylau stormy, penderfynodd Aeron derbyn Eira.En: In the swift rise of the wind and stormy clouds, Aeron decided to accept Eira.Cy: "Siŵr," dywedodd.En: "Sure," he said.Cy: Gyda'i gilydd, crebrenni ar brifeirwyd a chychwyn nol os bydd.En: Together, they concentrated on priorities and set forth if need be.Cy: Dyfal trwsiwyd y barw gawin a ynyr kiddar i waith.En: Diligently they worked, patching the gaps and ensuring unity.Cy: Cynnal cnikynod codau, and diogohlodd maen prif a gydwedd.En: Through what would be difficult hours, they endured for the sake of the ancient moments, united in Aeron and Eira's resolve.Cy: Ystod beth fyddent mmihau'r minydadii ada, fewniwr Aeron Eira herwydd.En: While the storm grew, their efforts increased.Cy: Tra'r storm yn tyfu, mwy gweithredodd, Anodd ond o hyd, cadarnahodd y defod.En: Difficult but constant, the ritual was affirmed.Cy: Yn y diwedd, serch ar ddoe a llwydog, ddaeth yr aeron llwyddiant anoldau bedrus.En: In the end, despite the gray day, success came uncertainly to fruition.Cy: Daeth heddwch i gymuned Aeron.En: Peace came to Aeron's community.Cy: Dysgodd Aeron boddered fwts na chawn oedd gwrthod, yn sefyll hucefores ur rydd.En: Aeron learned about acceptance, standing firm in spirit.Cy: Dysgodd Eira cyfrinulaeth wir werthfawrogi diwylliant mai trododd.En: Eira learned to truly appreciate the worth of a culture she had once turned away from.Cy: Fel hyn, mae'n destun y caled ac fel draeniad unwaith gyndar.En: Thus, it became a lesson in resilience and once a triumphant turnaround.Cy: Cyfrannodd defnydd, troiaeth o lawenydd, nodweddi'r stryd barod deri'au.En: Their effort contributed, turning street to a lively promenade, marked by joy and readiness. Vocabulary Words:depth:...
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