• Acceptable Sins
    Dec 25 2024

    This topic will probably make you squirm, but someone has to bring it up.

    There's a lot of stuff in our society that's acceptable now that didn't used to be.

    In some ways, that's a good thing. For example, it used to be unacceptable for women to vote, own property, or open a checking account without a man signing on. I'm glad that's not the case anymore in this country.

    In other ways, though, we've become too accepting.

    Just take a look at the state of our food. So much of it is processed and stuffed with rancid, disgusting seed oils and soaked in sugar, GMO soy, and American wheat. It's wreaking havoc on our health, and it's kinda old news that processed food is terrible for you.

    Yet so many people keep eating copious amounts of the stuff and end up obese and sick in ways that are completely preventable.

    Eating poisonous crap has become an acceptable sin.

    Staying obese and sick when you could do something different has become an acceptable sin.

    Even stuff like cheating on your spouse and lying on your taxes is more of an acceptable sin than ever.

    Listen, none of us are perfect, and we've all got challenges and baggage and hangups to try and figure out.

    At the same time, letting acceptable sins take over our lives isn't gonna serve us, our loved ones, or society as a whole.

    In this week's episode, I'm diving deeper into acceptable sins and how to stop them from taking over before it’s too late.

    This episode will help you identify the acceptable sins in your life and get fired up to start weeding them out.

    Join the 10 Pound Takedown Challenge - Lose your first, next, or last 10 pounds!!
    With absolutely NO pills, powders, shakes, or exercise required.

    Connect with me!
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CodeRedLifestyle/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cristycodered/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/cristycodered
    Website: https://coderedlifestyle.com/

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    30 mins
  • So...NOW WHAT?
    Dec 18 2024

    Ever hit a goal (maybe even goal weight) and find yourself asking, "Now what?"

    If so, it's not just you. Most people are so focused on hitting a goal that they don't stop and think about what comes next.

    That's not ALWAYS a bad thing, but at the same time, it also can be.

    Take weight loss. If you don't have a plan for how you're gonna navigate life after you hit goal weight, you're probably gonna do what most people do: return to how you were eating before you lost the weight and gain it all back.

    To make sure that doesn't happen to you, tune in to this episode and learn what to do when you hit your goal so that you actually KEEP the outcome you worked so hard to get.

    Join the 10 Pound Takedown Challenge - Lose your first, next, or last 10 pounds!!
    With absolutely NO pills, powders, shakes, or exercise required.

    Connect with me!
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CodeRedLifestyle/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cristycodered/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/cristycodered
    Website: https://coderedlifestyle.com/

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    22 mins
    Dec 11 2024

    Have many diets have you tried and failed?

    If you're like most of us, probably too many to count, right?

    When you try and fail and try and fail and try and fail, you reach a point where it's just too hard to care.

    You'd rather stay miserable than get your hopes up, only to crash and burn, feel that devastating disappointment (again) and just end up back where you started (or even worse off).

    There's a reason people generally follow me for eight months before they decide to try Code Red.

    Some just don't believe it can be as simple as real food, water, and sleep.

    Others believe Code Red works, but don’t believe it will work for them.

    If you're struggling with your belief that it's possible for you to lose the weight and keep it off...either because you don't believe in Code Red yet, or you don't believe in YOU…then tune into this episode for help building your belief that yes, you CAN succeed.

    Join the 10 Pound Takedown Challenge - Lose your first, next, or last 10 pounds!!
    With absolutely NO pills, powders, shakes, or exercise required.

    Connect with me!
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CodeRedLifestyle/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cristycodered/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/cristycodered
    Website: https://coderedlifestyle.com/

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    25 mins
    Dec 4 2024

    Finding time to take care of YOU and recharge your batteries (without derailing your progress) is tough for a lot of people.

    You have a family, a partner, obligations, or maybe all three!

    I have a high-maintenance dog to train and exercise, a business to run, employees to manage, and fitness to prioritize, minimum, so I get having a full plate.

    I also get how easy it is to convince yourself that you "can't" make the time to recharge your batteries.

    But after my bodybuilding competition last month, I moved some things around and spent three days off-grid, out in the woods.

    Meaning, no cell service, no devices, nothing.

    And I gotta say, those three days of (mostly) solitude taught me a lot about myself...my mind, my patience, how I think about my body, and more.

    Being able to disconnect and really recharge my batteries drove home how critical it is to give yourself that rejuvenation time on a regular basis.

    But how do you do that when your plate is full?

    How do you justify it?

    How do you give yourself permission to do it?

    And what happens to the people who count on you if you dare to step away for a hot minute?

    All that is what I'll cover in this episode of Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle.

    If you're someone who wishes you had "you" time, but you either can't seem to get around to it, or you think it's just a luxury that's fine for others but not something you get to do, this is the episode for you.

    Join the 10 Pound Takedown Challenge - Lose your first, next, or last 10 pounds!!
    With absolutely NO pills, powders, shakes, or exercise required.

    Connect with me!
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CodeRedLifestyle/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cristycodered/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/cristycodered
    Website: https://coderedlifestyle.com/

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    43 mins
  • High on your OWN SUPPLY
    Nov 27 2024

    I heard a saying once that goes don't get high on your supply.

    It comes from drug dealers who use their own drugs. They get high on their own supply.

    Not a great situation, but don't get high on your own supply is a great metaphor for the dangers of complacency.

    What I mean is, it's really easy to get complacent and think that because you do well at something, you don't have to remain vigilant. You can let your guard down and let the rules slip.

    For weight loss, it might look something like this...

    You get a program, you clean out your cupboards, and you're ready to hit the ground running.

    And you do! For that first week, you blow it out of the water.

    You think, "Wow!! This is amazing!"

    And then, IF you're not careful, you start getting high on your own supply.

    Meaning, you get complacent and decide that if you can lose that much weight in a week, you can fudge the rules a little, sneak in extra food, and still drop a ton of weight without as much sacrifice.

    You let things slip a little more and a little more, and pretty soon you're not losing anything because you got high on your own supply.

    Getting high on your own supply can happen to anyone. A new Rebel, a maintenance Rebel, a veteran Rebel - ANYONE (me included).

    So in this episode, I'm gonna cut through your cheat voice's sweet-talking and give you the no-B.S. reality you need to identify when you're starting to get high on your own supply, PLUS how to hit the brakes so you can make your weight loss stick this time.

    Join the 10 Pound Takedown Challenge - Lose your first, next, or last 10 pounds!!
    With absolutely NO pills, powders, shakes, or exercise required.

    Connect with me!
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CodeRedLifestyle/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cristycodered/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/cristycodered
    Website: https://coderedlifestyle.com/

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    29 mins
  • Brace for IMPACT
    Nov 20 2024

    I walk my Belgian Malinois, Hazel, in downtown Boise a lot, including at night.

    Boise's very safe compared to most cities, but there's a possibility of trouble just about anywhere.

    Case in point: I was walking Hazel during Halloween evening when a homeless man with a pitbull crossed our path.

    I always take Hazel across the street when we encounter another dog, which is what I did this time, too.

    But something about us triggered the pitbull, and it went into full-on attack mode.

    I reacted quickly, putting myself between Hazel and the pitbull and bracing for impact, just like I was taught to do.

    In a way, that pitbull reminds me of all the obstacles that try to come for you during your weight loss journey.

    Make no mistake: The deck is stacked against you.

    You've got the holidays.

    You've got birthdays and anniversaries.

    You've got late-night food gremlins.

    You've got food companies happy to profit from your obesity and disease be selling you chemical crapstorm garbage.

    Weight loss mode or maintenance mode, there's always something.

    And if you don't learn how to brace for impact, any one of these "threats" could take you down.

    Tune into this episode to learn how you can "brace for impact" and defend yourself and your weight loss against the threats that cross your path.

    (I'll also share what happened to me and Hazel after the pitbull went into attack mode.)

    coderedlifestyle.com/meat use code Rebel for 10% off

    Join the 10 Pound Takedown Challenge - Lose your first, next, or last 10 pounds!!
    With absolutely NO pills, powders, shakes, or exercise required.

    Connect with me!
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CodeRedLifestyle/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cristycodered/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/cristycodered
    Website: https://coderedlifestyle.com/

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    36 mins
  • Never Getting Off This Train
    Nov 13 2024

    If you've seen the second Hunger Games movie - Catching Fire - you know that Katniss and Peeta, two of the main characters, are touring the districts by train after winning the 74th annual Hunger Games, as is custom for the winner to do.

    Things go badly in District 11, when Katniss accidentally provokes the crowd into doing something that gets one of them killed by Capital Peacekeepers.

    Completely freaked out, Katniss cries to Haymitch, hers and Peeta's mentor, about how to just get through the end of the tour so they can go home.

    "Wake up, girl," Haymitch says, snapping his fingers. "This trip doesn't end. You ain't EVER getting off this train!"

    The concept of never getting off the train is pretty terrifying in those circumstances!

    But when you look at it from a different perspective, it’s actually a powerful way to think about your health journey, and here’s why.

    One reason SO many people gain back weight is because they keep "getting off the train."

    Put another way, they think they can skip doing the exact things that work to get and keep the weight off!

    I call it the diet mentality, and it's only gonna ever lead to frustration and failure.

    Unlike the train in the Hunger Games, you actually want all the incredible things that come with staying on the real food, water, and sleep train to get and KEEP your weight off!

    Listen, there IS a way to stay on the train and love it.

    In this week's new podcast, I'll explain why you ain't ever getting off this train...and how and why that's actually a great thing!

    Join the 10 Pound Takedown Challenge - Lose your first, next, or last 10 pounds!!
    With absolutely NO pills, powders, shakes, or exercise required.

    Connect with me!
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CodeRedLifestyle/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cristycodered/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/cristycodered
    Website: https://coderedlifestyle.com/

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    34 mins
  • There are no new ideas
    Nov 6 2024

    I was standing at the Mr. Olympia bodybuilding competition in Las Vegas with my buddy Kris Gethin last month, looking at all the exhibitor promising things like DNA testing and weight loss pills...

    When I was suddenly reminded of something I heard years ago:

    That there are no new ideas.

    Despite endless rounds of "promising new" gimmicks that want you to believe you can pop a pill or get a shot and melt away the fat in six seconds, there's no getting around your body's need for real food, water, and sleep for lasting weight loss and optimal wellness.

    Real food, water, and sleep are what we've needed for all of humanity's existence.

    It's the proper human diet. It's what we're designed for. It's NOT new!

    And even high-quality supplements like the kind Code Red offers don't change that.

    Do I think high-quality supplements have value?

    Absolutely, to a point.

    Do I think you can out-supplement a bad diet?

    Absolutely NOT.

    And to say otherwise is pretty insulting to Rebels like Lory Stobart, who lost 205 pounds in 18 months.

    Lory didn't lose all that weight because she took Code Red D3. She lost all that weight and is keeping it off because she did the work.

    Same for Andrea Dell, who lost 28 pounds in less than two months with Code Red and has kept it off for over seven years and counting. She's maintained for so long because she's doing the work, not because she's taking Code Red Magnesium.

    So despite what the latest gimmicky promises provoke you into believing...despite a fresh round of claims about yet another magic pill that's supposed to "help with weight loss"...

    Ain't nobody getting out of eating real food, drinking enough water, and getting enough sleep for safe, optimal weight loss and lasting optimal wellness.

    Before the siren's song of yet ANOTHER gimmick calls you away from the proper human diet, tune into this episode to learn all about why there are no new ideas when it comes to weight loss.

    Then use what you learn to protect yourself from gimmicks like hype-y magic pills, expensive shots that force your body to gobble up your muscle tissue like Miss Pac-Man, and "specialty" processed diet foods dripping with more chemicals than the cleaning products aisle at Walmart.

    Join the 10 Pound Takedown Challenge - Lose your first, next, or last 10 pounds!!
    With absolutely NO pills, powders, shakes, or exercise required.

    Connect with me!
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CodeRedLifestyle/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cristycodered/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/cristycodered
    Website: https://coderedlifestyle.com/

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    33 mins