
  • Episode 100: Immortality and Eternal Life
    Dec 18 2024

    Immortality and Eternal Life

    2 Timothy 1

    9 He gave us resurrection life and drew us to himself by his holy calling on our lives. And it wasn’t because of any good we have done, but by his divine pleasure and marvelous grace that confirmed our union with the anointed Jesus, even before time began! 10 This truth is now being unveiled by the revelation of the anointed Jesus, our life-giver, who has dismantled death, obliterating all its effects on our lives, and has manifested his immortal life in us by the gospel.

    Jesus dismantled death. If you want to take it literally, Jesus said that we should never get sick or dis-eased. No mater how you interpret all of this, Jesus said that we will never die.

    Let’s look at a couple definitions regarding this subject.

    immortal--Not subject to death; that which has everlasting existence; incorruptible.

    1Jo 2:25

    And this is the promise that he hath promised us, even eternal life.

    eternal--Without beginning or end; timeless; everlasting in duration.

    Life and immortality is life that cannot be destroyed. He is the life giver and us living his life is perfect life.

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    54 mins
  • Episode 99: The New Day
    Dec 11 2024

    The New Day – How do we know if we are walking in the new day?

    The last three weeks, we have been talking about us being a new creation life. Today we are going to talk about the new day we are currently living in right now.

    We are not talking about a new religion; we are talking about a new reality. What is reality? The dictionary states it this way, the state of things as they actually exist. The unseen is what is real and everlasting, whereas everything else is temporary. The seen is only real to our natural senses. Paul says that the unseen is eternal and will never pass away. Where should our focus be?
    So, this new day opens up to us eternal. We begin to see things with different eyes, spiritual, kingdom eyes. We begin to hear with our heavenly ears. The 5 spiritual senses become acutely alive and aware.

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    55 mins
  • Episode 98: The New Creation Life Pt. 3
    Dec 4 2024

    The New Creation Life Pt. 3
    We must be open to God to make the necessary changes in us, even if it goes against your doctrines and traditions. It is easy to recognize the changes we make from the world stuff to the God stuff, however the line become a little blurry when we are challenged by God to look at religious stuff that needs to change. The God life is going to come with changes along the way. You can count on it, if you believe exactly the way you believed 10/20/30 years ago, or you only believe what you have been told by others, it’s time to have a sit down with the Lord. Change is inevitable if you want to move on with the Lord. We strongly encourage you to get to know God for yourself. He is your source, not your local church, although if they are doing their job they are saying the same thing.

    What we are talking about is there a metamorphosis going on in you?

    Metamorphosis means change or transformation. We must be transformed by the re-newing of our minds. The Christ mind is the goal because all the other God stuff comes with the Christ mind.

    Every student of Truth is letting "Christ be formed" (Gal. 4:19) in him when he constantly abides in the Christ Mind through daily meditating on words of Truth.
    As Christ is being formed in us, his mind becomes our mind. There is only one Christ mind. The same mind that was in Jesus is now in us. Then why aren’t I perfect like Jesus? Why do I sometimes have bad thoughts or do bad things, if I have the mind of Christ? It is because the transformation or metamorphosis hasn’t come to full transition yet. A caterpillar is still a caterpillar until the right time occurs. The caterpillar can’t stop the progression, it’s going to turn into a butterfly whether it wants to or not. We are going to be perfected regardless of all our mistakes and mis steps, because it is a promise from God that he is going to complete what he has started in us. We should begin seeing ourselves as that butterfly, not as the worm. Begin to embrace your true identity. God doesn’t want us to get down on ourselves when we mess up, he wants us to encourage ourselves, speaking affirmations and truth about ourselves.

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    54 mins
  • Episode 97: The New Creation Life Pt.2
    Nov 27 2024

    The indwelling Christ is the Son of God or spiritual nucleus within each individual, about which all our thoughts must harmonize before we can bring into expression the divine consciousness. The Spirit of God is the divine consciousness carrying out the Christ ideas.

    Consciousness - the state of being awake and aware of one's surroundings. The Christ mind or Christ consciousness is something that must be developed in us.

    Rom 8:14

    For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.

    Led - to lead by laying hold of. God wants to lay ahold of us, because he knows the best way. He knows how to guide us around the land mines of life. He wants us to have an abundant life filled with anticipation and excitement.

    We choose everyday how our day is going to go. Are we going to be led by the Spirit or led by the flesh? If we choose to worry, be angry, or selfish, we are being led by the flesh. If we choose to be joyful, loving and have patience, we are led by the Spirit. When we realize that it is no longer I that lives but Christ lives in me, then all the self-stuff goes away. Then we aren’t so easily offended, we begin considering others over ourself and love overwhelms us.

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    55 mins
  • Episode 96: The New Creation Life
    Nov 20 2024

    Today we are going to take a deep dive into what is real and what we have believed was real. We have been told many things that just isn’t so. There is no separation with God and us. Even when we fall short, he doesn’t separate himself from us. If we feel separation from God, it’s us separating from him, not him separating from us. He will never leave us or separate himself from us. We are all progressing towards the goal of unity and oneness with God. The reality is we are already one with God, but we need to be awakened to that fact. This whole reason we are on this earth journey is to awaken to the fact that we are loved and cherished by a loving God who loves us unconditionally. Some will say that if you work hard, you may work yourself into God’s good graces. That is just not what he is saying. We have been told so much about God that needs to be revisited. Some of what we have been taught refers to duality and doublemindedness. Becoming a new creation is removing any forms of duality. Doublemindedness causes confusion.
    We must lay aside some of these old worn-out doctrines and traditions and embrace the truth. Jesus said when you see me you have seen the father. No human being was more loving and compassionate towards everyone than Jesus. No one was more forgiving and accepting than Jesus.

    Jesus was sent to this earth for many reasons. One of which was to be an example for all of us. For us to live the new creation life, all we need to do is to look to Jesus and the best news of all is the Christ that was in him is now in us.

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    54 mins
  • Episode 95: The Secret Place is Where Secrets are Found
    Nov 13 2024

    The Secret Place is Where Secrets are Found

    God wants to reveal his secrets to us; however, his glorious secrets are only revealed in the secret place. So, the first thing we must know is where is the secret place and how do we get there and what can we expect to receive when we get there? We will cover these and more in this broadcast today.
    Secret place – a place to hide oneself. The inner chamber inside of us. The place within where we consciously meet God.
    The secret place is not a physical place, but we might go to a physical place to get to the real secret place. I have a room upstairs that I call my upper room. It is the place I like to go to get away and eliminate distractions and be in God’s secret place. Some would call it a prayer closet.

    The beauty of God’s secret place is we can get there wherever we are, because it is within us. We carry it around with us. That is the first thing we must understand, everything we need is inside of us. The kingdom of God, our refuge and strength, our help in time of need, our peace and joy and many other things are found right inside of us, the secret place, the holy of holies, the garden and the place where God lives. We don’t have to join a club or a certain church to get there. It’s available to everyone.
    For free copies of Jim's poems:

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    55 mins
  • Episode 94: To Achieve, You Must Receive
    Nov 6 2024

    To Achieve, You Must Receive

    Don’t you want to achieve everything that God placed you on this earth journey to achieve?

    Our walk with the Lord is not about striving to gain his good graces. His grace is always there for you. It is not about doing, it is about receiving what he has for you. You can’t earn your way in this life. DIY religion doesn’t work. If we want to achieve greatness in the kingdom, we must believe and receive and that comes with time spent in his presence.

    Abiding in the vine allows you to hear the voice of the Lord. We must receive what God has done for us in order to achieve a greater understanding of who we are in Christ and who he is in us. Our walk with the Lord is not about us doing but about us receiving or believing.

    We are the branches; he is the vine. You need both to bear fruit. Branches can’t bear fruit without the vine. We can’t do anything without the vine supplying life which keeps the branches alive and then bears much fruit.

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    52 mins
  • Episode 93: What is God's Will?
    Nov 1 2024

    Even in his most human moment, Jesus said not my will, but your will is all that matters.
    Does that mean that all these thousands of prayers we have prayed that isn’t his will falls on deaf ears? Draw your own conclusions. Some preachers say if you have faith, it will be done. I prayed prayers with a lot of faith but not part of his will and he didn’t hear that prayer, or he just said no. Thank God he doesn’t answer all of our prayers. I prayed for God to take me one night when I was in a really bad place. In my early years as a Christian, my dad passed, and I went in with all the faith I could muster and laid my Bible on his chest and prayed for God to raise him up. He didn’t, because it wasn’t a part of his will.

    Let’s find out who we are in Christ and who he is in us and then we will know his will.
    Contact us at kingdombuilding73@gmail.com

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    56 mins