• Ivana's Airport Dash: A Christmas Team Triumph

  • Dec 24 2024
  • Length: 15 mins
  • Podcast

Ivana's Airport Dash: A Christmas Team Triumph

  • Summary

  • Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Ivana's Airport Dash: A Christmas Team Triumph Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/hr/episode/2024-12-24-08-38-19-hr Story Transcript:Hr: Zrakoplovna luka Zagreb bila je prepuna ljudi.En: Zrakoplovna luka Zagreb was crowded with people.Hr: Zvukovi božićne glazbe ispunili su terminal, a lampice su svjetlucale na svakom uglu.En: The sounds of Christmas music filled the terminal, and lights sparkled in every corner.Hr: Ivana je stajala u redu ispred kontrole sigurnosti, osjećajući kako joj srce ubrzano kuca.En: Ivana stood in line in front of security control, feeling her heart race.Hr: Bila je blistavi student, možda previše zabrinuta za svoj završni projekt.En: She was an outstanding student, perhaps too worried about her final project.Hr: Njezin tim, kojeg su činili Marko i Luka, čekao je njezin povratak sa završnim dijelom prezentacije.En: Her team, consisting of Marko and Luka, was waiting for her return with the final part of the presentation.Hr: Dok su svi uživali u prazničnoj atmosferi, Ivana je osjećala napetost.En: While everyone else enjoyed the festive atmosphere, Ivana felt tense.Hr: Morala je još jučer biti kod bake po izložbeni predmet, no sada je kasnila zbog nepredviđenih obiteljskih okupljanja.En: She was supposed to have been at her grandmother's yesterday for the exhibit item, but now she was delayed due to unforeseen family gatherings.Hr: Pogledala je prema velikom satu iznad izlaza koji je nemilosrdno otkucavao.En: She glanced at the large clock above the exit that was mercilessly ticking away.Hr: Red se kretao presporo.En: The line was moving too slowly.Hr: Panika ju je počela obuzimati.En: Panic began to take over her.Hr: Pomisao na razočaranje u očima Marka i Luke bila je nepodnošljiva.En: The thought of disappointment in Marko and Luka's eyes was unbearable.Hr: Duboko je udahnula.En: She took a deep breath.Hr: Morala je ostati smirena i smisliti plan.En: She had to stay calm and come up with a plan.Hr: Brzo je prišla jednom od zaposlenika u plavoj uniformi.En: She quickly approached one of the employees in a blue uniform.Hr: "Molim vas", rekla je, "imam školsku prezentaciju koja je jako važna.En: "Please," she said, "I have a very important school presentation.Hr: Možete li mi pomoći proći brže?En: Can you help me get through faster?"Hr: "Zaposlenik ju je pažljivo pogledao, a zatim kimnuo glavom.En: The employee looked at her carefully, then nodded.Hr: "Naravno, hajde brzo, pratit ću te.En: "Of course, come quickly, I'll guide you."Hr: "Ivana je gotovo trčala za njim, preskačući redove putnika.En: Ivana almost ran alongside him, skipping past lines of passengers.Hr: Prošla je kontrolu uz minimalne provjere i stigla na vrijeme na vrata ukrcavanja.En: She passed through control with minimal checks and made it to the boarding gate on time.Hr: Kad je konačno sjela u avion, izdahnula je s olakšanjem.En: When she finally sat down in the plane, she exhaled with relief.Hr: Bila je još korak bliže svom cilju.En: She was one step closer to her goal.Hr: Kad je avion sletio u Zagreb, zrakoplovna luka postala je prava trkaća staza za Ivanu.En: When the plane landed in Zagreb, the airport turned into a real racetrack for Ivana.Hr: Potrčala je prema izlazu.En: She ran towards the exit.Hr: Snijeg je lepršao okolo, stvarajući bijelo čudo oko nje.En: Snow fluttered around, creating a white wonderland around her.Hr: Konačno, stigla je pred školu samo nekoliko minuta prije početka prezentacije.En: Finally, she reached the school just a few minutes before the presentation began.Hr: S ulaskom u učionicu nosila je željeni predmet, a Marko i Luka su joj se s olakšanjem nasmiješili.En: As she entered the classroom carrying the desired item, Marko and Luka smiled at her with relief.Hr: "Ivana, uspjela si!En: "Ivana, you made it!"Hr: "Uzbuđenje je ispunilo prostoriju dok su prezentirali zajedno, slažući svaki dio slagalice.En: Excitement filled the room as they presented together, fitting each piece of the puzzle.Hr: Na kraju, učitelj im je čestitao na izvrsnom radu.En: In the end, the teacher congratulated them on an excellent job.Hr: Ivana je shvatila nešto važno.En: Ivana realized something important.Hr: Ponekad je potrebno tražiti pomoć i vjerovati u druge.En: Sometimes it's necessary to ask for help and trust others.Hr: Nasmijala se sebi dok su svi pljeskali i pohvaljivali timsku suradnju.En: She smiled to herself as everyone clapped and praised their teamwork.Hr: Učionicu je napustila osjećajući se lakše, znajući da nije sama.En: She left the classroom feeling lighter, knowing she wasn't alone.Hr: I dok je Zagreb utonuo u zimsku večer, Ivana je osjetila toplinu Božića i podrške svojih prijatelja.En: And as Zagreb settled into the winter evening, Ivana felt the warmth of Christmas and the support of her friends. Vocabulary Words:crowded: prepunaterminal: ...
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