• Why Trump Won Pennsylvania
    Nov 18 2024

    Why did Donald Trump win Pennsylvania? And why did the Democrats lose it? House Of Alston co-hosts Darrell Alston and Melissa Jacobs are tired of the national media talking about their state - and voters like them. Swing voters, Black male voters, suburban women voters ... Does anyone really understand what is important to us? Does either political party care about us? Darrell Alston and Melissa Jacobs talk about all of that and more on this episode of The House Of Alston.

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    43 mins
  • House Of Alston: Menopause (For Men)
    Oct 11 2024

    Most men don't know much about menopause. But the hot flashes, weight gain, insomnia and mood swings of menopause effect them because they effect the women in their lives.

    In this episode of the House Of Alston, co-hosts Darrell Alston and Melissa Jacobs have an honest (often hilarious) discussion about her changing hormones and their side effects. What do men need to know about menopause? Are their any effective menopause treatments? Can communicating with men about menopause help women?

    What do men really think about all of this? Find out in this episode of the House Of Alston. And tell us what you think! Comment below or email us at thinkbig@bungeebrand.com.

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    50 mins
  • "Daughters" The Documentary
    Oct 9 2024

    The award-winning documentary "Daughters" focuses on young girls whose fathers are incarcerated, and the long and short-term consequences on the girls' lives. During the film, which is based on a program created by Angela Patton, the fathers participate in a parenting program so they can attend a Daddy-Daughter dance inside the prison and spend a few hours of with their kids.

    Called "extraordinarily moving" by the New York Times, Variety said "this quietly consequential film makes clear the weight of mass incarceration on families," and Vulture wrote that "you won't forget the faces of 'Daughters.'"

    The documentary hit home for Darrell Alston, who spent more than a decade incarcerated for selling drugs. But not until this film was released did Darrell Alston speak with his two daughters about that time in their lives and how it effected them.

    In this special, often emotional, sometimes heated episode, the Alston daughters speak with their father about the documentary and their shared past, bravely sharing their thoughts and feelings in the hope that it sparks other people to have difficult - but healing - conversations with their loved ones.

    We want to hear what you think. Please email us at thinkbig@bungeebrand.com.

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    40 mins
  • Side Chicks & Sex Scandals
    Aug 13 2024

    Who is having sex with who - and when and where? Is it any of our business? Maybe not ... unless that person is President of the United States. Presidential sex scandals have rocked our country for decades. JFK, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Donald Trump (and maybe Kamala Harris) ... Do the sex lives of Presidents matter? Does it speak to their judgement and character? Darrell Alston and Melissa Jacobs definitely do not agree on this topic and they talk about all of it on this episode of House Of Alston.

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    23 mins
  • Sex, Drugs & Felonies: The 2024 Presidential Election
    Aug 7 2024

    Donald Trump has 34 felony convictions and people will vote for him for President of the United States. Darrell Alston has 7 felony convictions and couldn't get a job at Super Cuts. Why are people willing to overlook Trump's criminal history but unwilling to give other convicted felons a second chance? Or should they only get hired for "black jobs"? How does Darrell feel about former prosecutor Kamala Harris running for President? And do we really need to know who she slept with? Darrell Alston and Melissa Jacobs discuss all of that and more on this episode of House Of Alston.

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    22 mins