• Home for the Holidays: A Sibling's Heartfelt Reunion

  • Dec 24 2024
  • Length: 16 mins
  • Podcast

Home for the Holidays: A Sibling's Heartfelt Reunion

  • Summary

  • Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Home for the Holidays: A Sibling's Heartfelt Reunion Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2024-12-24-08-38-19-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Luka je nervozno stopal po terminalu Letališča Jožeta Pučnika v Ljubljani.En: Luka nervously paced through the terminal of Letališče Jožeta Pučnika in Ljubljana.Sl: Na stenah so bile obešene svetle lučke in velika božična smreka se je bleščala v svojem kotičku.En: Bright lights were hung on the walls, and a large Christmas tree sparkled in its corner.Sl: Bil je božični večer, a v njegovem srcu je bilo mraz.En: It was Christmas Eve, but his heart felt cold.Sl: Luka živi v tujini že več let.En: Luka had been living abroad for several years.Sl: Družino je obiskoval le občasno, a medtem so se odnosi ohladili. Posebej z Matejo, njegovo mlajšo sestro, ki je vsa družinska bremena nosila sama.En: He visited his family only occasionally, but in the meantime, relationships had cooled, especially with Mateja, his younger sister, who bore all the family burdens alone.Sl: Kajti Luka ni bil tam, ko ga je najbolj potrebovala.En: For Luka wasn't there when she needed him most.Sl: Zato je bil ta obisk še posebej pomemben.En: That's why this visit was especially important.Sl: Luka si je želel ponovno vzpostaviti vez z Matejo.En: Luka wanted to reconnect with Mateja.Sl: Občutek krivde ga je grizel in zelo si je želel popraviti izgubljeni čas.En: Guilt gnawed at him, and he deeply wished to make up for lost time.Sl: Anže, njegov vedno nasmejan bratranec, je pomagal načrtovati družinsko srečanje.En: Anže, his always smiling cousin, helped plan the family gathering.Sl: Anže je vedel, kako je pomembno, da družinski člani ohranijo povezanost, zlasti v času božičnih praznikov.En: Anže knew how important it was for family members to keep their connection, especially during the Christmas holidays.Sl: V terminalu so ljudje hiteli na vse strani.En: People rushed in all directions in the terminal.Sl: Sneg je naletaval zunaj, letala so zamujala, gostilne so bile polne izčrpanih potnikov.En: Snow was falling outside, flights were delayed, and the cafés were full of exhausted travelers.Sl: Luka je opazil Matejo v kavarnici pri izhodu.En: Luka noticed Mateja in a small café near the exit.Sl: Bila je videti zmatrana, a še vedno lepa z zimskimi rdečimi licami.En: She looked tired, yet still beautiful with her winter-red cheeks.Sl: Zbral je pogum in stopil k njej.En: He gathered courage and approached her.Sl: »Mateja,« je začel tiho.En: "Mateja," he began quietly.Sl: Pogledala ga je in v očeh ni bilo zamere, ampak nekaj bolj čustvenega, morda upanje.En: She looked at him, and in her eyes was no resentment, but something more emotional, perhaps hope.Sl: »Luka,« je odvrnila.En: "Luka," she replied.Sl: Glas ji je bil nežen, a zadržan.En: Her voice was gentle, yet reserved.Sl: »Zakaj si prišel?«En: "Why did you come?"Sl: Luka je globoko vdihnil.En: Luka took a deep breath.Sl: »Tukaj sem, ker te pogrešam.En: "I'm here because I miss you.Sl: Vem, da sem bil odsoten, ko si me potrebovala.En: I know I was absent when you needed me.Sl: Želim to popraviti.En: I want to make it right."Sl: Mateja je dolgo gledala v njegovo usodo, zadržano tišino je prekinilo stiskanje njene šalce.En: Mateja looked into his future for a long time, the silence broken only by the clinking of her cup.Sl: Nato se nasmehnila, čeprav skromno.En: Then she smiled, though modestly.Sl: »Veš, vedno sem si želela, da si tukaj,« je rekla.En: "You know, I've always wanted you to be here," she said.Sl: »Samo upala sem, da ti to ni preveč breme.«En: "I just hoped it wouldn't be too much of a burden for you."Sl: Luka je odložil svojo šalico kave in jo prijel za roke.En: Luka put down his coffee cup and took her hands.Sl: »Nisem imel pravega izgovora, samo želim si biti boljši brat.«En: "I had no real excuse, I just want to be a better brother."Sl: Mateja se je naslonila nazaj na stol in globoko izdihnila.En: Mateja leaned back in her chair and exhaled deeply.Sl: V tistem trenutku sta oba razumela, da se načrtuje nov začetek, ki bo zahteval trud z obeh strani.En: In that moment, they both understood that a new beginning was being planned, one that would require effort from both sides.Sl: Objela sta se, njune pretekle zamere so se topile kot sneg na toplem soncu.En: They hugged, their past grievances melting away like snow in the warm sun.Sl: Po dolgem času sta bila spet brat in sestra, tik pred pričetkom božične večerje, kjer bosta lahko razveselila preostanek družine.En: After a long time, they were brother and sister again, just in time for the Christmas dinner where they could delight the rest of the family.Sl: Ob božičnem drevescu sta jih čakala Anže in ostali sorodniki.En: By the Christmas tree, Anže and other relatives waited for them.Sl: Vzdušje je bilo toplo in dobrodošlo, ...
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