• Coaches vs. Mentors: Identifying the Right Support for Your Business Growth
    Dec 24 2024

    Learn How to Remove the 7 Money Blind Spots So That You Can Finally Scale and Build Your Business to 7-Figures and Beyond!


    Are you stuck, or just not seeing results? Maybe it's not you—maybe it's your coach.

    In this episode, we will explore the difference between a coach and a mentor — and help you determine what kind of support you need.

    Coaching is about asking powerful questions to uncover a client's insights, while mentoring comes from individuals who have already achieved specific goals and are sharing their experiences and proven roadmaps.

    You need someone with a clear system to guide you toward your vision while providing the right support and accountability.

    As we approach the end of the year, it's worth asking: Is it time to change your coach? If so, what questions should you be asking to find the right fit?

    Come and join me in this episode of Get Rich Without Being A Bitch: Coaches vs. Mentors: Identifying the Right Support for Your Business Growth.

    Enjoy the podcast? Subscribe and leave a 5-star review!

    Vanessa Shaw is the Founder & CEO of The Business Growth Academy. She is

    an internationally recognized Business Success Coach with clients growing

    over 100% in 100 days, taking worry-free vacations, and becoming the

    breadwinners of their families. She also created the fast-track ELITE program

    which generated more than $13.07 million in new revenue for more than 83

    small business owners during the pandemic. Whether you’re an attorney,

    healthcare professional, financial expert, marketer, branding agency, or

    another professional service provider, Vanessa and her team at BGA can turn

    your entrepreneurial dreams into reality.

    Follow my socials:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vcshaw/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vcshaw/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vanessashawcoach/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/vcshaw

    Visit the Business Growth Academy website.


    #getrich #womenentrepreneurs #womeninbusiness #businessgrowth #coaching #mentor #vision #businessgoals #accountability

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    12 mins
  • Crafting A Compelling Vision For Your Business
    Dec 17 2024

    Get a copy of the 10 Principles of Get Rich Without Being a Bitch. https://businessgrowthacademy.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/grwbab-principles-compressed-1.pdf

    Today, let's explore a key leadership requirement for business owners: crafting a compelling vision.

    A lack of clear vision can leave us susceptible to burnout, but it's equally important that this vision is uniquely ours and truly aligned with who we are.

    I encourage you to reflect deeply—ask yourself the champagne question (what success would look like if everything worked out perfectly) and notice the moments you're holding back or compromising on your vision.

    While society often imposes its definitions of success, your vision is yours to define. Be intentional about identifying what you don't want and uncovering any limiting beliefs holding you back.

    Finally, I invite you to nurture your vision actively. Declare it boldly and commit to becoming the person who can bring it to life.

    Be inspired in this episode of Get Rich Without Being A Bitch: Crafting A Compelling Vision For Your Business.

    Enjoy the podcast? Subscribe and leave a 5-star review!

    Vanessa Shaw is the Founder & CEO of The Business Growth Academy. She is

    an internationally recognized Business Success Coach with clients growing

    over 100% in 100 days, taking worry-free vacations, and becoming the

    breadwinners of their families. She also created the fast-track ELITE program

    which generated more than $13.07 million in new revenue for more than 83

    small business owners during the pandemic. Whether you’re an attorney,

    healthcare professional, financial expert, marketer, branding agency, or

    another professional service provider, Vanessa and her team at BGA can turn

    your entrepreneurial dreams into reality.

    Follow my socials:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vcshaw/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vcshaw/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vanessashawcoach/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/vcshaw

    Visit the Business Growth Academy website.


    #getrich #womenentrepreneurs #womeninbusiness #limitingbeliefs #businessvision #leadership #vision #champagneclients #burnout #goalsetting

    Show More Show Less
    23 mins
  • Playing To Win Versus Playing Not To Lose
    Dec 10 2024

    Get a copy of the 10 Principles of Get Rich Without Being a Bitch.


    In business, are you playing to win or playing not to lose?

    I draw inspiration from my love of tennis to reflect on how I show up in business. Often, it's easier to recognize our patterns in areas outside of work—and then apply those insights.

    This conversation isn't just about "winning" but committing to what aligns with and sustains your energy. It's about focusing on what you stand to gain rather than being driven by fear.

    When we play not to lose, we make decisions rooted in fear, keeping us in our comfort zones. On the other hand, playing to win requires courage—it's about stepping beyond familiar boundaries to pursue what truly matters.

    You are the leader of your life and business. How you show up creates a powerful ripple effect, influencing everything else—and it all starts with you.

    Come and join me in this episode of Get Rich Without Being A Bitch!

    Enjoy the podcast? Subscribe and leave a 5-star review!

    Vanessa Shaw is the Founder & CEO of The Business Growth Academy. She is

    an internationally recognized Business Success Coach with clients growing

    over 100% in 100 days, taking worry-free vacations, and becoming the

    breadwinners of their families. She also created the fast-track ELITE program

    which generated more than $13.07 million in new revenue for more than 83

    small business owners during the pandemic. Whether you’re an attorney,

    healthcare professional, financial expert, marketer, branding agency, or

    another professional service provider, Vanessa and her team at BGA can turn

    your entrepreneurial dreams into reality.

    Follow my socials:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vcshaw/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vcshaw/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vanessashawcoach/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/vcshaw

    Visit the Business Growth Academy website.


    #getrich #womenentrepreneurs #womeninbusiness #winningthegame #buildingconfidence #business #levelup #leadership

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    19 mins
  • No More Excuses: Taking Control of Your Time
    Dec 3 2024

    Get a copy of the 10 Principles of Get Rich Without Being a Bitch.


    In this episode, we’re addressing the #1 excuse that keeps people from moving forward: time.

    Do you often find yourself saying, “I’m too busy” or “I don’t have time to pursue my dreams”? It’s tempting to let these phrases become a shield, protecting us from the discomfort of chasing what truly matters. We often prioritize everything else over our own aspirations.

    I’ve been there—juggling an overflowing calendar and wearing my busyness like a badge of honor. But instead of fulfillment, it brought stress and the realization of just how precious time truly is.

    We often equate being busy with success, but in reality, it’s often our ego at play. True success comes from recognizing that time is our most valuable asset.

    Come and join me in this episode of Get Rich Without Being A Bitch — No More Excuses: Taking Control of Your Time.

    Enjoy the podcast? Subscribe and leave a 5-star review!

    Vanessa Shaw is the Founder & CEO of The Business Growth Academy. She is

    an internationally recognized Business Success Coach with clients growing

    over 100% in 100 days, taking worry-free vacations, and becoming the

    breadwinners of their families. She also created the fast-track ELITE program

    which generated more than $13.07 million in new revenue for more than 83

    small business owners during the pandemic. Whether you’re an attorney,

    healthcare professional, financial expert, marketer, branding agency, or

    another professional service provider, Vanessa and her team at BGA can turn

    your entrepreneurial dreams into reality.

    Follow my socials:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vcshaw/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vcshaw/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vanessashawcoach/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/vcshaw

    Visit the Business Growth Academy website.


    #getrich #womenentrepreneurs #womeninbusiness #timemanagement #businesssuccess #businessowner #settingboundaries #goalsetting #financialfreedom #businesspodcast

    Show More Show Less
    18 mins
  • Getting A Coach: When Are You Ready?
    Nov 12 2024

    Learn How to Remove the 7 Money Blind Spots So That You Can Finally Scale and Build Your Business to 7-Figures and Beyond!


    Hey, superstars! Today, let's get honest:

    Are you coachable?

    In this episode, we answer a listener's question: "How do you know when you're ready for a coach, and what do we look for in coaching clients?"

    If you're committed to growth and self-improvement, then you're already on the path to being ready for coaching.

    Change can be intimidating for some—and working with a coach is all about change. It requires openness, honesty, and a willingness to examine what's working (and what isn't).

    I'm passionate about coaching because everyone can benefit from it.

    So I invite you to stay open to new possibilities, embrace a growth mindset, and take your business to the next level.

    Come and join me in this episode of Get Rich Without Being A Bitch: Getting A Coach: When Are You Ready?

    Enjoy the podcast? Subscribe and leave a 5-star review!

    Vanessa Shaw is the Founder & CEO of The Business Growth Academy. She is an internationally recognized Business Success Coach with clients growing over 100% in 100 days, taking worry-free vacations, and becoming the breadwinners of their families. She also created the fast-track ELITE program which generated more than $13.07 million in new revenue for more than 83 small business owners during the pandemic. Whether you’re an attorney, healthcare professional, financial expert, marketer, branding agency, or another professional service provider, Vanessa and her team at BGA can turn your entrepreneurial dreams into reality.

    Follow my socials:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vcshaw/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vcshaw/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vanessashawcoach/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/vcshaw

    Visit the Business Growth Academy website.


    #getrich #womenentrepreneurs #womeninbusiness #coaching #businesscoach #getacoach #entrepreneur #personalgrowth #growthmindset #community #businesspodcast #successmindset #leadership

    Show More Show Less
    13 mins
  • Navigating Relationships As A High-Earning Woman
    Nov 5 2024

    Get a copy of the 10 Principles of Get Rich Without Being a Bitch.


    Hey, superstars!

    In this episode, we're diving into how financial success can shift power dynamics and relationships with our partners, especially as we begin to earn more.

    Money can be a sensitive topic, often bringing strain to relationships. Traditionally, society has viewed men as primary earners and women as contributors to supplementary income.

    As women entrepreneurs, how can we shift our mindsets, address our triggers, and overcome fears of disempowering our partners?

    Personally, being supportive and aligning our vision of what we want as a couple are key.

    Remember, you're a team, and together, you can navigate and thrive through these changes.

    Come and join me in this episode of Get Rich Without Being A Bitch: Navigating Relationships As A High-Earning Woman.

    Enjoy the podcast? Subscribe and leave a 5-star review!

    Vanessa Shaw is the Founder & CEO of The Business Growth Academy. She is

    an internationally recognized Business Success Coach with clients growing

    over 100% in 100 days, taking worry-free vacations, and becoming the

    breadwinners of their families. She also created the fast-track ELITE program

    which generated more than $13.07 million in new revenue for more than 83

    small business owners during the pandemic. Whether you’re an attorney,

    healthcare professional, financial expert, marketer, branding agency, or

    another professional service provider, Vanessa and her team at BGA can turn

    your entrepreneurial dreams into reality.

    Follow my socials:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vcshaw/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vcshaw/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vanessashawcoach/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/vcshaw

    Visit the Business Growth Academy website.


    #GetRich #womenentrepreneurs #womeninbusiness #highearningwomen #relationships #moneytips #team #alignedgoals #entrepreneur #businesspodcast #empowerment #powercouple #lovelangauge

    Show More Show Less
    19 mins
  • Healing Your Relationship With Money
    Oct 29 2024

    Learn How to Remove the 7 Money Blind Spots So That You Can Finally Scale and Build Your Business to 7-Figures and Beyond!


    In this episode, we'll dive into our emotional connection to finances, focusing on healing our relationship with money.

    Money influences many aspects of both life and business. It can trigger stress, anxiety, and discomfort in our nervous system.

    As entrepreneurs, situations like negotiating with clients, raising fees, engaging in financial discussions, and managing investments often spark anxiety. It's important to recognize that these challenges will arise, and learning how to navigate them is a vital part of growing your business.

    Join me to learn the skills and tools you need to confidently handle financial conversations and create a safe, open environment with people you trust.

    Be empowered in this episode of Get Rich Without Being A Bitch: Healing Your Relationship With Money.

    Enjoy the podcast? Subscribe and leave a 5-star review!

    Vanessa Shaw is the Founder & CEO of The Business Growth Academy. She is

    an internationally recognized Business Success Coach with clients growing

    over 100% in 100 days, taking worry-free vacations, and becoming the

    breadwinners of their families. She also created the fast-track ELITE program

    which generated more than $13.07 million in new revenue for more than 83

    small business owners during the pandemic. Whether you’re an attorney,

    healthcare professional, financial expert, marketer, branding agency, or

    another professional service provider, Vanessa and her team at BGA can turn

    your entrepreneurial dreams into reality.

    Follow my socials:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vcshaw/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vcshaw/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vanessashawcoach/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/vcshaw

    Visit the Business Growth Academy website.


    #getrich #womenentrepreneurs #womeninbusiness #businesspodcast #businessgrowth #businessowner #success #money #fears #healing #grounding #recharge #stresssmmanagement #moneymindset #moneybeliefs

    Show More Show Less
    18 mins
  • Raising Your Rates: How And When To Do It
    Oct 22 2024

    Learn How to Remove the 7 Money Blind Spots So That You Can Finally Scale and Build Your Business to 7-Figures and Beyond!


    Hey, superstars!

    In this episode, I'll answer a listener's question—probably the top question from clients and women: "When do I know how to raise my prices, and how do I overcome my hesitation? Also, what number do I raise them to?"

    Many of us struggle with fears of judgment, rejection, or losing our sense of belonging. But not everyone is your ideal client. Your goal is to attract champagne clients – those who truly appreciate your value.

    Join me as I share actionable tips on how to elevate your mindset and increase your rates confidently without guilt.

    Be inspired in this episode of Get Rich Without Being A Bitch: Raising Your Rates: How And When To Do It.

    Enjoy the podcast? Subscribe and leave a 5-star review!

    Vanessa Shaw is the Founder & CEO of The Business Growth Academy. She is

    an internationally recognized Business Success Coach with clients growing

    over 100% in 100 days, taking worry-free vacations, and becoming the

    breadwinners of their families. She also created the fast-track ELITE program

    which generated more than $13.07 million in new revenue for more than 83

    small business owners during the pandemic. Whether you’re an attorney,

    healthcare professional, financial expert, marketer, branding agency, or

    another professional service provider, Vanessa and her team at BGA can turn

    your entrepreneurial dreams into reality.

    Follow my socials:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vcshaw/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vcshaw/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vanessashawcoach/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/vcshaw

    Visit the Business Growth Academy website.


    #getrich #womenentrepreneurs #womeninbusiness #raisingrates #value #businessrates #productprices #businessdelivery #secretnumber #salesprocess #clientacquisition #mindset #business #champagneclients #businesspodcast

    Show More Show Less
    19 mins