
  • Episode #190: A Conversation about Joy
    Dec 18 2024

    In this week's episode, Aaron and Kevin discuss the visit of Mary to Elizabeth. In this scene, John (inside Elizabeth's womb) leaps for joy because Jesus is there!

    Think about that. It's amazing that these children are interacting within the wombs of their own mothers.

    What role does joy play in your life? Do you have a joyful life?

    There are a lot of misconceptions about what it means to live a life of joy. The guys will discuss those in this conversation and help us to get to a Biblical understanding of joy.

    As always, we hope you enjoy it!

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    37 mins
  • Episode #189: A Conversation about Life in the Shadows
    Dec 11 2024

    Have you ever heard that phrase "in the shadows" before? What sort of image does that conjure up in your mind? Likely, you think of the activity of criminals or secret societies. In Luke 1, the angel Gabriel tells Mary that the "power of the most high will overshadow her." What do you think? Is that a negative comment or a positive one?

    In this week's conversation, Aaron and Kevin are talking about this announcement to Mary, and the metaphorical language of light and shadows.

    We hope that you'll take something you hear in this conversation and start another conversation with someone else.

    We hope you enjoy it!

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    36 mins
  • Episode #188: A Conversation about Waiting
    Dec 4 2024

    In this week's episode, Aaron and Kevin have a conversation about waiting. Why is it so hard for us to patiently wait? Is there something we're missing by rushing through the waiting? What if God is showing up and giving us unique opportunities in those daily interruptions?

    We'll discuss this and more as we enter the season of Advent and longingly, and eagerly wait for the coming of Christ into our lives.

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    33 mins
  • Episode #187: The Apocalypse of Nancy Smith
    Nov 27 2024

    The Greek word "Apocalypse" is the name of the last book of the Bible. Sometimes when we hear that word - Apocalypse - we think of catastrophe and destruction and chaos. But the word actually means what it's translated into in our Bibles: "Revelation" or "revealing."

    In this week's episode, Pastor Kevin sits down with Nancy Smith - a long time member of Saints Peter & Paul. Nancy "reveals" stories of her life, and how the Gospel - and the grace that it teaches - shaped her marriage, her family relationships, and her life.

    Through her sharing you might notice the courage she has to share her life stories. Because, as Nancy knows, she is not defined by the "Old Adam" (the sinful flesh that manifests in our lives), but by the "New Adam" (the new creation that she is - as one fundamentally defined by Christ and His grace).

    Blessings to you as you hear Nancy's stories, and consider the story God is writing in your life - and how His grace changes it all.

    As always, we hope you enjoy it!

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    35 mins
  • Episode #186: A Conversation about What it Means to be New People
    Nov 20 2024

    In this week's episode, Aaron and Kevin are discussing what it means to be new people. The new testament often describes the Christian life as being "new." "The old has gone, the new has come" (2 Corinthians 5:17). But what does it mean to "be new?"

    The guys talk practically about this and share stories of people's lives who have drastically changed as they found freedom in the newness of life Christ offers.

    If you're struggling to let go of your past sins, and the guilt associated with them, or if you're still harboring anger towards those who have offended you, then this conversation is going to be good for you.

    As always, we hope you enjoy it!

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    38 mins
  • Episode #185: A Conversation about Jesus
    Nov 13 2024

    In this week's episode, Aaron and Kevin are talking about Jesus. You might think...but...don't you always talk about Jesus? And you're right, we do. Want to know why? Because, without Jesus, Christianity is nothing. He's the one guy on which the whole thing stands and falls.

    Every page of the Bible is pointing to Jesus and is fulfilled in Jesus.

    As we've been looking at the story line of the Scriptures the last few weeks, in this episode we see how Jesus is at the climax of the story. Just like in any good book or movie, a story line arc hits that climactic moment. That's Jesus in the story of the Bible.

    Throw in a few comments about the weather and a few random dad jokes and you've got yourself a nice new episode of Conversate.

    As always, we hope you enjoy it!

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    34 mins
  • Episode #184: A Conversation about King David
    Nov 6 2024

    In this week's episode, Aaron and Kevin discuss what the Bible tells us about the rise of the Kingdom of Israel. It wasn't necessarily a good idea for the people to demand a king. They were expressly warned against how it might not go so well. God relented and still gave them what they wanted. And, it certainly didn't go perfectly. Yet, God still worked through an imperfect system and imperfect people.

    This conversation was recorded on November 6th, 2024 after the national elections in the United States. There are certainly connections to how we respond to our elected officials as well in light of what we learn from the Biblical account of kings.

    As always, it's our goal that you'll hear something in this conversation and start another conversation with someone else.

    We hope you enjoy it!

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    30 mins
  • Episode #183: A Conversation about Moses
    Oct 30 2024

    The stories of Moses' life are well told throughout movies, children's books, Sunday school lessons, etc. Many of the events that unfolded in his life play a pivotal role throughout the entirety of the Bible in the Old and New Testaments.

    One of the things that he was involved in, which is a huge part of the Scriptural story is the giving of the Law of God to the people.

    In this week's conversation, Aaron and Kevin discuss the role that the law plays in our lives. That leads into further discussion about different ideas about salvation, works, grace, and so on. This is an incredibly helpful conversation as we live in a world which seems to stress salvation by works, and not by grace.

    We hope you enjoy this conversation.

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    37 mins