
  • 69 - Celeste Conowitch from Venture Maidens joins GM Radio Rob
    Jan 20 2019

    Celeste Conowitch is the Producer of and Dungeon Master for Venture Maidens, an actual play 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons podcast. In Venture Maidens, Celeste and three friends entertain each other and their audience by creating tales of adventure and danger in a fantasy realm!

    Celeste is a California based writer who holds a theater degree from San Francisco State, and a lifelong love of tabletop games. As well as Venture Maidens, you can find Celeste featured on many podcasts and Streams throughout the RPG community.

    She is a co host for 'DM Nastics', a bi weekly podcast for to DMs work out their minds, and appears as a featured DM for Wizards of the Coast's Podcasts of Annihilation, Podcasts of Foes, and Podcasts of Waterdeep projects which can be found on the official Dungeon Delve feed.

    Join Celeste and CfG host GM Radio Rob as they talk about making a living from gaming.




    The Venture Maidens Official site - https://www.venturemaidens.com/

    Twitter - https://twitter.com/cconowitch

    Dungeon Master's Block Forums, the home of DM Nastics - http://dungeonmasterblock.freeforums.net/




    Radio Rob Farquhar - http://www.robf.com.au/

    Twitter - https://twitter.com/GMRadioRob

    And at Coaching for Geeks - https://www.coachingforgeeks.com/author/rob-farquhar/



    Join our Community for gaming, careers, dating, life, fitness, cooking, cosplay and much much more - https://www.facebook.com/groups/coachingforgeeks

    Hit up the blog for D&D tips, game reviews, subscription boxes, and all of the above - https://www.coachingforgeeks.com

    Check out Role Play Gourmet and throw some XP into your cooking stat - https://www.coachingforgeeks.com/tag/role-play-gourmet/


    We'll see you next time!

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    43 mins
  • 68 - A beginning in game dev and life with bipolar: Interview with Oliver William Walker
    Dec 9 2018

    Oliver William Walker designs games at Just Add Water. He mets Robin to talk about his career, from college, through university, experiments with games, networking, and moving into the real world of work.

    Robin met Oliver at EGX, where he was participating in a 'disabilities in the gaming industry panel' as Oliver has bipolar disorder. The two touch on how employers can make life easier for anyone with any kind of mental disorder. Remember kids! Everyone is different and your needs may vary, but all employers can do more to help.

    Whether you want to find out how to get into the gaming industry, how to support your team or get some support for yourself, or are just plain nosey, this one's for you.


    MORE FROM OLIVER Check out Oliver's site and play some games for free! - https://oliverwilliamwalker.co.uk/

    Follow Oliver on Twitter - https://twitter.com/olivergamedev

    Listen to the session from EGX - https://soundcloud.com/user-240178044/disabilities-in-the-games-industry



    Find out more about Just Add Water (and check out the 'careers' tab) - http://www.jawltd.com/

    Follow JAW Ltd on twitter - https://twitter.com/jawltd


    MEANWHILE... AT COACHING FOR GEEKS We're getting ready to get fit in 2019 with our Fitness for Newbies course! - https://t4s.site/cfg/fitness-for-newbies-pre-sale/

    Join the community and vote in the 2018 CfG Awards - https://www.facebook.com/groups/coachingforgeeks

    And check out the blog for all your geeky careers, fitness, gaming, cooking, dating, cosplay and more! - https://www.coachingforgeeks.com


    Don't forget to hit that subscribe button, download a few of the old episodes if you're new, and we'll see you next week.




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    31 mins
  • 67 - Hand Crafted Boardgames - Jackson Pope of Eurydice Games
    Dec 2 2018

    Jackson Pope makes boardgames by hand. With cardboard, craft knives, and a lot of patience, he's published 6 games in this manner. Now he's Kickstarting Flick Fleet - 

    Robin joins Jack to talk about the games, tools, and inspiration that led down this strange career path. 



    Less than a week remains, go back Flick Fleet Now!




    Twitter - https://twitter.com/jackson_pope

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/jacksonpopeeg/

    Website - http://www.eurydicegames.co.uk/




    You've got a day and a half to join Fitness for Newbies with over £100 off! Remove Gymtimidation, turn fitness into a game, work with a team to bring down the enemy forces and win!




    Make your CV sexy and slick with our pack of four fully customisable CV templates. 




    Grows ever larger and we do careers, fitness, dating, gaming, all kinds of geekery, plus giveaways - win a My Geek Box! https://www.facebook.com/groups/coachingforgeeks



    Looking for specific content? Ask the bot for help! m.me/coachingforgeeks?ref=GeekBot

    Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe - especially on Apple as we had to change RSS feeds...


    We'll see you next week. Never forget to be awesome.


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    33 mins
  • 66 - Will Jones from Encounter Roleplay - making a living from roleplaying
    Nov 18 2018


    Guest: Will Jones of Encounter Roleplay

    Will is a D&D S*x Icon and the creator of the Twitch, YouTube and podcast channel Encounter Roleplay, specialising in live streams and podcasts of folks playing roleplaying games. The channel has built a reputation on a flavour of play where the player characters aren't adventurers so much as desperate folk struggling to do right in harsh, relentless realms.

    Encounter Roleplay has allowed Will to be self-employed for the past two years via Twitch affiliation, YouTube ad revenue and Patreon backing.








    Host: GM Radio Rob

    Rob Farquhar is a podcaster, voice talent, writer and, most importantly, game master of tabletop roleplaying games. Previously hosted The Paid to Play Podcast, a career podcast about getting paid to do what you love doing, and Only In Death, an actual play podcast using Deathwatch, a roleplaying game in the Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay line.





    Join the community for a chance to win a My Geek Box Monthly! www.facebook.com/groups/coachingforgeeks

    Get critting in the kitchen with Role Play Gourmet where cooking is an adventure: https://www.coachingforgeeks.com/geek-life-and-geek-culture/level-up-your-life-skills/

    Join the mailing list for exclusive content and offers PLUS BLACK FRIDAY DEALS! https://robinbates.activehosted.com/f/3


    Hit that subscribe button, never forget to be awesome, and we'll see you next week.


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    49 mins
  • 65 - Interview with SEGA/Two Point Hospital Community Manager - Lauren Carter
    Nov 11 2018

    Lauran Carter has worked with some of the big names in gaming - Electronic Arts, Microsoft Xbox, Codemasters, Lionhead Games - and now SEGA/Two Point Studios. Overseeing the community management aspect of Two Point Hospital's launch, Lauran knows a thing or two about engaging with a community, handling trolls, and building a brand.

    Join Lauran and Robin as they talk all things community management - how to get into the industry,  the skills needed, social media, and how being lovely can get you far. If you're in any creative industry this one is not to be missed! FOLLOW LAURAN On Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheAlbionGirl On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thealbiongirl/ The Supercoolcast: https://supercoolcast.co.uk/ SEGA/TWO POINT STUDIOS


    Two Point Hospital: https://www.twopointhospital.com/

    Two Point Studios: https://www.twopointstudios.com/



    If you're interested in community management in any way, and are free on the 3rd of December, come along to the Rocket Jump Community Managers' Summit, hosted by Lauran:  https://rocketjumpevents.com/



    Our Careers Service is now available with CV templates, interview coaching, and more! https://www.coachingforgeeks.com/level-up-your-career/ Join the mailing list for exclusive Black Friday deals coming soon... https://robinbates.activehosted.com/f/3 We'll see you next week when GM Radio Rob meets Encounter Roleplay. In the meantime, be awesome!

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    43 mins
  • 64 - Hero Master interview with Jamie Noble Frier - boardgame design and Kickstarter
    Oct 7 2018

    The Coaching for Geeks Show returns! And what better way to celebrate Season 2 than with terrible heroes who got picked last for adventuring.


    Jamie Noble Frier, AKA The Noble Artist, joins CfG Robin Bates to talk of Hero Master: An Epic Game of Epic Fails which is currently in its final week on Kickstarter - https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/thenobleartist/hero-master-an-epic-game-of-epic-fails-the-board-g

    From digital artist to game designer, Jamie has worked on novels, boardgames and even League of Legends has seen output from his digital quill.

    Now his focus has turned to creating a board game of his own - and what a game it's shaping up to be. A humorous card game of dysfunctional dungeon crawling for 2-4 players. Light-hearted humour meets surprisingly deep strategy in Hero Master: An Epic Game of Epic Fails.

    Find out more about the Kickstarter journey, game design, and Jamie even offers up his help and advice to anyone who wants it in the CfG Facebook group.


    Since we recorded the Kickstarter campaign has gone live, smashing through it's target in a matter of hours. Get on board now and fund Hero Master while you still can!


    Follow Jamie:

    Hero Master Kickstarter - https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/thenobleartist/hero-master-an-epic-game-of-epic-fails-the-board-g

    Noble Artist website - https://thenobleartist.com

    Hero Master Facebook community - https://www.facebook.com/groups/HeroMastergame/

    The Noble Artist Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/thenobleartistofficial/


    Meanwhile at Coaching for Geeks HQ:

    The website is undergoing a massive overhaul with new series; learn to cook and gain XP with The Role Play Gourmet and all things cosplay with The Stitch coming soon -  https://www.coachingforgeeks.com

    Our community has hit 1222 members - we have some surprised planned! Come and join us - https://www.facebook.com/groups/coachingforgeeks/


    Don't forget to like, share, subscribe, and tell your friends - we have lots more to come in Season 2 with geek dating with Rami, excitable fitness with Coach Austin and new team member GM Radio Rob talking all things Patreon, and plenty of surprised along the way.


    Coaching for Geeks - we're back, and we mean business.

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    40 mins
  • The MCM London Interviews - Overwatch - Mercy, Zarya and Genji - Lucie Pohl, Gaku Space and Dolya Gavanski
    Jul 1 2018

    More MCM interview goodness - this time the Overwatch voice actors took to the press room.

    Actor and stand-up comedian Lucie Pohl (Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, Red Dwarf) plays Overwatch’s resident guardian angel Mercy. A peerless healer, Swiss scientist Mercy – real name Angela Ziegler – is a staunch advocate for peace. However, when the going gets tough and innocents are imperilled, the angelic doctor can be counted on to don her Valkyrie swift-response suit and jump into the action.

    Tokyo-born Gaku Space (Westworld, Street Fighter: Assassin’s Fist) stalks Blizzard’s battlefields as shuriken-shooting cyborg Genji Shimada. The younger sibling of Overwatch hero Hanzo, Genji grew up the spoiled son of the Shimada ninja clan and was almost killed by his brother when he refused to abandon his playboy ways. Transformed into a cyborg by the Overwatch organisation, Genji is now a living weapon possessing superlative mobility and combat skills.

    Gavanski’s character Zarya – aka Aleksandra Zaryanova – is one of the world’s strongest women, a celebrated athlete who sacrificed personal glory to protect her family, friends and country in a time of war. Deploying powerful barriers that convert incoming damage into energy for her particle cannon, the stalwart Siberian soldier is an invaluable asset on the front lines of any battle. Want more conventions? Head on over to the blog - https://www.coachingforgeeks.com/blog

    Want to go to conventions with a CfG press pass and report back? Join us at https://www.facebook.com/groups/coachingforgeeks


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    10 mins
  • The MCM London Interviews - GTAV - Shawn Fonteno, Ned Luke, Steven Ogg
    Jun 24 2018

    On with the MCM Sessions! And this time it's the guys from Grand Theft Auto V.

    Ned Luke, Shawn Fonteno and Steven Ogg voice the three playable protagonists of Rockstar’s acclaimed gangster drama, which is set in the fictionalised LA of Los Santos.

    Ned Luke (Boardwalk Empire, Law & Order: SVU) plays middle-aged ex-robber Michael Townley, who is living under witness protection in Los Santos as ‘Michael De Santa’ following a botched bank job. Depressed by his staid new life and dysfunctional family, Michael returns to his bad old ways, kicking off a crime spree of epic proportions.

    Los Angeles-born actor and rapper Shawn ‘Solo’ Fonteno plays Franklin Clinton, a former gang member who attempts to ditch his past by working as a repo man for a shady car dealership. However, a run-in with Michael draws Franklin back into the criminal lifestyle, with the pair forging a father/son style bond as they carry out heist after heist together.

    Steven Ogg, whose recent small screen credits include Westworld, The Walking Dead and Better Call Saul, plays pilot-turned-criminal Trevor Philips, who used to be Michael’s best buddy back in their bank-robbing days. Unstable, violent and high on his own supply, Trevor runs a drug-trafficking and gun-running operation out of his trailer park home.


    Check out the blog for all our MCM coverage - https://www.coachingforgeeks.com/blog

    And join the FB gang if you want to cover cons with a press pass - https://www.facebook.com/groups/coachingforgeeks


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    14 mins